What is it that you miss when you come home from your disney vacation?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
ok guys..
what things do you miss when you come home from disney? it can be anything corny or not... things you miss even before your last day is done........it can be watching those disney tip of the day commercials in your resort room.....or hearing the monorail speal.....( one of my favorites) or maybe it's those cinnimon/sugary nuts they sell.(also my favorite).....anything goes....:sohappy:


Well-Known Member
I miss the atmosphere. You just get this happy feeling form the Disney atmosphere that you can't get anywhere else, no matter how hard you try. I'm also sad cuz I prolly won't be going back to Disney when I leave for 6 whole months. I mean, I was there just over a month ago and I already wanna go back!


New Member
I miss it all! And yes........I am bummed when I get home and cant watch Disney Park info on the tv... You almost get that same brain-dead feeling you would have from being at a spa all day. That place is just incredible!! :cool:


New Member
I miss everything. Even just the excitement of getting ready to go is missed. Luckily, I start a new countdown when I get back from this trip.

In the meantime.....

3 days,11 hours,30 minutes, 1 second



For me, the first day I get home.. I am kinda happy.. but after that first day.. I get really miserable, and miss my Walt Disney World. :( Oh well... only 24 more days!! :sohappy:


New Member
I miss everything
I cry the whole plane ride home

The thing I miss the is the excuse that i am on vacation and therefore can justify what ever I want because I am on vacation


Active Member
The theme parks, water parks, the hotel rooms, the hotel pool, just about every little thing or detail that lets you know you are in Walt Disney World.

and I'm going to WDW in about 2 and 1/2 weeks so dont get me thinking about leaving this soon, thanks :lol:


New Member
Sharing a turkey leg with my wife :kiss:
Eating a Dole Whip :slurp:
Riding the Haunted Mansion

But mainly watching so many people walk around not believing that they are in such a beautiful, magical place and trying to take as much of it in as they can. When you see a child who's face lights up at a character and just wants to give them a hug it is truly wonderful. Just the overall warm and fuzzy feeling that Disney provides. That's what I miss as soon as I leave.


New Member
Everything of course!

Yes - the Tip for Today TV thing. Love that!

I miss 'Ohana
I miss washcloth bunnies at CBR
I miss funny bus drivers
I miss shopping at DD
I miss Pooh, Tigger, Eeyore and Piglet
I miss chocolate sundaes at DD Ghiradelli Soda Fountain
I miss all 999 ghosts in the Haunted Mansion


New Member
I miss everything, but the things that stand out are sitting on the balcony at AKL, Downtown Disney, the TTA at MK, Chicken Strips, Refillable mugs AKA unlimited Coke, and EVERYTHING!!!


New Member
I miss...

Chef Mickey's, Boma and DYC Galley's breakfast buffet!

People watching while waiting for a parade

The sounds of the steam whistles from the locomotives!

The smell of fresh popcorn and sunblock

seeing smiles on my children's faces

Listening to my family scream on Thunder, Space and Splash Mountain

Meeting and sharing experiences with new people.

Getting to make a complete fool of yourself in a 'streetmosphere' and not feeling self conscious about it (you will never see those same people again so why not have fun?)

Cinnamon roles at Tusker House!

Steak at the Yachtman's Steak House.

Playing all 99 holes in one vacation!

The sound message on the monorails "please stand clear of the doors - por favor mon..........."

The same guy's voice welcoming you to the Olrando Int'l Airport


New Member
I miss the hotel and everything that goes along with it. The nice people, the insanity of the Whispering Cannyon (and the food) the smell, the pool... EVERYTHING!!


New Member
Well, I want to say that I miss everything when I leave but that's so broad. I hate leaving MK knowing that I won't be back again for awhile. Only you guys can not want to committ me when I say that I cry everytime I leave MK at the end of a vacation. It's so wonderful to sit at night on Main Street and people watch. Watching other families leaving after a magical day spent in a magical place. It makes everything else we have to go through in life worthwhile.
I even miss the gross smell of the monorail. lol
35 days til I'm happy again!

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