what is happening to disney? :'(


New Member

1. WOM had to go. From all accounts it was a maintenance nightmare.

2. Test Track, Pooh & Buzz can hardly be considered poor attractions...Look at the lines. Personally, I think they're great.

3. Walt's rides. Walt would have dismantled many of HIS classics long before the current Disney has. Walt was an innovator, he didn't rest on his accomplishments and didn't want monuments built to him (he has that in the Company name).

As for the term "classic" & making memories and such. That is really so personal. TT may not be considered classic today, and heck, maybe it never will, but for my family (for some specific reasons) it will always be special. But new classics will evolve. Someday TT will close and I beleive the same hue & cry will be heard from the next couple of generations about tearing down classics. I'm sure Joe Blow or whomever is at Disney's helm in the post-Eisner years will have a lot of trouble hiding from Eisner's ghost...Maybe not as much trouble as Eisner's having from Walt, but still the comparisons will continue.

As for the thread title, "What is happening to Disney?" I think it's called evolution.
:cool: :cool: :king: :cool: :cool:


these type of subjects come up alot.. and the frustrate me... yeah... you say pooh and test track.. ect. are poor rides.. but im sure when i go to disney you'll be there standing in line like everyone else for an hour waiting to ride it! these rides aren't bad! they are great improvements to the parks, and you shouldnt diss them... i for one, like them. I am happy toad is gone... if it had not been for my dad I would have never heard about toad....(hes a super 8 film collecter) i personally was frightened by the ride... now.. going on strike?!!? haha yeah.. we should go on strike against you guys :lol: i know seeming kinda rude and crap, and i know thats your opinion, but think about what your saying.. if it weren't for eisner... disney would definately not be where they are now... i feel proud of myself now... :king: :sohappy: :king:


New Member
Re: Re: what is happening to disney? :'(

Originally posted by Fievel

Wow...can we get an english teacher to make some corrections?

Face it...anything that has left isn't coming back....

sum us us's are southern and we tawlk funny and write funny :)

Luau Cove

New Member
I also hate Disney closing or replacing some classic rides, but I'm sure there is a reason for that, for example, if Disney is not updated day by day other Orlando parks like the new IoA will start taking people who are bored or know Disney rides by hard (not fans) and want something new because if not there's not reason for them to come back so Disney needs to move on mostly obliged by people's interests and likes, and there's nothing we can do about it but try to have fun with the new rides.


Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
Many of you guys are saying that they are taking Walt out when they closed WoM and Horizons. But remember if Walt had lived for Epcot there would be no Horizons or WoM (and JII for that case). The Disney company made those, and they are in no way at all related to walt. So for them to take them away and put new rides that are creations of the Walt Disney Company and not the man himself is OK to me.

But in the case of CoP I get a little upset. Only because of it's strong history. It would be like getting rid of Small World.

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by monorail256
im all with you disneyinsider... i never really thought of it that way... but yeah.. im with you! lol

All right a supporter, I think that might be a first for me.

Actually I just thought about that reading a couple of these posts. I originally felt like these people, but then realized Walt was no way related to those rides.


New Member
I agree with all of you but in different ways.....okay.......im sure the reason why Disney got rid of Dreamflight and Mr.Toads Ride is becuase is wasnt very popular any more..and to think of it....disney would lose a lot of money if they did not get rid of them .......now on to Buzz Lightyear and TestTrack....These are very popular rides and attract many visitors to EPCOT Center and MK becuase of all the new and interesting rides and this is good for disney....


Well-Known Member
First off, let me just say that I think Eisner is doing a decent job...I used to think he was to blame until I did more reading, and research...and learned facts...I am glad he is there....
I will be the first to admit, that I am sad Horizons is gone. I loved WOM too...but progress has to be made. I just came across a souvenir book that has some AWESOME pics of these rides in it..those will be the memories for me.
I believe that Walt would want change, and constatnly have new innovative ideas..thats why they never threw away ideas that the imagineers would come up with...for future parks and attractions. I suggest reading the Imagineering book, for those of you interested in how things work.
OH! And I have to say...I love the Pooh ride...bouncing wih Tigger, and floating along in the rain is fun for me....


Well-Known Member
once again...disney replaced those rides because they were unpopular. I get so sick of people saying you don't learn anything on Test Track. You learn as much on it as you do on any other Future World attraction! They all teach you what we are doing TODAY that you didn't know about. The Land shows how we are growing crops with heightened technology TODAY. Living Seas shows how we are working to preserve our aquatic ecosystems. Universe of Energy shows how we are presently looking for new energy sourced. World of Motion shows how we make sure the cars you drive today are safe. They just do so with thrill instead of an Omnimover--a dying breed in Epcot. To be honest with you, I learn a lot more from Test Track than from some animated view of the history of motion...granted World of Motion was amusing, Test Track is much more up to date and FUN! By the way...it is not a five minute experience. The queue line and post show area are all part of the experience...and on a bad day, it can be the longest experience in the park! You should also be happy about the Space Pavillion. Remember that most of the building opens this summer which means there is a LOT to look at! You will be guaranteed to learn a lot about something that has never been at Epcot and it will certainly be interesting. One question...do you learn anything in Wonders of Life? In all honesty...I don't...it needs to be redone...


New Member
as for not being popular .. I personally can remember an hour wait out side WOM (from this point) and long lines for Horizons also, same with Mr.Toad, but I will admit I dont remember every having to stand in line very long for Dreamflight.


Well-Known Member
those attractions, I can guarantee you, did not have hour waits toward the end of their runs. They were "walk-ons". Regardless, I love Pooh, Buzz, and Test Track...only complaint I have about a recent replacement is Journey...but they may be fixing that. As for the Tiki room...I like what they did, but I think they didn't do enough (i.e. it's too short)...it doesn't have much of a story anymore...but I do like the music picks!


New Member
I personally can remember an hour wait out side WOM (from this point) and long lines for Horizons

I do - all I have to say is thank god for my gameboy :)

I'm a little ticked to see some things go - but I'm not totally against change. I mean,you have to keep somethings fresh.
What I don't agree with is replacing a ride with something pointless (read: crapfest). My biggest fear is seeing WDW become a themed carnival-type atmostphere, like some of the 6 Flags or my local theme park Jazzland (AKA St Mark's parish fair).

But I definitly see why some people are so up in arms about things if it was their favorite ride, I mean I would chain myself for the doors of Gracey Manor if they decided to axe the Mansion.

yeah... rambling probably made no sense, but I'm in class :)


Well-Known Member
My main problem with Epcot these days is the fact that I can see a trend happening. For one, Epcot has always been my favorite park and have been visiting there since inception. I've always been critical of Epcot because of my love for it. Certain moves have been good (Innoventions taking over Communicore), some have been bad (Do I even have to mention Journey??), but all in all, I still love Epcot.

The main problem now is the lack of thing for KIDS to do in Epcot. Children are disensatized these days and want thrills. Epcot is about discovery and some people just don't want that in an theme park. That's why Test Track was built and the thrills will probably continue in Mission: Space.

On Saturday walking through Epcot, my brother made a funny comment along the lines of "At this rate, they'll rip out SpaceShip Earth and put a coaster in the ball." Funny, but scary if you think about it....


New Member
I can understand everyone who is complaining about the changing of rides because they are "classic" but you have to understand that most of the rides, especially the Epcot ones, are outdated. When I went to WDW in 1998 I remember going on Horizons when it was reopened because TT was being redone after the soft opening and I remember that it was incredibly outdated. I remember sitting there and realizing that the new technologies they were discussing were for the most part already in existance and I found the ride very boring. As for TT I was actually fairly disappointed for two reasons: 1. The original walk through area that had all the good educational value was being used for the fast pass users, and I feel it would be better for people who didnt have fast pass to actually have something to do, rather than sit outside and do nothing and 2. except for the last part outside, the ride was not nearly as enjoyable as WoM, granted WoM was very dated and did need an overhaul. As for Journey into Imagination, I thought the ride was good, but definitely should have been left as a childrens ride with Figment because I remember enjoying that ride so much as a kid.

Now to the MK, Toad I was sad to see go, but understood why it did go; the Tiki Room was an abomination, and G-D awful and for the first time ever, my brother and I left from a Disney attraction early; I don't really remember DreamFlight and thought the Buzz Lightyear was neat, but something I'd only do once a trip. As long as they don't mess with CBJ and PoC we should be in good shape, but if they had to change one think in MK, I think they should redo the Space Mountain track like the one in France and have loops and corkscrews and cool stuff like that, but I know that'd be very unpopular.

As for the other two parks, which rides do you think will be replaced in the Studios and AK? Personally I think that the Backlot Tour needs to be totally revamped in the Studios, and also, they should scrap camp Minnie-Mickey and build Beastlie Kingdomme (or Beastly Kingdom, however it is spelled).



New Member
I realize that things must change ..and most people would ( not WDW People ) think we need to all get a life .. I get a bit crazy when I tell someone I am going to WDW and they ask the really dumb question .. "the one in California or Florida" the point was made that Walt didnt have anything to do with WOM ..but you could feel a piece of Walt in the ride .. I was born the same month and year Disneyland open .. I have been a disneynut all my life starting with the original mickey mouse club. I cant quote every word Walt ever said (with out getting it from one of my books ) and I know if he were still around there would be changes. someone else on this topic said they dont bring things back ..that seems not to be true ... because from what I understand they are bringing our darling Figment back :) I think for most of us its not the change ..its losing something we love .. I have seen alot of you that love HM .. and like Brett said .. does anyone want Space Ship Earth turned in to a coaster ride?? I think in away our ranting over the changes is just a part of mourning something we loved. It takes time to get over it and remember what you thought wasnt fun was to someone one :)


Well-Known Member
It's interesting to read all the "Walt is rolling in his grave" type posts here. I must note that Walt would probably be at the helm guiding the changes that everyone seems to hate if he were still here. To that end, I post the following quote:

"The only thing we should fear and be on constant guard against is getting bogged down - getting into ruts of monotony and timeworn repetitions which the business of entertainment cannot long stand."
- Walt Disney

I won't even mention the fact that Walt refers to the BUSINESS of entertainment a lot in things he had written or spoke. (OOPs I guess I did mention it.)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Hurricane

But there are some things that just shouldn't be F-ed with, Toad was one, the WEDway people move is another, apart from the De-Walt-ing (my own creation, taking Walt and his genius out of the park and replacing it with Eisners Chicago School Economics) the new people mover just doesn't have the same memorizability of the old wedway. Dreamflight was great, you could always walk on and sit down in the cool, it wasn't a great ride but I think it was pretty decent (I'm sooooooooo glad they kept those projection screens that play the immersion movies)

Why can't old attractions be slightly revamped, remarketed and kept open if only on a scaled back basis (ie COP) so people can share memories with their children and friends, I would love to take my kids on WOM, but I will never be able to do that. When new E tickets are needed just build them somewhere else, theres plenty of space at EPCOT MGM and Animal Kingdom, MK has some openings also (sky ride stations, 20k leagues,

wow long post, thanks for listening

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't TTA almost exactly the same as was the WED-Way People mover? I mean, all they did was change the narration to sort of mimic what you hear on the WDW railroad and change only one of the scenes that you pass when going through the buildings. Oh, I guess you could also count the retro support added around the structures holding it up in the center parts of tomorrowland but those were more changes to the area than to this ride itself. I mean, the cars are exactly the same and the track hasn't been changed and the cars and the track are about all there are to this ride.

As for COP, I want it to stay as much as anybody else but let's face it, we're lucky it didn't close down with everything else that did from the original Tomorrow Land. I know that some will probably want to argue this with me but COP is very much out of place from it's surroundings. All of the other attractions in tomorrowland (In all of MK, in fact) are strictly entertainment based today. All of the rest of Tomorrowland conforms to a retro-future that never was but COP is a relic from Tomorrowland 1.0 which was made obsolete by the opening of Epcot. Let me stress again that I don't want to see this attraction leave but I sort of agree with Disney that it would be a logical move when they are ready to put in something new. The ride features old, unconvincing animatronics and at this point, unless they start chopping off the first few decades of the 20th century, they are going to have a light-year jump between the last second to last scene looking back and the final scene of the near future. I don't see any company thinking logically that would invest the money in new animatronics and speaker systems and such for an attraction that doesn't draw crowds even when it's open on a regular schedules. For those of us that really enjoyed it, it's sad but it's reality. Today's audience who has never been to WDW before does Alien Encounter and then goes on that one and sees an outdated attraction in the part of MK that is supposed to look the most modern. They could possibly wrap it on some sort of new story on the way in and keep it going for a few years longer but a lot of people in the "general public" would probably view that as Disney being cheap and trying to get more mileage out of a tired old attraction...

Now, Dream flight/If You Had Wings is another story... I don't mean to make light of anyone's warm memories of this retired attraction but what was that ride doing in Tomorrowland to begin with? It was a ride that promoted airline travel (with a specific carrier, I might add) It was 100% commercial. Many people were flying down to get to WDW when that ride opened. There wasn't anything particularly futuristic (retro or otherwise) about it from day one. I'm sure a lot of people were happy to see them replace it with a 100% Disney attraction. I know everyone thought it was a nice ride to cool down on and get away from the bustle of the parks but lets face it. If it's somewhere you can go to get away from crowds, that's not saying a lot for the attraction. I sort of miss it too but it's time had come...

I liked Horizons and WOM also but aside from a few unique elements (like the ride vehicles and the imax screens in Horizons) they were SSE with different themes... As a matter of fact, as a little kid, I remember getting the elements of SSE and WOM confused because they were so much alike. My best guess would be that that has a lot to do with the reason these rides have been/are being replaced so completely. Someone on here talked about TT being unimaginative compared to WOM... Aside from the theme of travel and the shape of the building, WOM was the twin of SSE. TT is actually a much more original ride that seems to be attracting a LOT more guest than WOM did in its final years of life as a walk-on attraction (like Horizons).... I myself was really upset with the way they changed JII but it was more because replacement was an obviously cheap, downgrade replacement like what happened with Kitchen Cabaret. I have my fingers crossed the the recent changes to JIYI will make the ride at least worth the time.. Nobody can deny that TT and MS are both enormous E ticket project and TT has been wildly popular probably well beyond managements expectations. I remember going for the soft opening of TT and they had well dressed people with Disney tags on asking people what they thought of the ride as they were leaving the unloading platform. The responses were all very positive and these cast members had smiles on their faces stretching from ear to ear...

I understand where you are all coming from. When I was a kid, I loved spending time in Communicore East & West and I can't even tell you the last time I darkened the automatic doors of Innoventions since their most recent change but I don't think for a minute that the Epcot experience would be better with the old attraction in place. Kids today get more out of their home computer than they would those two big buildings...

I think it's ok to say that we miss the old attractions and to gripe about how we don't like the new ones but to say they should have kept them... That's not realistic. They are in the business of catering to the majority and the majority of the visitors to WDW don't visit with the same feelings of sentiment that many of us from here do. It's just reality. Do we have to like it? No... but if we don't accept it, it's only going to detract from future visits by ourselves and by those that go with us that have to listen to all of us talk about how much better things used to be. Just something to think about, anyway :)


New Member
What exactly is a "classic?"

I am 19 years old and have been to Disney Wolrd 12 times. I too loved Mr. Toads wild ride and Horizons, etc. and so on. These are the rides that I, like many, have grown up with and grown to love and miss dearly. But a new generation is upon us now and the rides that Disney is now building will become that generations "classic" rides. If Disney did not expand it would boring and played out. I feel that what they are doing now is not neccessary but brilliant as well.
Mike :king:


New Member
do we agree to disagree

:p ok just a silly idea ..but how bout they take everything and start a whole new park ... a type of history of Disney theme parks Park .. yeah i know ..every one young wants the fastest, and the most modern thing there is:) just us old tired grandparents want to keep what was familar and dear to our hearts .. I dont the COP is out dated .. it shows the past ..and where we are going in the future and could be updated to keep up with the future. Same with SSE ..the history of communication .. and the future of it. ... the WOM was about the history of man getting from Point A to Point B. Horizons too was about the future and where we were going. All I know about Test Track is its got to do with safty and GM .. Mission Space may be a wonderful thing and I kinda look forward to it, but I will still miss horizons and the smell of the oranges :)

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