Hello everyone, I have an announcement. After What If is done, I intend to start my own game called… (drumroll please) The Fozz Games. The way this game will work is that there will be 2 teams of a pre determined amount of players that compete against the other team as you have to create new experiences for theme parks and other things. The losing team will have 2 people nominated for elimination after the first 2 rounds and the way that you are eliminated is a total game of chance (flip a coin or something like that). The winning team can nominate one person to be safe for the next round (can’t be nominated twice concurrently which basically means that you can’t be nominated 2 rounds in a row). The way that you will win is based off of 3 factors (the concept is unique, actually possible, and how well guests would respond to it). These 3 factors contradict each other and both teams have to balance each one. You have 1 week to finish with the possibility of an extension. Anyway, this is the announcement so be prepared for the Fozz Games.