what happened to Have a Magical Day?


Well-Known Member
I’ve come to realization that people will complain about dang near everything.


I was there in April. I got the ubiquitous 'Welcome home" and "have a magical day". I got "good mornings", "thank yous", "enjoys" and some times just a nod of the head.

I think though it may be me, I couldn't tell you what a cm did or did not say to me last trip. but then again I'm sliding into 60 ville, my kids are lucky I remember their name, I've been known to call them by the dogs name.

John park hopper

Well-Known Member

I was there in April. I got the ubiquitous 'Welcome home" and "have a magical day". I got "good mornings", "thank yous", "enjoys" and some times just a nod of the head.

I think though it may be me, I couldn't tell you what a cm did or did not say to me last trip. but then again I'm sliding into 60 ville, my kids are lucky I remember their name, I've been known to call them by the dogs name.

OMG I'm not the only one who calls my son by the dogs name and vis a versa. Ain't getting older grand


Well-Known Member
No one's ever told me to have a Disney day so I guess I'm doing good. I haven't really noticed a drop off in "have a magical day"

Well, at least you didn't have a Six Flags day (and believe me they do say this in their parks) ..... How does one have a day to represent the Six different nations that governed Texas?

If I went to Disney and had a Six Flags day I'd want my money back.


Well-Known Member
“Have a Magical Day” unfortunately has taken on a rather more unpleasant meaning by CMs these days so corporate have obviously clamped down on it to avoid offence to those more in the know. Shame really.

any phrase can take on an unpleasant meaning. Unless you can read peoples minds there is no way to know what the true meaning is behind anything anyone says. I could associate waving at people to really mean flipping them off. So now we should ban waving at people?

People just need to realize the world dosen't revolve around them, just because you associate a meaning to a phrase/action doesn't mean everyone else on the planet does.


Well-Known Member
any phrase can take on an unpleasant meaning. Unless you can read peoples minds there is no way to know what the true meaning is behind anything anyone says. I could associate waving at people to really mean flipping them off. So now we should ban waving at people?

People just need to realize the world dosen't revolve around them, just because you associate a meaning to a phrase/action doesn't mean everyone else on the planet does.
Lol calm down. @raven24 I know you’re a former DLR CM, is there any truth in this?

Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
Lol calm down. @raven24 I know you’re a former DLR CM, is there any truth in this?

I used to genuinely mean it when I would tell guests to “have a magical day.” Then it started feeling fake to me, so I started saying “enjoy your day,” or “have a good day,” which was fine. It got to a point where if I said “have a magical day,” it meant f*ck you. The guests can take you there and test your patience after working there for a while. I wasn’t the only CM who did this.

I can’t stand it when I hear the fake high pitch in a CM’s voice when they say “have a magical day!” Corporate BS.


Well-Known Member
I had to phone Disney to give them flight info changes for DME the other day. The CM who assisted me did end the phone call with, "Have a very magical rest of your day."

I don't mind it at all and appreciate that it is more than a simple "have a good day" that I would get calling the bank or post office.

Mr Ferret 75

Thank you sir. You were an inspiration.
Well, bless your heart ;)


Well-Known Member
When you don't go to the parks often "have a magical day" is pure Disney gold. IT reminds you of where you are, and that you aren't in the rat race that you came from. (HAHA rat race.. mickey mouse) sorry.. tangent.... I smile everytime I hear it. I'm sure if you go often..
I have just gotten back from 6 days at WDW.. .and while the staff was outstanding and courteous and outgoing and friendly.. One thing was missing.. No More " Have a Magical Day".. and I was shocked.. I always look forward to having a magical day in the parks.. and I work in a call center and when I speak to people from the Orlando area... I almost always say it to them. .
that and the true absence of seeing Mickey.. Mickey , himself was almost absent from the park.. Grant you that it was very very rainy all week.. but we had a true absence of characters on a whole..
When you don't go to the parks often "have a magical day" is pure Disney gold. IT reminds you of where you are, and that you aren't in the rat race that you came from. (HAHA rat race.. mickey mouse) sorry.. tangent.... I smile everytime I hear it. I'm sure if you go often.. or have to say it, that it does feel forced and not as special. And I kind of agree with you on the characters, it used to be you saw them walk around and giving hugs, sometimes they would have a line, but you still saw them just walking around. As a kid (or kid at heart) it was another thing that reminded you that you were somewhere special and magical. Now its all about meet and greets, you still see characters walking around I just don't think its as frequent. If I saw a character today id give him a high five.. maybe a hug.. but ill never stand in line an hour.


Well-Known Member
“Have a Magical Day” is a corporate, manufactured, spiel and I’m glad there’s has been a decrease in its usage. I much offer a genuine “have a nice visit, day, etc” over the latter. But that’s just my opinion

I agree. I find it smarmy and corporate and canned. It can also be creepy when said by certain CM's or with a certain tone. It's also one of those things that happens widely at Disney World, but you hardly ever hear a Disneyland CM say it. The few times I've heard a Disneyland CM say it they had some East Coast city on their nametag and were probably an exchange student.

OG Runner

Well-Known Member
“Have a Magical Day” unfortunately has taken on a rather more unpleasant meaning by CMs these days so corporate have obviously clamped down on it to avoid offence to those more in the know. Shame really.

This is what I had heard a while back and was thinking it is a good thing that you had not heard "Have a Magical Day" and if you
have, what were you doing when you did? ;)


New Member
I think it rather odd that people here are complaining about a cast member greeting you with "HAVE A MAGICAL DAY." Why doesn't everyone turn that around and greet the greeter with that expression before he or she has a chance to get you. Have you ever thought of putting yourself in the shoes of a cast member that says that a thousand times a day and all he gets back is attitude. He loves his job or he wouldn't be there. Make him know he/she knows that you value what he has to offer. Remember you CHOSE to come to Disney World. Make it magical for everyone that meets you there.
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New Member
I was told multiple times by female cast members to "Have a Magical Day" earlier this month when I was there. Still love hearing that each time.

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