What film will win this summers box office earnings??


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Theres alot of movies coming out in the next few months....

Pirates 3
Shreik 3
Spidey 3
Somthing else 3
and all the other films I forget about........

Heres who I think will win in order according to box office numbers $$$$$$$

1. Pirates 3
2. Spidey 3
3. Somthing else
4. Shreik 3

The best overal film according to quality will be Pirates, yes I am biased, but with the trilogy rapping up, I hope, really really hope it will be well worth it.

Oh, and why did I put Shreik 3 at #4????



Well-Known Member
I know either Spiderman 3 or Pirates 3 will come out on top, I just don't know which one. I would like to see Pirates on top (I'm a bit biased as well :lookaroun ).

Shrek 3 does not interest me at all. I liked the first two....not loved, but they had their moments. I don't think I'm going to see this one.

I think Harry Potter 5 will have some big numbers....the trailer looks amazing. Judging from the trailer, it looks like the best one yet.


Well-Known Member
I have no idea what film will come out on top, but it should be an interesting summer. I don't recall a summer when so many big movies were released during the same season.

I originally thought Spiderman would win the race given its huge opening and three weeks/2 weekends where it was practically the only film fighting for screens and theaters. While it smashed box office records over the weekend, its weekday totals thus far have actually been disappointing with numbers even less than the original Spiderman had on the same respective days when it was released. While nobody expected huge weekdays since school is still in session, the drops on Monday and Tuesday may be an indication that word of mouth on thid less than stellar third installment is getting around...or it may just mean this is a big weekend movie and not a big weekday movie. Its drop this weekend will be the real indication of its potential.

Shrek 3 may be a suprise or a real disappointment. Even though it is the sequel to the largest animated film of all time at the box office, the 'talk' about it online, and in general, coupled with some less than compelling trailers, may cause a disappointment with this film. For example, if you visit the message boards regarding this movie on imdb or yahoo, you will notice that entries regarding the film are few and far between. Whether or not those boards are any indication of the interest in the movie, I don't know. It almost seems to be the forgetten film in the media too, which seem to think Pirates and Spiderman are the only big films opening in May. I consider Shrek 3 a big film given the success of its predecessor, but early talk about the quality of the film have me questioning its potential.

I think Pirates will open huge. While some left the theater after DMC disappointed (which didn't include me), there is undoubtedly a huge fan base for this film franchise and many want to see how it ends. The trailers have been nothing short of amazing. The only concern I have is if there is enough marketing to let the general public know it opens in a little over two weeks. TV commercials will likely start in full force soon, so I don't think it will be a problem. And as long as it is a good film, it should have a nice run throughout June before the onslaught of big films open (HP, Transformers, Simpsons Movie, etc.).

HP may actually be the big winner this summer, although it isn't mentioned a lot right now. HP fever will hit its peak with the release of the last book in the series, plus the trailers for this newest film have been fantastic.

In all honesty, I believe the contest for the top draw of the summer will be between Spiderman 3 and Pirates 3. I also hope Ratatouille does well. This could be another suprise sleeper of the summer. While expected to do well, I think many are underestimating its potential.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
The one thing that Shrek really has going against it is that its still opening during the school year and not on memorial day which is a huge factor. I expect Shrek's numbers will be big, but not as much as the last one.
coupled with some less than compelling trailers

This is actually what I thought when I saw the Pirates trailer. It didn't grab me as it has apparently everyone else here. I was kinda like...okay. I don't think that the promotion for this film has gone far enough yet, I really think that they need additional commercials, trailers...anything!

I think Shrek will do really well, it's a kid favorite...it's never been one of mine and I've never even seen the 2nd one. I've always thought these movies were blah and it bothered me how everyone assumed that they were spoofing Disney movies. Disney didn't create Snow White, the Seven Dwarves, Pinocchio (sp?) or even half of the fairy tale people in the Shrek movies...ugh. They already existed.

On a side note....Dreamworks is already talking to a guy to direct Shrek 4.

I don't even know when the new Harry Potter movie comes out, but if it's this summer...I might be inclined to say that it'll smash everything else. Not a big fan here either, but the movies have been entertaining...I don't read that much so I've never even touched one of the books.

Ratatoille is coming and I'm excited about it, The Simpsons is coming and I'm really excited about this and then...the Bourne Ultimatum is coming as well (it probably won't do so well), but I'm excited.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Now that I think about it......

All the films's this year will be destroyed next year by.....................

Indiana Jones 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



The one thing that Shrek really has going against it is that its still opening during the school year and not on memorial day which is a huge factor. I expect Shrek's numbers will be big, but not as much as the last one.
:confused: Shrek 2 opened the weekend before Memorial Day as well.

1. Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End - $385m
2. Shrek 3 - $379m
3. Spider-Man 3 - $335m
4. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - $282m
5. Transformers - $238m
6. Rush Hour 3 - $217m
7. Ratatouille - $194m
8. The Bourne Ultimatum - $183m
9. Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer - $178m
10. I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry - $132m

I could see Shrek 3 going higher though.


Well-Known Member
This is actually what I thought when I saw the Pirates trailer. It didn't grab me as it has apparently everyone else here. I was kinda like...okay. I don't think that the promotion for this film has gone far enough yet, I really think that they need additional commercials, trailers...anything!

I think Shrek will do really well, it's a kid favorite...it's never been one of mine and I've never even seen the 2nd one. I've always thought these movies were blah and it bothered me how everyone assumed that they were spoofing Disney movies. Disney didn't create Snow White, the Seven Dwarves, Pinocchio (sp?) or even half of the fairy tale people in the Shrek movies...ugh. They already existed.

On a side note....Dreamworks is already talking to a guy to direct Shrek 4.

I don't even know when the new Harry Potter movie comes out, but if it's this summer...I might be inclined to say that it'll smash everything else. Not a big fan here either, but the movies have been entertaining...I don't read that much so I've never even touched one of the books.

Ratatoille is coming and I'm excited about it, The Simpsons is coming and I'm really excited about this and then...the Bourne Ultimatum is coming as well (it probably won't do so well), but I'm excited.
The promo stuff is starting to pick up. I've seen the trailer on tv now, myspace's home page was covered in Pirates for a while, billboards and posters are popping up, and Albertson's is giving away tickets, so their stores are covered in Pirates.


Well-Known Member
Pirates and Potter....There are no others as far as I am concerned.......Spidey looks wayyyy too...just ick.....and Shrek? Cant stand it.


I think that it will most likely to be Pirates 3 that comes out on top jus because of the fact that it is the third and last one of the trilogy (but yet there are rumours of more to come from Pirates).

Then i think it will probably be Shrek 3 will come out in second just because of what someone said earlier about it being the summer and the kids will obvoiusly be begging their parents to see it.:king:

Well theres my two cents. Laters!


New Member
I'm really rooting for Ratatouille to do great this summer. Pirates lost a bit of a fan-base, after the second film I think. Don't get me wrong I loved the movie, but I have many cousins and friends who were just pretty dissapointed about the film, and don't care about the end this time around.

Shrek 3 is pretty obvious that it will do excellent this summer. I have to admit I haven't seen the trailer that well, but the odds are really at their favor.

But as far as franchise go, I think Order of the Phoenix will be the shock of the summer. There are just a lot of fans out there, who are going to watch it at least two-three times this summer. Now that they're filming the darker and most interesting chapters of the series I think people who aren't even fans of the film to begin with will step forward and watch how they depicted the fifth book.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
Pirates lost a bit of a fan-base, after the second film I think. Don't get me wrong I loved the movie, but I have many cousins and friends who were just pretty dissapointed about the film, and don't care about the end this time around.

I'm in that camp as well. I wonder if what you're describing will have a noticeable impact on the 3rd movie.


Active Member
I think Pirates will come out on top. There is a lot of promotion for it now. Last night, I must have seen 5 or 6 commercials and/or Movie Surfer specials on various channels within one hour.

I think Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer will do good too. Harry Potter will pull big numbers, but maybe not as much as Pirates of Spider-Man.

I think Shrek will do great, but maybe not as good as Spider-Man 3 did.

I can't wait until all these movies come out. :sohappy: :D

erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
My pick will be transformers. It has a huge nerd fan base (I am included in that group) But I think it has a chance to catch on with a bigger group. 2nd will be pirates and 3rd spiderman and 4th shrek.


Active Member
I'm really rooting for Ratatouille to do great this summer. Pirates lost a bit of a fan-base, after the second film I think. Don't get me wrong I loved the movie, but I have many cousins and friends who were just pretty dissapointed about the film, and don't care about the end this time around.

"Dead Man's Chest" has the second highest opening weekend of any movie ever made, and is the sixth highest grossing movie ever made. The first movie, "Curse Of The Black Pearl" is #75 on the list of higest opening weekends, and #22 on the list of highest grossings movies ever made. If anything, the second one saw an increase in fan base, not a decrease...so your statement is very wrong.


Well-Known Member
"Dead Man's Chest" has the second highest opening weekend of any movie ever made, and is the sixth highest grossing movie ever made. The first movie, "Curse Of The Black Pearl" is #75 on the list of higest opening weekends, and #22 on the list of highest grossings movies ever made. If anything, the second one saw an increase in fan base, not a decrease...so your statement is very wrong.

You are misreading that post. Between Black Pearl and Dead Man's Chest, the fanbase and hype grew to epic proportions. Many people saw Dead Man's Chest...some did not care for it...that's the point that was being made. DMC owes the big numbers and records to Curse of the Black Pearl and the whole franchise owes everything to Johnny Depp.

I prefer Black Pearl over DMC...DMC drug onnnnnnnnnnn and onnnnnnnnnnnn towards the end.


Active Member
You are misreading that post. Between Black Pearl and Dead Man's Chest, the fanbase and hype grew to epic proportions. Many people saw Dead Man's Chest...some did not care for it...that's the point that was being made. DMC owes the big numbers and records to Curse of the Black Pearl and the whole franchise owes everything to Johnny Depp.

I prefer Black Pearl over DMC...DMC drug onnnnnnnnnnn and onnnnnnnnnnnn towards the end.

Maybe you can say that if it had only dominated in the strongest opening weekend catagory...but to also dominate in the category for highest grossing movie of all time...that means that ALOT of people went to see it more than once.

I work in radio...and I heard alot more groans over "Curse Of The Black Pearl" being too long than I did last summer about "Dead Man's Chest" and the box office numbers prove me right.

The poster clearly stated that a large group of people didn't care about "Dead Man's Chest" and therefore don't care about how the trilogy ends...but then why did so many people see "Dead Man's Chest" multiple times, and why did it shatter record DVD sales?

The Pirates fan base continues to grow...sure some people get lost along the way...but as they say...it's easy to find your way there, but it's only the savy who find their way back!

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