What Direction To Go When Entering The Magic Kingdom?


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Original Poster
For some reason, when the park opens in the morning, and people start rushing into the park, and they go up that subtle but gradual hill on Main Street, they want to go to the right. Why? I have no idea, but I recommend going to the left instead. No one's going to be there, so you'll hop on all the rides. See if that works for you :king:

Magic Maker

New Member
When given a choice with somewhat unknown results people will go with the familiar. For most people they are right handed and thus the right side of things is more familiar. Which is why the side walk is wider towards Tomorrowland. Also Space Mountain is visible as you arrive in the park, more visible than the mountains on the left side of the park. That is a magnet for people. :)


Premium Member
I've heard that it has somthing to do with the way that we drive. We drive on the right side of the road, so we walk on the right side, and it is easier for us to turn right than it is to turn left. :veryconfu

Yellow Shoes

Well-Known Member
I usually follow the advice of "always break left," but not in this situation.

My trips to MK have been with children in tow. If you high-tail it to Fantasyland, you can ride nearly everything with 5 minutes or less wait. (I'm talking if you are doing the program formerly known as Early Entry). I explained to my kids, and the 5 year old understood, that if he wanted to ride Dumbo, we would do it the first thing to avoid lines. Later in the day, he took great satisfaction in seeing the long lines and knowing that he was "finished" with Dumbo.

It is a great way to start kids off--after all, it's all about the rides for them. When they can ride 8 things in an hour, you can get them to slow down a bit and do some grown up things.

(plus, only Fantasy- and Tomorrowland are open in the wee hours of the morning.)


New Member
It' from the old days of the Space Mountain Mini Marathon in the pre-Fastpass days. Space Mountain was the ride most people headed to . It still seems that way, though I notice a batch of people will peel off to Buzz.


New Member
I am a tour guide, and used to take those huge brazilian groups to the parks (not anymore, thanks God!!! the groups are much smaller today). All tour guide courses taught the same thing. Turn left, because everyone goes right. Go straight to Splash Mountain, if it's summer. If you have only one day, get someone who's not riding Splash to get everyone fastpasses for Space Mountain while you ride. When you're done with Big Thunder, it's time to go to Space Mountain. If you have 2 days, it's a good idea to get a fastpass for Big Thunder, and leave Space for the second day. Then, you gotta start the 2nd day turning right and rush for Space Mountain. But then, you will have already ridden Splash and Big Thunder. If anyone wants to ride again, better wait until later in the evening.


Well-Known Member
AMH97 said:
I've heard that it has somthing to do with the way that we drive. We drive on the right side of the road, so we walk on the right side, and it is easier for us to turn right than it is to turn left. :veryconfu
We drive on the left !! I usually go towards BTMR & SM


Well-Known Member
We go to Space first and then head across the park and catch Splash. If it's not real busy, we will stop and do a couple of things in Fantasyland before it gets out of hand. After doing Splash, we simply work our way back across the park and do what we want until we end up back in Tomorrowland.


New Member
The reasoning is the direction that the path goes. The clearest path is Tomorrowland. This is how Walt designed it.

Also, when a line divides, people go into the one that's closer to them, so for instance, if a line divides right after a left-turn, people will go into the left line, and vice-versa. It's psychology.


New Member
I go to the right just to get on Space Mountain before the wait times become ridiculous. Plus the queue is so flipping dark!

Cinderella Fan

New Member
We have found that going to the left is the best idea - that way you can get in the most rides in the morning.

If you go to the left and go on to BTMR and SM, then you can work your way around to the Haunted Mansion and IASW and PhilharMagic, with little or no wait time.



New Member
This is an interesting topic. We usually head left in the morning and ride Pirates, Jungle Cruise, Splash, Big Thunder, and the Mansion before lunch. I like Tomorrowland a lot better in the evening, so we wait until dark for Space Mountain and Buzz.


New Member
u go left ALWAYS!! it doesn't matter wut park, u always want to go left! espicially @ MK, we always go to adventureland where every ride u get on immediatly and then over to Frontierland which has about 15/20 minute waits! then go to liberty square ride those rides then do the rest of the park!


New Member
Entry tips...

Know I am late on this one, but last time down it worked the 3 mornings we went (once w/ my fiancee, then my sister and husband, then sister and husband and mother and father).

We shot right through the castle and fastpassed Philharmagic, then shot over and rode my fav... the Haunted mansion, then splash mountain (10 min. wait) then big thunder (10 min.) and then off to a short line (unexplained) at Peter Pan then off to see phiilharmagic, and then off to my fiancee's fav Pirates followed up by a break with a drink or two while watching the camel spit water on people right outside the Swiss family treehouse, from there we just lucked out, but it worked 3 times.


Well-Known Member
Before I had kids, we used to go left to Pirates and then on to Haunted Mansion.

Now we head straight back for Fantasyland and knock out Peter Pan first. That line gets so out of hand later in the day..but in the morning, it's fine. We walk right on. Then right across to small world...dumbo...pooh...snow white...then haunted mansion.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
It all depends on what is most important to YOU.

I'm sure that there is probably someone somewhere who heads straight for the Tikiroom so that they can get their 40 trips through in this visit . :hammer:

It all depends on your priorities !!!


New Member
Before my first time at Disney people told me to pick the ride you wanted to ride most and start there. My first pick was the haunted mansion(so the LEFT). So that's where I went first. I went on the haunted mansion and splash mountain then worked my way around the park finishing up with Space mountain around 2:00, headed over to a waterpark, and back to MK for wishes. I didn't have any wait times all day and accomplished everything I needed to accomplish. So every time I go to MK that's where I start. It works everytime. I'm not sure if this advice works for families with small kids though because being 21, I don't spend too much time in Fantasyland.

If I hadn't heard that advice I would have walked through the castle first, since that is the first thing that caught my eye.


New Member

it's a known fact that most people merge to the left in amusement parks, they don't even think about it. Go to Tomorrowland, get a fastpass for Space Mt., ride the TTA, get a snack, and head back to Space Mt. :sohappy:

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