My wife and I were in Disneyland last year in the TSMM queue (it's mostly outdoors with chain switchbacks for those who do not know). Anyway, this little boy, probably 3 or 4 starts walking under the chains towards us, and no one seems to notice or care. He continued on until he was completely out of the queue, and then went on his merry way down the boardwalk area. Still no one looking or caring that he is missing. We ask the people around us if they know who he belongs to, and not to anyone. We decided to go and get him, so my wife went to him (about 200 feet away from the attraction already!!), and talked with him, and he came back with her willingly, without a fuss. We held on to him while we continued through the queue, looking for a CM, when dad finally showed up. The child had initially passed by us over 15 minutes earlier!! The dad took him by the hand, did not scold him, but said absolutely NOTHING to us. No thank you for saving my child, no what was he doing. Just turned away and left! Everyone around us was completely flabbergasted that this parent had no idea where his 3 or 4 year old child is for over 15 minutes, and then doesn't even thank the people that might have saved him from being kidnapped or worse. We know he spoke English because he talked to his son while leading him away. I agree that not everyone should have kids!!!!