Let's see...
Full track replacement (including brake system.)
New trains with onboard audio.
Exterior lighting package. (bonus points if they add neon...)
TTA segment enhancements.
Silent lift.
All the projection effects from DL and Hong Kong.
Paint the exterior (Looks awful now.)
Clean out any mold they missed last refurb.
That would be a good start..
Oh...and take out that trash bag!
(Kidding. I'm sure it isn't still there.)
Full track replacement (including brake system.)
New trains with onboard audio.
Exterior lighting package. (bonus points if they add neon...)
TTA segment enhancements.
Silent lift.
All the projection effects from DL and Hong Kong.
Paint the exterior (Looks awful now.)
Clean out any mold they missed last refurb.
That would be a good start..
Oh...and take out that trash bag!
(Kidding. I'm sure it isn't still there.)