What book would you like to see disney make into a movie?


Well-Known Member
Fahrenheit 451 or The Martian Chronicles by Rad Bradbury
The Bean Trees by Barbera Kingsolver
Alas, Babylon by Pat Frank
The New Arrival by (Forgot the Author's Name :rolleyes:)
And Tango Makes Three by Parnell & Richardson

Yes, some rather odd choices here. :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
Rip Van Winkle
Rip Van Winkle's Revenge
The Little Men Strike Back
Rip Van Winkle Goes to Camp
RIp Van Winkle Saves Christmas
Rip Van Winkle Goes to Prison
The series can just go on and on, the possibilities are endless!


Well-Known Member
Are we just talking only young family friendly stuff here. Seems limiting considering the Mouse's vast movie empire.

How about a decent, feature-length Dresden File? With a Jurassic Park-type budget, that could be killer. Although personally I would love to see someone tackle the Wheel of Time I've given that up as a lost cause.

Hopefully I'm already getting John Carter. And possibly Solomon Kane. But I'd love to see some REH or ERB characters like Sailor Steve Costigan, Billy Byrne (The Mucker) or Francis Xavier Gordon (El Borak) - I think the last would put even the first Indiana Jones to shame if done right.

Then again, what about the Horselcans? TimeWars? On the heels of Avatar, maybe a decent Battletech (Exodus, 3039 or Clan Invasion).


Well-Known Member
Kingdom Keepers (I and II). Disney could use some good storylines for kids who aren't into the Narnia/fantasy stuff and are getting a bit "old" for the animated ones.
That was my first thought when I saw the title of the thread. I know there's rumors out there of it being a possibility, but who knows.
Waiting patiently for KK 3!

Lord Pheonix

Active Member
simple. and i bet id have alot of backup on this.

"mister toad gets a new car"

that way they can bring back mtwr to fantasyland, since they "official" reason for its removal was because it wasnt a disney book in the first place.


Active Member
A childhood favorite of mine is one that I bet none of you have ever heard of or read--"Mrs. Coverlet's Magicians" by Mary Nash. This would be a great Christmas movie!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I think i would like to see Disney do a like action version of the Magic School Bus books or maybe a marvel movie with Prince Namor the Sub-Mariner based on the 60s cartoon


Well-Known Member
Though it's a bit depressing I would love to see an adaptation of one of my favorite books from my childhood which is The Little Prince.
Also as a child I had an obsession with The Snow Queen by the Great Hans Christian Andersen.

Well not to quote myself but it looks like Disney has made The Snow Queen and I guess we will be seeing it this fall.

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
I'd like to see Disney do a version of The Last Unicorn. Yes, it's already been made into a movie, but Disney could plus the hell out of what Rankin-Bass did. (And geez, Iger, think of the merchandising possibilities! What do little girls love best? Princesses and unicorns, did you say? Well, there you are... ;) ).


Well-Known Member
I'd like to see Disney do a version of The Last Unicorn. Yes, it's already been made into a movie, but Disney could plus the hell out of what Rankin-Bass did. (And geez, Iger, think of the merchandising possibilities! What do little girls love best? Princesses and unicorns, did you say? Well, there you are... ;) ).

I actually think they would do an awesome live-action version of the book. And while I enjoy the movie, it's animation is so...well...Rankin Bassish is the only word I can think of. (oi...their Hobbit is quite awful as well)

What would I like to see? Well, Disney claims it's out of the Princess business...(yeah right) but I would like to see them tackle the fairy tale of the Goose Girl.
Not the overly Grimm version (which I love...) but the slightly gentler version as told by Shannon Hale in her book. (there's still decapitated horse heads, but it's not quite as horrifying)

Actually her Princess Academy would make a pretty wonderful movie as well.

I once wrote a paper about how Disney could take a truly terrifying story and make it into a Disney flick...giving my own reworking of the Goose Girl, with a Disney spin.
This was before Hunchback...which is an amazing example of some horrifying scenes and subjects made kid friendly.

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