What attractions can a 3 month old go on?


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Hey All,

On the 56 day countdown to WDW (Wilderness Lodge), and we're going to wait until the morning we leave to tell our 3-year old (who has been to WDW 7 times already) that we're going, but here's my question. We also have a 3 month old (will be 3 months old at the time), and I wanted to know what attractions would she be able to ride. The only reason we would want to take her on any attractions would be so we could ride as a family, as I know my 3-year old will be disappointed if she can't take her sister on "Insert Attraction Here" for the first time, and obviously things like It's a small world, Country Bear Jambouree and the Boat Ride in the Mexico Pavillion are fine, but I wouldn't take her on things like Dumbo that could be a bit jolting. She's a night baby, and mostly sleeps during the day, and will be in a baby trekker to make things easier for all of us. Thanks for any input



Well-Known Member
One thing I will tell you about Small World. Make sure you feed them before getting on Small World. Not only is it a long attraction but if you get stuck on it, your baby will scream its head off like mine.

The Mom

Premium Member
One thing I will tell you about Small World. Make sure you feed them before getting on Small World. Not only is it a long attraction but if you get stuck on it, your baby will scream its head off like mine.

FL law allows breastfeeding in public, or the baby at 3 months would still be strictly formula and could take a bottle, so it shouldn't be an issue.

It's when they were older and got cranky because they were hungry that drove me crazy. :lol:


Well-Known Member
why wouldn't you take her on things like dumbo? no- your infant is not going to get anything out of any ride, or WDW in general. but that doesn't mean you can't have fun.
we took photos of our infant, who went at 3 months and 9 months so far, on every ride we could. as long as it's not dangerous, and the restrictions guide above covers what is dangerous, so if disney feels they can go....take her.
we got photos of him on all kinds of rides. we called him our little "prop in a photo-op". great memories for us, hopefully some day for him too. he can show his kids and say.........hey, i rode "insert ride name here" when i was only 3 months old.
if disney says it's safe to take them, it's safe. (now waking a sleeping baby bouncing her around might not be so nice- but i trust your judgment there)


Born Modest. Wore Off.
Premium Member
Hey All,

On the 56 day countdown to WDW (Wilderness Lodge), and we're going to wait until the morning we leave to tell our 3-year old (who has been to WDW 7 times already) that we're going, but here's my question. We also have a 3 month old (will be 3 months old at the time), and I wanted to know what attractions would she be able to ride. The only reason we would want to take her on any attractions would be so we could ride as a family, as I know my 3-year old will be disappointed if she can't take her sister on "Insert Attraction Here" for the first time, and obviously things like It's a small world, Country Bear Jambouree and the Boat Ride in the Mexico Pavillion are fine, but I wouldn't take her on things like Dumbo that could be a bit jolting. She's a night baby, and mostly sleeps during the day, and will be in a baby trekker to make things easier for all of us. Thanks for any input


My two kids went at 6 months and 3 months respectively. We took them on pretty much every attraction I could easily carry them while riding. We didn't skip anything else purposely because of them. In fact, it was when my older boy was 3 that we had to skip some things because he was scared -- Pirates, HM, 3-D films, etc.


Well-Known Member
Like a PP said, anything without a height restriction like Peter Pan, Snow White, Dumbo, some pavilions, safari, IASW, Pirates (maybe. not sure if has restriction), etc.

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