What are your top 10 things to do at WDW?


New Member
We do these everytrip:

1 Drive up the day before our actual vacation begins, stay in a cheap hotel the night before so we can be well rested.

2 Eat at Calif. Grill

3 Take pictures of all the landmarks as you drive on property. Starting with the giant mickey shaped electrical pole off I-4!! :D

4 Spend AT LEAST $40 a day in the arcade at the Cont. (for the tickets)

5 Spending all the tickets we have earned (except for the last 100)

6 Give the last 100 tickets to some little kid. (The thanks lady always makes me smile!)

7 Explore our resort

8 Cirque

9 Mouse boats (at least twice)

10 Spend the afternoon in the conc. level lounge for white choc. chip macadamia nut cookies


Well-Known Member
In no particular order:

1.Mini golf at Wintersommerland
2.Eat ribs and chicken til I explode at Hoop-de-doo
3.buy a Christmas ornament at DTD
4.Go on hayride after Hoop-de-doo
5.Be the first one to see Spaceship Earth driving onto WDW property.
6.Eat at the Pepper Market at CS
7.Load up on Mickey toiletries(the free kind from housekeeping)
8.Ride in the front of the monorail
9.shop til I drop
10.Walk into the lobby of the resort we are staying, take a deep breath and inhale the wonderful aroma of Disney!!


New Member
I forgot one - stopping at the AAA Disney Travel Center in Ocala on I-75! For those of you that live too far away to drive, you are missing something. To me, there is nothing like packing your family in the mini-van and heading out on the road for WDW. When you reach Ocala and stop (even if you don't have to), the thrill really starts.
10) Ride a bicycle for 2 at Port Orleans
9) Buy a House of Blues t-shirt that I know I can't fit into
8) Beignets or breakfast pizza (thus, #9)
7) Watching football at the ESPN
6) The interesting lizards that inhabit the resort grounds
5) Riding the boat over the access road between WL and MK
4) Hoop De Doo
3) The Electrical Pageant from the beach of WL
2) Watching drunk peolpe try to navigate their golf carts after drinking at
the Fort Wilderness bar
1) Sunset over Bay Lake from the balcony at WL


Alright, here we go (In no particular order, and as per the threads intent, nothing in the parks) And you'll notice a lot having to do with Fort Wilderness since my famliy has stayed there every time we have been there (15 trips and we always request the 1600 loop. Only have stayed in other loops 5 times I think.)

1.) Watch the fireworks/electral water pagent on the beach at Fort Wilderness and get eaten alive by fire ants
2.) Have a martini at the California Grill (Or do a Resort bar tour, have a drink in each of the lounges (Usually just the main beam resorts and Wilderness Lodge)
3.) A few things to do with the monorail; Ride in front if possible, get our own private car, and be the first off the monorail when the doors open.
4.) Fishing in Fort Wilderness
5.) Go to the Yacht/Beach club pool.
6.) Play the transportation game with my brother (Explanation here -->> http://forums.wdwmagic.com/showthread.php?t=3648&highlight=transportation+game)
7.) Play air-hockey with my brother in the Contemporary
8.) Take a walk from the International Gate to the Boardwalk after Illuminations (Usuaully coupled with a stop at Jellyrolls)
9.) Reminisce with my family about Silver and Brown flag trams at Fort Wilderness, remember trips on the small boats from MK to Fort Wilderness during a rain storm, pre-Innovations/Splash Mountain/MGM Disney World, and keeping alive strange traditions (Like taking inventory on where plates and silverware are made at restaurants and where the best toliets are on the property)
10.) On my last night in Disney I always finish up in the Magic Kingdom, take the resort monorail to the Polynesian, and walk through the grounds back to the TTC stopping by to pay homage at my familty's brick


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
MCMike37 said:
Alright, here we go (In no particular order, and as per the threads intent, nothing in the parks) And you'll notice a lot having to do with Fort Wilderness since my famliy has stayed there every time we have been there (15 trips and we always request the 1600 loop. Only have stayed in other loops 5 times I think.)

1.) Watch the fireworks/electral water pagent on the beach at Fort Wilderness and get eaten alive by fire ants
2.) Have a martini at the California Grill (Or do a Resort bar tour, have a drink in each of the lounges (Usually just the main beam resorts and Wilderness Lodge)
3.) A few things to do with the monorail; Ride in front if possible, get our own private car, and be the first off the monorail when the doors open.
4.) Fishing in Fort Wilderness
5.) Go to the Yacht/Beach club pool.
6.) Play the transportation game with my brother (Explanation here -->> http://forums.wdwmagic.com/showthread.php?t=3648&highlight=transportation+game)
7.) Play air-hockey with my brother in the Contemporary
8.) Take a walk from the International Gate to the Boardwalk after Illuminations (Usuaully coupled with a stop at Jellyrolls)
9.) Reminisce with my family about Silver and Brown flag trams at Fort Wilderness, remember trips on the small boats from MK to Fort Wilderness during a rain storm, pre-Innovations/Splash Mountain/MGM Disney World, and keeping alive strange traditions (Like taking inventory on where plates and silverware are made at restaurants and where the best toliets are on the property)
10.) On my last night in Disney I always finish up in the Magic Kingdom, take the resort monorail to the Polynesian, and walk through the grounds back to the TTC stopping by to pay homage at my familty's brick

As a kid I always wanted to stay at Fort Wilderness but we never did. My wife would never do it now as she dislikes camping. I still like to go over there though.

Also as a kid we use to go form the Polynesian over to the Contemporary to play air hockey every trip (until they built a game room at the Poly).


mrtoad said:
As a kid I always wanted to stay at Fort Wilderness but we never did. My wife would never do it now as she dislikes camping. I still like to go over there though.

Trust me, it ain't camping in the normal sense of the word. When you have a 27 foot travel trailer with everything you need in it, and don't have to go out for every meal, have all the comforts you want of home, etc. Let's just say I may be spoiled, but it's the only way I ever want to visit WDW in the future (Not that I wouldn't take short tripsmind you;))


Here's my list in no particular order.

1) Seeing the big Walt Disney World welcome sign
2) Shopping at the gift shop at my hotel
3) Shopping Spree at Downtown Disney, especially World of Disney and Once Upon a Toy
4) Drooling over the monorail toys and accessories display at Once Upon a Toy
5) Desserts at Ghirardelli
6) Monorail! Especially getting to ride in front
7) Watchin' Disney Resort TV
8) Enjoying the Disney ambience at my hotel and elsewhere on property
9) Sleeping and resting for the next day at a park.
10) Riding the bus to the parks! :)

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