what are my chances?


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Hey everyone!!!
I want to do a World Disney World College Program for either Fall Advantage or a normal Fall program.

Well, there will be a WDWCP presentation at my college next wednesday and I'm very nervous. I have already applied, printed my application, my "roles" choices, and done a cover letter. The only thing left is a resume. I know a cover letter and a resume aren't necessary but I heard they're helpful.

I'm not sure that I have a high chance of getting in. I'm 19 yo college freshman with a 3.4 GPA, so that part is okay.
However, I have never ever had a job! Yes I said it, no job.. Why? I came to this country 5 years ago so I had to learn english and adjust to this new culture and a job just wasn't something I could handle. But now I'm ready for a job, especially at Disney World!

As you might have guessed, I'm a bilingual and I heard that it's a plus for Disney World.

So I was wondering, what are my chances of getting this internship? Now that the day of the presentation and an interview is getting close, that's all I can think about! I'm really serious about this thing, so I guess that's another plus, right? They want determined people, right? *crosses fingers*​


New Member
ur chances of getting in i would say r pretty good...u have a lot of great stuff goin for ya and to be honest disney is pretty desperate for ppl lol im here right now doin the career start program and they r very short staffed at my location. so i wouldnt be too worried about it. just be yourself during the interview and ull be fine!! GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!:D


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futuredisneydj said:
ur chances of getting in i would say r pretty good...u have a lot of great stuff goin for ya and to be honest disney is pretty desperate for ppl lol im here right now doin the career start program and they r very short staffed at my location. so i wouldnt be too worried about it. just be yourself during the interview and ull be fine!! GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!:D
really? they're short on people? Wow! I thought they'd be packed..
thanks for saying it, I feel a little better now ;)


New Member
One thing that's great about Disney, is if you haven't had any prior job experience it is definitely a great place to get your foot in the door. I wouldn't be worried at all, just make sure you're super peppy at the interview and use a lot of terms like "Magical Guest Experience" and all that good stuff and you'll be fine :)


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Don't worry about the never having a job before...I never had a job before I went down. It'll be a cool thing to tell people after that your first job was at Disney World.


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schroder6452 said:
Don't worry about the never having a job before...I never had a job before I went down. It'll be a cool thing to tell people after that your first job was at Disney World.
really? what did you say when they asked you about a job experience at the interview?

WDWKat26 said:
One thing that's great about Disney, is if you haven't had any prior job experience it is definitely a great place to get your foot in the door. I wouldn't be worried at all, just make sure you're super peppy at the interview and use a lot of terms like "Magical Guest Experience" and all that good stuff and you'll be fine :)

hehe yeah, guests guests guests ;) I heard! hehe peppy... yeah that I can do I think. *LOL* thanks for the tip ;)

does anyone know what's the percentage of people being accepted?


Well-Known Member
Dont worry about it. I didn't have a "real" job either until I did my CP. I actually applied for Fall 2006 again (I did Spring 2005). I am also going to an audition on March 30. So good luck with your presentation.


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joanna71985 said:
Dont worry about it. I didn't have a "real" job either until I did my CP. I actually applied for Fall 2006 again (I did Spring 2005). I am also going to an audition on March 30. So good luck with your presentation.

thanks! :)

I finished my Resume.. now I have to pick an outfit..grrr...
I've just read a bunch of reports about the pressentations and they say that when the rules about tatoos and jewelry were mentioned, a few people got up and left. Hehe...

THen the reviews said that lots of people turned up dressed casually, in jeans, t-shirts, and sweatshirts. Some did not have their application completed.
So I was just thinking that what I'm doing in order to get into this program, has to show itself, show that I really want to do this and will try my hardest if I get accepted.


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I have one concern- are you a naturalized citizen? On my first CP, I had a friend that wasn't, and so she couldn't do the program.


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robynchic said:
I have one concern- are you a naturalized citizen? On my first CP, I had a friend that wasn't, and so she couldn't do the program.

I can't do the program if I'm not a citizen? Are you serious?
I have a green card so I am very legal and all.. but not a U.S. citizen
on the web site they just said I have to have a right to work in U.S., but it didn't say anything about being a citizen...

.. OMG :(:(:(


I would have a hard time believing that they only hire citizens. I would think if you have a green card, you should be all set.


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UltravioletPJ said:
I can't do the program if I'm not a citizen? Are you serious?
I have a green card so I am very legal and all.. but not a U.S. citizen
on the web site they just said I have to have a right to work in U.S., but it didn't say anything about being a citizen...

.. OMG :(:(:(

I don't know the specifics about it. But make SURE to ask the recruiter about any problems you may encounter, so you know what you're in for.


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robynchic said:
I don't know the specifics about it. But make SURE to ask the recruiter about any problems you may encounter, so you know what you're in for.

I will :) and I have already emailed them too. Also, I've read on the web site that an employment elegibility can be proven by the green card, and... if you have a green card then you're not a citizen; therefore, you can do it I think ;).

.......omg I am getting even more nervous now ... wednesday is so close.. I wil be so broke if I get rejected! :(

Oh! Question:
Are they really only doing phone interviews now??


Well-Known Member
UltravioletPJ said:
I will :) and I have already emailed them too. Also, I've read on the web site that an employment elegibility can be proven by the green card, and... if you have a green card then you're not a citizen; therefore, you can do it I think ;).

.......omg I am getting even more nervous now ... wednesday is so close.. I wil be so broke if I get rejected! :(

Oh! Question:
Are they really only doing phone interviews now??

For the most part.


New Member
I'd say your chances are good. Show up in a nice business casual outfit, have your hair one color and pulled back, nothing funky on your fingernails and you should do well. They don't like alot of piercings/tatoos, etc. That's what I was told. I did the CP and met my Fiance there, best time of my life! Good luck!


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kellydisney said:
I'd say your chances are good. Show up in a nice business casual outfit, have your hair one color and pulled back, nothing funky on your fingernails and you should do well. They don't like alot of piercings/tatoos, etc. That's what I was told. I did the CP and met my Fiance there, best time of my life! Good luck!

Thanks for reply! :)
I have a nice "business" outfit and don't have anything that Disney wouldn't like on me.. no tatoos or piercings (except for my ears :p)
I wonder.. who gets rejected? Those who come dressed casually, unprepared, without the application, and don't smile?

What if they like you and want to hire you but they've reached the limit in the amount of people they can hire? Do they just reject you?


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hey everyone I'm in crisis!

I just found out another question that they might ask at the interview:

"How would you deal with stressful situations?"

how would you guys answer this?? How would Disney want me to answer this???


New Member
Answer honestly. They can sometimes see through brown nosing (why the WDWMagic board censored the usual term for it, I'll never know...).

It's always better to answer honestly during an interview. A kind of off-topic example: I had a professor that asked us to write a paper on Shakespeare. And I wrote about how much I hated his works because they were all so fickle and boring, and how they're all the same. I got an A.


New Member
futuredisneydj said:
ur chances of getting in i would say r pretty good...u have a lot of great stuff goin for ya and to be honest disney is pretty desperate for ppl lol im here right now doin the career start program and they r very short staffed at my location. so i wouldnt be too worried about it. just be yourself during the interview and ull be fine!! GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!:D

Hi future , or any one that can answer some of my questions.....

How do you like the Career Start Program? I will be arriving on Aug 21st...Did you had a hard time meeting friends? How many hours do you work daily? How many hours?

Do you recall how far the holiday inn sunspree is from vista way apt?

thanks all for your replies...

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