Annalists are predicting that one or two airlines will go under this year. USair is the most vulnerable airline at this moment - A clearer picture of their fate will come this Thursday - and may be inevitable. Delta is also having trouble and Continental is not looking the that great either.
The problem annalists are saying is that too many airlines are offer too many cheap seats. Many airlines are selling most of their seats at a lost, slowly bleeding themselves to death.
The problem with people that use Philadelphia Internation Airport is that USair holds about 70 to 80 percent of the gates in the airport. The only other airline that runs non-stop to MCO is Air Tran. Unfortunatly, anyone who uses the PHL well not be able to use the "Express" services unless they get a connecting flight. Althought, based on the information I got from Disney Sunday night they stated that even if you don't use the particapating airlines, the transportation to and from Disney is complimentory. I don't see a point in going from a non-stop 2 1/2 flight to a 6 hour travel hop across the country just so I don't have to wait for my bags at the airport.