what a dissapointment!


Account Suspended
Originally posted by xfkirsten
"Not fair because WDW is superior" is a childishly weak argument! Sounds more like bitterness to me.


If it was a weak argument, then it was only so because you didn't understand what I meant by it. Clearly, that's the case, so I'll elaborate...

The person who made the statement that it was "not a fair comparison" was also trying to argue that you "can't compare them", but then also said that he/she likes DL better (which is, whether you realize it or not, a COMPARISON). This same individual also tried to make the case that it was "not a fair comparison" because WDW has 4 parks to DL's 1 park. My response was to question how that possibly makes it an unfair comparison. If those 4 parks were lousy ones, then I would think you'd still prefer DL based on the quality, not the number of parks. That latter statement was what I was intending to convey in my earlier statement that it was "unfair" because of WDW's superiority.

If the person had said it was not an EQUAL comparison, that would have made more sense because you're not comparing just one park against another. But that's not what they said. They said it was not a FAIR comparison. So I'm left to interpret that the only reason someone would consider it unfair is because they know the other product is superior.

Make sense? Didn't think I needed to explain it (Perhaps I'm not the one who only understands things on a child's level...LOL).


New Member
Originally posted by Merlin

The person who made the statement that it was "not a fair comparison" was also trying to argue that you "can't compare them", but then also said that he/she likes DL better (which is, whether you realize it or not, a COMPARISON).

I was comparing DL and MK, which is a fair comparison.


Account Suspended
Originally posted by FireFly725
I was comparing DL and MK, which is a fair comparison.

I'm starting to think we're not going to come to an understanding here. But let me try one more time...

We're not talking about numbers here. If you think that comparing the four parks of WDW to the one park of DL, then that is not an EQUAL comparison, but it is certainly not an UNFAIR one.

Here's another analogy in the hopes that it will make sense: My wife and I have been on quite a few cruises. If you ask me which one was my favorite, I can say Alaska without hesitation. In coming to this conclusion, I've compared it to our several cruises to the Caribbean, New England, and several other places. Some of these cruises have been as short as 4 days and others have been as long as 10 days. Following your logic, I can't make a "fair" comparison because each cruise was a different number of days. Maybe I can't make an equal comparison, but there's nothing unfair about it. I clearly know which one I like best because of the quality, the beauty and the memorable experience. My preference of WDW over DL is exactly the same way. It has nothing to do with the number of parks. There's nothing unfair whatsoever about the comparison.


Well-Known Member
You know, I think of myself as being raised on WDW. When I finally made it to DL, I loved the place. I think its partly because of how it was a nice change of pace.

It was just wierd to walk into a "different" Magic Kingdom, with a "different" Main Street and everything.

Yeah, as I think about it, the MK seems a lot "cleaner" and more organized than DL, of course, it had the advantage of being built almost 30 years after DL, so teh Imagineers could work all the kinks out of their clone of the original park.

Besides what I thought were the better rides, I think what made DL so cool was it "was the original". Being a big Walt fan, it is kinda like going to some great historical site, like the Tower of London or the White House or something.

Now if only DL were to refurbish itself more, or if the MK would pick up the pace a bit and add a few more rides/attractions, we could be looking at "the perfect Magic Kingdom"!


New Member
Originally posted by Merlin

If the person had said it was not an EQUAL comparison, that would have made more sense because you're not comparing just one park against another. But that's not what they said. They said it was not a FAIR comparison. So I'm left to interpret that the only reason someone would consider it unfair is because they know the other product is superior.

Make sense? Didn't think I needed to explain it (Perhaps I'm not the one who only understands things on a child's level...LOL).

Okay fine, it's not an EQUAL comparison. Of course four high quality theme parks are better then one.


Account Suspended
Originally posted by FireFly725
Of course four high quality theme parks are better then one.

Exactly! And that's my whole point. The key phrase being "high quality", ergo, WDW is superior. WDW could have TWENTY parks, but if they were all terrible, anyone in his/her right mind would prefer DL. Obviously, the people who say they still prefer DL to WDW must feel that all four parks combined don't equal the quality of DL in their minds. While I don't agree at all with that position, I at least respect it much more than the claim that you "can't compare" them. With my earlier statement where I said it was "unfair because WDW is superior", that's all I was trying to say. I meant to say it succinctly and without all the elaboration, but apparently xfkirsten needed the additional explanation. Gee, who's the 5-year-old here anyway? LOL


New Member
Originally posted by Merlin
Not fair because WDW is superior!

I know you have explained this statement again and again, but I just felt that it was based more on an opinion rather then being a fact. Now comparing any park to DCA that's a different story :lol:.
(not my favorite of theme parks)

It seems as though this is a pick on merlin thread, not my intention at all. :drevil: :animwink: :wave:

Didn't read the post above


New Member
Originally posted by Merlin
If it was a weak argument, then it was only so because you didn't understand what I meant by it. Clearly, that's the case, so I'll elaborate...

The person who made the statement that it was "not a fair comparison" was also trying to argue that you "can't compare them", but then also said that he/she likes DL better (which is, whether you realize it or not, a COMPARISON). This same individual also tried to make the case that it was "not a fair comparison" because WDW has 4 parks to DL's 1 park. My response was to question how that possibly makes it an unfair comparison. If those 4 parks were lousy ones, then I would think you'd still prefer DL based on the quality, not the number of parks. That latter statement was what I was intending to convey in my earlier statement that it was "unfair" because of WDW's superiority.

If the person had said it was not an EQUAL comparison, that would have made more sense because you're not comparing just one park against another. But that's not what they said. They said it was not a FAIR comparison. So I'm left to interpret that the only reason someone would consider it unfair is because they know the other product is superior.

Make sense? Didn't think I needed to explain it (Perhaps I'm not the one who only understands things on a child's level...LOL).

That's certainly not how it came across to me. It came across to me as a completely opinionated, unsupported retort. Saying that WDW is superior is your opinion, not a fact. And yet you talk about it like it is a fact.



Account Suspended
Originally posted by xfkirsten
That's certainly not how it came across to me. It came across to me as a completely opinionated, unsupported retort. Saying that WDW is superior is your opinion, not a fact. And yet you talk about it like it is a fact.


I just don't find it necessary to preface everything with "In my opinion...". If I'm making the statement, then clearly it's my opinion and/or my interpretation.

As examples:

"WDW is superior to DL" (That's my OPINION)

"Comparing all four parks of WDW to DL isn't a fair comparison" (My INTERPRETATION of this statement is that the person making it is saying WDW is superior, without necessarily realizing that's what they were saying).

I made no claim of my statements being FACTS. That was YOUR interpretation, as was your opinion that I was sounding "like a 5-year-old" and that I was being "bitter" (By the way, totally clueless as to where you got that latter one from. Not sure what exactly I'm supposedly "bitter" about).


Account Suspended
Originally posted by stranger
I know you have explained this statement again and again, but I just felt that it was based more on an opinion rather then being a fact.

You're right. It is absolutely my opinion. But the debate didn't seem to be about a disagreement with my opinion. It just seemed like they weren't "getting" the point.

Originally posted by stranger
Now comparing any park to DCA that's a different story :lol:.
(not my favorite of theme parks)

LOL! You'll get no argument from me! With the albatross known as DCA, it IS unfair to compare Disneyland to WDW! LOL!

Originally posted by stranger
It seems as though this is a pick on merlin thread, not my intention at all.

Not taken that way at all. The "5-year-old" and "bitter" remarks tell me that person was probably never the president of the debate club, but aside from that, I feel this is a healthy expression of opinions.


New Member
Originally posted by Merlin
I just don't find it necessary to preface everything with "In my opinion...". If I'm making the statement, then clearly it's my opinion and/or my interpretation.

As examples:

"WDW is superior to DL" (That's my OPINION)

"Comparing all four parks of WDW to DL isn't a fair comparison" (My INTERPRETATION of this statement is that the person making it is saying WDW is superior, without necessarily realizing that's what they were saying).

I made no claim of my statements being FACTS. That was YOUR interpretation, as was your opinion that I was sounding "like a 5-year-old" and that I was being "bitter" (By the way, totally clueless as to where you got that latter one from. Not sure what exactly I'm supposedly "bitter" about).

I didn't say that you had to directly post that it was your opinion. I'm well-aware that it is possible to state an opinion without saying that's what it is. But I'll admit that I'm having trouble explaining my point of view (and no, I wasn't captain of the debate team, in fact, never touched formal debate with a ten foot pole) but I do have trouble putting feelings like that into easily explainable terms, so I feel I shall stop now. My opinion has not changed, but if I can't adequately explain it, then I'll just shut up.



Account Suspended
Originally posted by xfkirsten
My opinion has not changed, but if I can't adequately explain it, then I'll just shut up.


Just as a bit of friendly advice, I think you'd have better success "adequately explaining" your points if you avoid the cheap shots (i.e. calling other members "5-year-olds" and saying they're "bitter" without backing it up or explaining why). These forums are here to express our opinions and occasionally that means a healthy debate. If I want to exclaim, with pride, that "WDW is superior", I shouldn't be attacked for that.


Account Suspended
Originally posted by FireFly725
Comparing WDW to DLR would be the better comparison, since you are comparing two resorts.

Okay, let's see...

WDW Resort:

-Four awesome, original, innovative theme parks
-Over 20 imaginatively themed hotels to fit the spectrum of budgets
-More than enough at Downtown Disney to fill an entire evening
-Boating, bike riding, and hiking trails
-Two meticulously themed water parks with incredible attention to detail
-Numerous transportation options available to navigate the resort
-Everything seems brand new, including stuff that opened in 1971

DL "Resort":

-One imaginative theme park which has clearly seen better days.
-One overpriced ripoff that barely qualifies to even be called an "amusement park" and doesn't deserve to have the Disney name on it
-A tiny collection of restaurants and shops, most of which can be found elsewhere
-One beautifully designed, yet very high-priced, hotel
-Two relatively ordinary, unthemed, overpriced hotels
-Attractions seem old and worn out, including ones that opened in the late 80's (i.e. Star Tours)
-A parking garage where it takes forever to park, followed by a relatively inefficient tram system
-Safety record among the worst in the industry (FACT, not OPINION, according to the Consumer Product Safety Commission)


New Member
Merlin, first off let me make this clear, this is not meant to be an attack. My question is, do you like anything about DLR?

From what I can remember of your posts (in threads past) you are always on the attack in regards to DLR. Even your last post, comparing the parks, all your 'good points' for DLR contain comments/complaints. Look at it, not a single nice thing to say. Do you really despise the DLR that much?

I agree that WDW is superior in many ways. They have 1 huge advantage of DLR and that is sheer land size. Nothing DL can to can overcome that big advantage. And rightly so, WDW has taken advantage of building an excellent park there. DLR, for the broader appeal has to rely on Los Angeles/Orange Counties for the 'expanded' experience. (parks, golf, ocean, super-malls, shows, etc.)

And Disney Corp has been neglectful to DLR and blown it many times over with decisions. I am not disagreeing with some of the points you bring out. However, I still like DLR and go there as often as I can. There are many things I do like about it, I lament the bad, but can still see the good.

I was just wondering do you really dislike DLR as much as your posts seem to indicate or do you find anything good about DLR?



Account Suspended
Originally posted by RU42
Merlin, first off let me make this clear, this is not meant to be an attack. My question is, do you like anything about DLR?

From what I can remember of your posts (in threads past) you are always on the attack in regards to DLR. Even your last post, comparing the parks, all your 'good points' for DLR contain comments/complaints. Look at it, not a single nice thing to say. Do you really despise the DLR that much?

I agree that WDW is superior in many ways. They have 1 huge advantage of DLR and that is sheer land size. Nothing DL can to can overcome that big advantage. And rightly so, WDW has taken advantage of building an excellent park there. DLR, for the broader appeal has to rely on Los Angeles/Orange Counties for the 'expanded' experience. (parks, golf, ocean, super-malls, shows, etc.)

And Disney Corp has been neglectful to DLR and blown it many times over with decisions. I am not disagreeing with some of the points you bring out. However, I still like DLR and go there as often as I can. There are many things I do like about it, I lament the bad, but can still see the good.

I was just wondering do you really dislike DLR as much as your posts seem to indicate or do you find anything good about DLR?


Thanks for your question. And no, I didn't interpret it as an attack. It's a legitimate question, intelligently and respectfully written, and it deserves a response that is in kind.

For the record, no I do not dislike DLR, though I can understand how some of my posts may give that impression. I've become increasingly disappointed with DLR (and really, with most of the Disney Co in general) in recent years. Nevertheless, I remain optimistic that things will improve. Where I think I differ from many of the members of these boards is that I pretty much call it like it is. For example, when I say that I think things will improve, I sincerely believe that, but it's not a basis for stating things are "awesome" at present. Many board members will claim it's awesome, but when asked to support that opinion, they'll often respond with rhetoric. When pressed, they almost invariably will talk about how it is "getting better". To me, that evades the topic at hand. "It's getting better" does not support the claim that it's awesome right now. When that doesn't work, they usually then resort to comparing it to how other parks were in their infancy. They'll make claims such as, "Look at how many attractions MGM had when it first opened." Again, this says nothing for how the resort is now, but rather how the members believe it will be at some point down the road. That's admirable, but it's missing the point, which is "What do you think of DLR CURRENTLY?". And trust me, if you keep sending the message to Disney that it's fine as is, where's the incentive for Disney to improve it? They also make EXCUSES for DLR's lack of greatness. Even your own post does this. You reference how Disney has been "neglectful" of DLR and how WDW's tremendous size gives it so much of an advantage. These are certainly valid arguments, but listen to what you're saying. You're not SUPPORTING a statement that DLR is as great, you're giving REASONS why it's not. Many members do this exact same thing and I don't think they realize they're not supporting their case very well. As a last resort, they'll take the sentimental approach and say things like, "I love it because it's the original" or "Walt personally worked on it". In my opinion, if that's the best you can do, you're insulting Walt. A Rembrandt painting isn't great because we know Rembrandt painted it, or because it is historically significant. Great art should speak for itself and I consider most of WDW to be just that. Walt wanted Disneyland to be a great experience that would speak for itself and I think it still does to some degree, but I believe it has dramatically lost it's lustre. If the company was focusing on keeping Walt's dream alive by innovating Disneyland and keeping it fresh and exciting, then it would easily have the potential to be the greatest. But the fact alone that Walt once worked on it does not, by itself, MAKE it the greatest. Plus, there's very little of Walt's personal touch that even still exists at Disneyland. Aside from the original park, though, I just don't see much about DLR that is unique (Grand Californian Hotel being perhaps the one exception). Believe me when I tell you that I have sincerely TRIED to like Downtown Disney and to give it many chances. But aside from the World of Disney store, there is just absolutely nothing at DTD worth seeing in my opinion. This is disappointing because there is so much they could have done with that space.

As to the primary focus of my disappointment with DLR....Disney's California Adventure. For what it's worth, I was tremendously excited about this park before it opened. When I first heard the concept, I thought that was the coolest idea...a park about California. It is such a diverse state in so many ways (almost it's own country), that I thought Disney would have a ton of ideas to work with. But as planning progressed and we started getting more information about what the park was going to be, my enthusiasm began to fade. It seemed abundantly clear to me that this park was not going to be a true "tribute to the Golden State" as Disney was claiming, but rather an uncreative collection of carnival rides and rehashes of other Disney attractions, most of which having little, if anything, to do with California. It's not a horrible park, as myself and others have jokingly claimed. And I must admit that upon my first visit, I found it to be better than I had expected (in that it's a very pretty park). But when I read the comments of so-called Disney "fans" referring to it as "awesome", well I think that is just insane. It is by no means a great Disney park. And it's my personal opinion that anyone who claims it is really isn't a true Disney fan. If you like DCA and you enjoy going there, that's one thing. But when people start even trying to put it in the same league with other Disney parks, then it seems to me that those individuals just don't truly understand what a Disney park is really about. DCA is an "Eisner" park. It is a "Pressler" park, but it is NOT a Disney park. To me, this is reinforced by the fact that Soarin' is it's signature attraction. It absolutely amazes me that Disney fans rant and rave so much about this ride. It tells me that, as Disney fans, we've really lowered our standards.

Well there you have it. Sorry for the incredibly lengthy response, but it was difficult to answer this one in a succinct manner. To summarize, I suppose it may be accurate to say that my frustration or "dislike" is not directed so much at DLR itself, but rather to the so-called Disney "fans" who so enthusiastically defend it and accept it's mediocrity simply because it has the Disney name on it. In my opinion, TRUE Disney fans would instead be doing something that is akin to what Roy Disney is presently doing....standing up and saying, "This is unacceptable. Give us quality and give us value for our hard-earned money."


New Member
Thanks for the well thought out reply. I can safely say we agree on many points.

Sentimentality and nostalgia are very strong forces. I think that is why many people like DLR despite some of it's problems. I remember growing up at DL. I remember the rides many here have no clue about. I remember the first 'phone booth speaker phone' and how fun it was to cram several people into it and call people to say 'were at Disney and you are not.' I remember the pristine white Tomorrowland and great rides like CoP (wow I am dating myself) and the follow up America Sings - still one of my all time favorites. I miss the Skyway and the old pirates boat. The dreams and memories of my youth are rekindled when I visit DL. I guess that is why I still love DLR in my heart.

But with that said, it really does hurt to see the lack of innovation for the most part. I think you really hit the nail on the head with DCA; it is not a Walt park it is a Pressler/Eisner park. The drive to make money outweighed the creativity. That is so anti-Walt. He believed take of the people first and the rest would sort itself out. He was right multiple times on that philosophy. We saw this damage with DCA and it is the same root problem that DL is suffering from.

Would I describe DLR as awesome - well yes and no; depending on what you compare it to. If compared to itself in the past or to WDW; then unfortunately I would have to say no. I can think of 2 perfect examples as to why not. (I am not saying these are the only 2; just that there typify the large scale problem.) First is turning the carousel into Innoventions. Nothing very innovative about it. The technology housed in Innoventions is yesterday's news and a giant plug for Disney software. I am amazed they don't have a Disney software store in front of the exit door. It is a money making ride; through sponsorship and through getting people to want to own the software. The other is what you pointed out. DCA has a couple really bright spots. Grizzly Mt and Rapids is beautiful. I like Cal Soarin and Cal Screaming. The Animation building is pretty cool too. Beyond that what is the innovation of the park? For the most part there is none. They are rehashes (Muppet/Bugs, etc), off the shelf (most of the pier), or boring (just how many times do I want to see tortillas/sour dough made.

I do say it is 'awesome' when compared to other choices. Knotts is even more run down (at least last time I went.) Magic Mtn is great for roller coasters but I like the story aspect of DL. And what keeps me hanging on are 2 things: occasional glimpses of the innovation and hope for tomorrow. I think 'Believe' was a great change. I like the holiday change to HM that adds some freshness. ToT, while a rehash, sounds like they have made some really nice improvements - ditto to the proposed Buzz. I think DL Fantasmic is awesome. I am glad we have the Tiki Room unchanged. Plus the rides from my youth like Jungle Cruise, PotC, HM, Matterhorn, Space, BTMRR and the relatively new IJA. My eyes see cheapskates, my head sees inertia, but my heart can still see Walt's dream. While that might not be as tangible as WDW success, it is still a powerful force - which leads into my other reason.

And I, like you, and many others on this board, hold out hope for tomorrow. Walt did and I guess that sits in the hearts of all of us Disney nuts. Again you put it well when you said DL does somewhat speak for itself as a masterpiece but tightwads have diminished the luster. But a masterpiece covered in dust and neglect can be a masterpiece once again if given the care it needs. I hope Roy can continue his crusade to fix the masterpiece.



Account Suspended
I found that interesting that someone who grew up on disneyland liked WDW better.

I first went to WDW 2x before visiting Disneyland, and I have to say, it was a little disappointing...but I thought it was because my memories STARTED at WDW.

I just came back from WDW after a 15 year abscence, and it was cool...although, I was dissapointed in the size of the parks (as a kid, I remember it as being huge...by the time I walked to the end of future world, I was shocked at how I'd passed all the attractions, I thought that's where they'd begin.

I prefer the size and cleanliness of MKWDW...but I actually don't like all the hotels that have sprung up at WDW...what do you guys think? I think its great that they have different budgets in mind for visitors...but I didn't like all the parking lots I was seeing back to back for different resorts.

Anyway...love WDW...and want to move to Celebration...now, if they had a blizzard beach overe here...hmmm...


New Member
Original Poster

Man, did this thread take off! Cool discussion.

As someone that grew up on WDW (first visit the year it opened, I was 5!) I always wished to see where it all started. As luck would have it, I missed an opportunity to go in the mid 80s and actually went to disneyland paris before finally going to disneyland a few weeks ago.

I couldn't help but feel dissapointed and a lot of that is due to attractions being closed. Indy, SM, BTMRR all shut down. There were construction walls all over, and a helter-skelter feelinmg to the plce in general.

Beyond that, I really enjoyed the unique fantasyland rides. And pirates was way cool. The castle is cute but can't compare to sheer size and majesty of WDW's.

Perhaps, I'll be able to return someday. But I won't go out of my way.

WDW for halloween here I come!



Active Member
I have to say there is a very major difference between DL and WDW. There is no way to really compare them. Remember WDW was built after DL. It is a basic emulation of Disneyland.

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