We've stopped explaining!!!


I Know...

I get that question too...."Your going to Disneyworld AGAIN??? Don't you want to go somewhere different, there are so many other BEAUTIFUL places??? My answer NO!!! They just don't understand, they never will .I give up on them, worry about ME!!! :sohappy:


New Member
For the most part, people have quit bugging me. Going to Disney World a lot is just seen as one of my cute personality quirks. I have noticed that whenever anyone else wants to go, their planning starts with coming to ask me questions and advice. :rolleyes:

I had a former Co-worker who did exacately that, always questioned the Yearly WDW vacation but when it came time to try to convince her husband to go I was the one she called on to try to help. I work in a small office 18 ppl, in Public service where I'm the Deputy Director of our local 911 Center. So I'm used to some back biting and little back stabbing But some of these ppl are just ugly gossiping cut your throat for no good reason types. Thats why she is a "former co-worker" you can about the calls BUT NEVER BRING THE MOUSE INTO IT!:mad:
SORRY MOM bout the language just no other word seem to fit.


Well-Known Member
I've always gotten those looks and responses ever since I was a little kid. Even little kids would say why are you going again. Truthfully my dad didn't fly so we didn't have a lot of options. 25 years later I still go multiple times per year, its part of the DNA now I guess. I told my wife when we met going to WDW at least once a year is part of the package:lol: . Although she goes I think she is starting to get a little bored. So I took my son and had a father son weekend. Truthfully I think its going to be a yearly tradition, we had a blast together.

What people don't understand is that WDW is a great vacation value. I have traveled all over and for the money WDW is the best value. Truly there is something for everyone, if you can't have fun at WDW your not going to have fun anywhere. The same people who give us funny looks are the same ones who have season tickets to sporting events, play at the same golf course every week, eat at the same restaurant every friday night, drink the same beer, I could keep going but I won't bore you, but you get my point. The real reason people say things to us is the fact they equate disney with children, its a kid place. So they think of us a being childish, which isn't the case. Unfortunately, the questions and rolled eyes won't go away anytime soon, but they do make us stronger. Actually, they make me want to go even more :D . Stay strong fellow Disneyfreaks and GOD BLESS WDW:wave:


Being a 21 year old guy, you can imagine how bad I get ragged on by my buddies for liking Disney so much. Im not building my own CoP family or making my girlfriend dress up like a cartoon character, but being that my school is only 30 mins away I go all the time. Regardless, I've convinced 9 people this year to get an annual pass, and that magic has began to set in on all of them so they finally understand where I'm coming from.


New Member
I think most people who say "You're going AGAIN!!!" expect one to be on the defensive so they can come back with some negative quip on Disney. I think they get a kick out of it.
When they ask "You're going again???", I get my biggest smile on and say "Definitely!!!". Followed by "Don't you get bored of going there ALL THE TIME?". I simply say, "Only people who don't know how to have fun can be bored there. I bet I have more fun at WDW that most people do when they go elsewhere! Some people just don't know what their missing!" (again with the biggest smile I can muster). I think they are so blown away that their question (along with scrunched up face) doesn't affect my enthusiasm for the place, that they just give up the interrogation ;)


Active Member
As i said in an earlier response, we go to WDW every year and this is a well know fact by all, including the parents at my children's school. Anyway, a few months ago one of the mom's approached me because she was thinking about taking her kids to Disney and wanted some advice. I couldn't believe it when the woman actually asked me, "is there really anything for kids to do at Disney World?" :eek::eek: :eek: Needless to say I was speechless(which is a very rare occurence for me). That just proves to me that there are actually people out there that don't have a clue about Disney!


We get the question too, usually from people who have never been, or once 15 years ago. Or people know we're going again, so it's more of a resigned, eye-rolling "so when are you going back to Disney?" For everyone else, we are their personal WDW trip planners and travel agents.

Our solution is to bring peole over to the Disney side with us. After one trip, everyone is all "next time we should do.." We've brought our dad a few times to the Food & Wine festival the past several years. He now understands and respects that come October, a week of WDW is on the books, no questions asked.


New Member
I have to admit I was "one of those" until 1999 when my cousin was planning their 3rd trip for his family! After listening to him talk about it everyday I finally told him to book a trip for me, DH & DD 16 at the time, DD20 couldn't go because of school. Well that was all it took, 2 years later we were going again and in 2005 we took my 2 DDs and SIL. Seven trips later and looking forward to October, bringing my sister and her daughter, new recruits :lol: Most people don't say too much me when they find out we're going again 'cause all I do is smile and tell them yep we're going again:)

big stitch

my wife and I get the looks and the questions every year from friends and co-workers. They keep telling us it's time to go go on a grown-up vacation, my response is ok i will play golf twice while i'm there not just once. I say whatever makes you happy do it and make it special each time you go, You ge one life to live and you need to enjoy it to the max!

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