Weird opinion about Disney and Universal


Well-Known Member
If anything, it's the opposite. Try wearing a Disney shirt at Universal. You'll always get made fun of. Vice versa, and the CM's won't say a word to you.

That's a steaming pile of crap. TMs at Universal really don't care what you wear, as long as you're wearing clothes. They're not trained to say anything to someone wearing a Disney related item of clothing. And their lives don't revolve around working at Universal.

Mouse Man

New Member
That's a steaming pile of crap. TMs at Universal really don't care what you wear, as long as you're wearing clothes. They're not trained to say anything to someone wearing a Disney related item of clothing. And their lives don't revolve around working at Universal.

So not true. The DWF & I had our last trip to Uni 3 years ago. I wore my WDW hat and the DWF her Tink shirt. We were harrassed so bad that I finally told the Uni employee to shut up or I would report him. Uni does give alot of flack to any one that wears Disney apparrel in their parks.

Olive Garden better than than Disney food, again no way. Now if you said better than some of the fast counter services then I would have to agree. Let me see Olive Garden vs Fulton's or Flying Fish. I think not

Lastly when the DWF and I first visited Uni for the first time in 2000 we were blown away and totally loved it. The second visit was cool, the third and fourth visit not so cool and rather boring and made us feel where are all the people. Then we met the Uni's Attitudes towards people wearing Disney apparrel. We also stayed on site at one of there resorts for two days and will never do this again. Disney is what makes us smile, have fun and relax and the amount of things to do, see, hear smell and eat are incredible. I can not comment on HP in Uni but it's only one attraction that is bringing in the crowds right now. After the last movie is over let's see how the crowds are in a year or two after. Bet there back to the way they were before HP. The DWF and I are not planning to see Uni anymore. until the entire parks are both fully re-done.


Well-Known Member
So not true. The DWF & I had our last trip to Uni 3 years ago. I wore my WDW hat and the DWF her Tink shirt. We were harrassed so bad that I finally told the Uni employee to shut up or I would report him. Uni does give alot of flack to any one that wears Disney apparrel in their parks.
I hate whenever this topic comes up on here because the same thing happens at Disney. THE SAME THING.

I also highly doubt you were "harassed", I mean, do you REALLY think they actually care that you're wearing a Disney hat?

"Ha-ha! Look at that LOSER in the Disney hat! Lets ruin his day!"

Mouse Man

New Member
I hate whenever this topic comes up on here because the same thing happens at Disney. THE SAME THING.

I also highly doubt you were "harassed", I mean, do you REALLY think they actually care that you're wearing a Disney hat?

"Ha-ha! Look at that LOSER in the Disney hat! Lets ruin his day!"

Sorry, but you can not Doubt a thing. You were not there nor do you know how it made us feel, being ridiculed for a constant 5 minutes. We did not think it was funny nor was a joke.

We have had this happen twice on two different trips a few years apart. I already had Uni cast members tell us in line how much they hate the other park down the street that they call it and we should be ridiculed and badgered all day until we take our Disney apparrle off. Get real. I already see why you are getting frustrated. I think you need to go back to the Uni Thread and stay there instead of trying to annoy people on a Disney site.


Well-Known Member
it happens at BOTH parks. It's not trained, just depends on the CM/Employee. I've known CMs personally who've said they have razed people "playfully" about wearing gear from "the park down the street." Uni peeps also call Disney "the park down the street" or "that other park." Depending on the guests, some laugh, some are offended. I, personally, have made remarks to my family about people wearing US/IOA/SW/BG gear at Disney. Ive done it in fun jest. And I'll tell ya, if you're ever in the position to have to file a complaint with US/IOA, tell 'em how Disney is better. lol.


New Member
Sorry, but you can not Doubt a thing. You were not there nor do you know how it made us feel, being ridiculed for a constant 5 minutes. We did not think it was funny nor was a joke.

We have had this happen twice on two different trips a few years apart. I already had Uni cast members tell us in line how much they hate the other park down the street that they call it and we should be ridiculed and badgered all day until we take our Disney apparrle off. Get real. I already see why you are getting frustrated. I think you need to go back to the Uni Thread and stay there instead of trying to annoy people on a Disney site.

In all my years I have never heard or witnessed that happening to anyone near me or myself. Without doubting you chalk it up as a bad egg employee. Disney has them too. I heard an Cast Member at Magic kingdom monday evening telling a fellow CM 'How do you do that sh8t?" People are human. It happens everywhere. Why would someone need to go back to the Uni thread?

As far as things you see in the park that are a part of the show for disney spoofing are just that. Satire, is the sincerest form of flattery.

This is what every thread mentioning Universal seems better for someone right now turns into.
This is wdw related due to the comparison so it is not nice to tell someone they should just leave and stick to a thread. bullying


Well-Known Member
Sorry, but you can not Doubt a thing. You were not there nor do you know how it made us feel, being ridiculed for a constant 5 minutes. We did not think it was funny nor was a joke.

We have had this happen twice on two different trips a few years apart. I already had Uni cast members tell us in line how much they hate the other park down the street that they call it and we should be ridiculed and badgered all day until we take our Disney apparrle off. Get real. I already see why you are getting frustrated. I think you need to go back to the Uni Thread and stay there instead of trying to annoy people on a Disney site.

I also doubt this. I believe there was another thread where you posted the same story about how you were "harrassed" by a Universal employee because you wore something Disney. Harrassed most likely you were not. Maybe you did get that one rouge TM who was a jerk. That can happen, but the same thing can happen at Disney. That doesn't make that event the norm for every visit. Maybe a TM was trying to have fun with you and joked about wearing something Disney at Universal, but you have such a hard-on for Disney that you blew it out of proportion. I wasn't there, so no I can't say whether it happened or not. But I know Universal, I know how they are trained, and I know "harrassing" customers wearing Disney clothing is bad business practice. It's very unlikely you were "harrassed".

But being on that subject, I really do get a kick out of people who are so blinded by their "love", and I use that term lightly, for Disney that they insist upon things that are unlikely when it comes to Universal. Most of the people who are employed by Universal have a life outside of Universal. They don't feel threatened by Disney, they're just happy to have a job and be getting paid. Universal and Disney are not ivy-league colleges that people feel envious towards for not being at.


Active Member
i personally like disney better. they have more to do/see/experience. lets say i love disney but kind of like universal. the rides are fun. some of them. jaws was good but it reminded me of jungle cruise since they do that little spiel of cracking jokes the whole time. the earthquake ride or whatever they call it nowadays (disaster i think), we had to wait in line forever for that thing and it just wasn't worth it.

we didn't like the fact that for the mummy ride & the MIB ride we had to rent lockers. we didn't get to ride the mummy but lets just compare it to EE. not sure if mummy has steep drops or not but EE does & we didnt have to rent a locker to put my purse in. they have bags on the ride vehicle to hold it.
i wanna also compare MIB to toy story mania or space ranger spin. i'm able to hold on to my purse just fine on those rides but universal doesnt allow you to bring ur bag on the MIB ride. my fiance ended up holding my bag for me while i rode with my nephew and my fiance had to miss out. just little things like that i don't like.

the biggest thing for us though is disney doesn't charge extra for fastpass, where as universal has a similar thing but does charge. sure we could use it if we stay at one of their rediculously expensive hotels but why should we do that when we can go to disney & see more attractions in our day. (& not have to pay as much for a hotel). anyways, sorry for venting we just had a bad experience & i had to share. lol to each his own though. as i said at the beginning there are some rides at universal that are fun but as a whole, disney is better IMO. :wave:


Active Member
i know but by the time we got done waiting in line for it, actually rode the ride & gotten back it wouldn't have been free anymore


Well-Known Member
more than likely, it still would have. I've put my stuff in those lockers, gone inside and the ride broke down. I waited. Didn't have to pay. If you leave your stuff while riding all rides, you'll pay cause it's been hours.

Personally, I don't like the express passes at Uni. Why should I pay for that? Just let me get one and come back later. US/IOA also need to do revamps on their queues like Disney did. The main queues aren't WC accessible but they require you to go through them with the exception of BttF/Simpsons, but that is still tight.

As for comparing Mummy to EE, there's no comparison, in my book. Mummy is much better. I remember the first time riding Mummy. We had no idea what kinda ride it would be. My mom, who's fearful and hates coasters, will give a ride a try before declaring she hates it, but coasters get no chance. lol Well, my dad, mom, and brother were in line. I came in a tad later. On my way to catching up to them, I saw a warning sign that said speed, drops and turns. I told my mom it sounded like a coaster. She took the first exit outta there. lol. When I saw the cars in the loading area, I thought I was wrong. It barely had lap bars! lol When the ride started, we went through that treasure room from the movie. It seemed like a ride like Dinosaur without the simulator...then suddenly it's a speeding coaster! I loved it! lol It's a coaster with a mix of regular dark ride with rotating tracks. Bad @$$!!!!

Like I said, I'm interested in seeing the HP area although I am disappointed that they just renamed the Dueling Dragons. Even worse, that they unthemed most of that queue. I loved that queue. Then, to do all of that and NOT repaint the tracks a new color. That just seemed cheap but whatever. I digress. lol.


Active Member
I love the person who compared mummy to ee without even riding mummy. MUMMY IS SOOOOOO MUCH BETTER THAN EE!! Mummy is one of my favorite rides of all time, rode it for the first time last year and couldnt get enough! Please dont judge a ride before you even rode it. The lockers are there as a convenience in case you dont have anyone to hold your stuff. They are free for your ride and timed well for the amount of time you will need on 1 ride. Just dont try to re-ride again, because it will end up charging you if you take longer than excpected, which is fine, because it clearly states its only free for 1 ride.

Even when riding a ride and it breaks down, they will have CMs stationed near the lockers to open them up for you without charging. Imo its smart business, do I wish they were free all the time? sure but that would be dumb on their part.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, but you can not Doubt a thing. You were not there nor do you know how it made us feel, being ridiculed for a constant 5 minutes. We did not think it was funny nor was a joke.

We have had this happen twice on two different trips a few years apart. I already had Uni cast members tell us in line how much they hate the other park down the street that they call it and we should be ridiculed and badgered all day until we take our Disney apparrle off. Get real. I already see why you are getting frustrated. I think you need to go back to the Uni Thread and stay there instead of trying to annoy people on a Disney site.
By any chance, did this happen in the Shrek 4D pre-show? Because thats basically all the pre-show is?
i know but by the time we got done waiting in line for it, actually rode the ride & gotten back it wouldn't have been free anymore
No, it would still be free. The amount of free time the locker gives you is always MORE than enough time to wait through the current standby line's wait time, ride, purchase things in the gift shop, and come back to the locker. If the ride breaks down or the wait time increases, they always have a TM on hand that bumps up the "free time" so you don't have to pay through any fault of your own.

Also, the lockers are required for good reason - safety as well as convenience. Disney doesn't really have any ride that will toss loose articles out of the car as hard as rides like Revenge of the Mummy.
we didn't like the fact that for the mummy ride & the MIB ride we had to rent lockers. we didn't get to ride the mummy but lets just compare it to EE. not sure if mummy has steep drops or not but EE does & we didnt have to rent a locker to put my purse in. they have bags on the ride vehicle to hold it.
i wanna also compare MIB to toy story mania or space ranger spin. i'm able to hold on to my purse just fine on those rides but universal doesnt allow you to bring ur bag on the MIB ride. my fiance ended up holding my bag for me while i rode with my nephew and my fiance had to miss out. just little things like that i don't like.
Revenge of the Mummy has several launches and a few spots of "ejector airtime". EE may have a steep hill, but at no point in the ride are you thrown about like on RoTM.

MIB spins you around really fast and the car is open on all sides. TSMM and Buzz only gently spin. Also you made your fiance miss out on it for no reason, since the lockers are free, so its your own fault for not taking the time to read the directions.
Personally, I don't like the express passes at Uni. Why should I pay for that?
Because unlike Disney, where on a crowded day you're lucky if you get fastpasses for two e-ticket attractions, Universal's allows you an instant pass for every ride in the park, whenever you want. Its more than just a "Fastpass that you have to pay money for."


Well-Known Member
The Sea Lion Show was the greatest holiday offering we experienced a few weeks ago. Didn't get to Busch, but they were not in full holiday mode yet.

I really like AK's Jamin Jungle parade though. By far the best daytime parade on property. I'm talking about you MK's terrible dayside parade.


Well-Known Member
I am almost ashamed to think this. After being a hardcore Disney World fan for 8+ years with yearly visits from Colorado, I finally spent a day at Universal. After a full day of visiting both Uni and IOA, I left the property with a weird feeling. I liked the parks more than Disney.

Now, most of this can be attributed to both parks being new to me and the feeling of adventure you get from that. Still, it was a weird feeling.

Just a few thoughts.....

When I was in college and IOA opened I thought it was the most amazing thing ever and had this anti-Disney attitude for a while. After repeat visits though, you realize that while there are some really amazing attractions and theming to be seen, the Universal parks severely lack one thing that Disney provides.... MAGIC. It's an intangible, indescribable quality, but you notice it doesn't really exist at the Universal parks.

Totally not bashing them though. They are great parks that should not be missed and, IMO, offer experiences that are far beyond anything Disney currently has. (See Harry Potter and Spider-Man.)


Active Member
first of all, i didn't "make" my fiance miss out, it was his idea, it was also him that didn't "read" the directions. like someone else said, you werent there you don't know our circumstances. we didn't have time. END OF STORY but really i dont care because its not going to change my mind about universal either way.
wow i'm with the poster that wanted their account deleted! people jump on you like piranhas here. how ridiculous that you all need to gang up on someone & attack them for something they say. and not just me, i see it alot. so sorry that i'm not as intelligent as you are you all knowing masters. have fun attacking people & me because i won't be back to read it i'm deleting my account. peace out!


Well-Known Member
I apologize, but you weren't very clear. You said that your fiance "had to miss out" so I assumed you thought that was the only way you could experience the ride.


Well-Known Member
That's a steaming pile of crap. TMs at Universal really don't care what you wear, as long as you're wearing clothes. They're not trained to say anything to someone wearing a Disney related item of clothing. And their lives don't revolve around working at Universal.

Think whatever you want. It's happened to me many times. I don't take it harassment. It's all in good fun. It's not like they're being mean about it.


Well-Known Member
The lockers for those rides are free for an amount of time based on the attraciton wait times. Just a helpful reminder for next time.:wave:

We had a locker by the Hulk and when it wouldn't open the locker guard told us we had exceeded our time limit and owed them money. We disagreed, he opened the locker for us, saw that we hadn't and didn't say any more. He was kind of rude about it. Luckily it wasn't busy at all. I'll bet on a busy day they make a killing at the lockers if this is common with people in a rush.:xmas:

Both parks have fun attractions. Both are worth going to. We find Universal fun for a day and Disney fun for a week.

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