Not that the above quite has anyting to do with what I'm about to say, but...You have a giant yellow head with a gigantic triangular mouth that features no teeth? Also, no appendages? Strange indeed. Is that emoticon actually a jpeg?
Don't you just love American capitalism? We just love the fact that our system can produce hundred-billion-trillion dollar corporations whom spoil us with cool things (like iPhones) and cool places (like WDW). The stuff our free enterprise system is so cool that EVERYONE from Tokyo to Shanghai and Hong Kong want their Magic Kingdoms and their iPhones too!
The WDW business model so successfully demonstrates what our free enterprise system can accomplish, that communists and fascists have claimed it as their own! Communists have said the WDW business model is in actuality a scaled down version of communist societies, pointing out that the company functions like the government and all the businesses are owned by it. Fascists claim that the WDW business model demonstrates the virtues of their ideology, pointing out that the reason why WDW has been so successful is due to the fact that the RCID, a quasi-government, is under corporate control. Both communists and fascists claim that perfect communism or perfect fascism would produce perfect WDW-like societies. The truth of the matter is that WDW was created out of a democratic representative free market economy that the rest of the world either is jealous of or is trying to mimic!