Ok, I like that
I would, however, add the temperature to the precipitation scene, because it would be easier to right into the story...When it's hot, it rains, when it's cold, it snows.
I still like the idea of " ______ in a bottle" and having ray open it. Do you think we could arrange to have a thunderstorm ina bottle? I'm sure it feasible..The story would flow better if guests where 'accidently' subjected to the bad storm, instead of Proffesor Sirrus (who seem like a nice guy) subjecting them intentionally to it..Plus, a storm in a bottle would just look cool.
So..Scene outline would now look like this:
1 Intro
2 Precipitation, Evaporation, Temperature changes
3 Wind currents, Meaning and types of Cloud Formations
4 Storm In a bottle (Thunderstorm)
5 Interactive (Explained below)
6 Unload
Ok, The interactive part..
If you've been to Innoventions, and played the Racing game, this is alot easier to explain.
Basically, it's going to work off this priniple:
A pane of glass (any size) placed in front of a canvas will cause any image projected on it to appear as large as the canvas.
This principle would be applied at the end. Seats would be 'Grouped' into sections of four seats. At the end, a glass pane would lower down from the ceiling, infront of the theater would be a HUGE white canvas, IMAX size. At the end of Scene 4, guests would be directed to a 'selection panel' on one of the seats, where guest will push buttons to choose 3 weather conditions to experience. This would occur as the cars move from scene 4 to 5. once they reach 5, the glass panels would be lowered, and the projections would start. The ceiling would also be lower here, and each seat would have fans, misters, heat lamps, cool-air jets, and vibrating seats for each group. This would allow the 'teens' to choose more thirlling experiences, the kids to choose the safe ones, and the confused people to choose a mixture of dangerous and fun ones. Then, the screens would go up, and a general IMAX ending would be presented to everyone..Perhaps a large view of earth from space, showing all the storm patterns from a sattelite view, with an inspirational catch phrase (similar to "If we can dream it, we can do it!" Only this one would pertain to weather)
I hope that was TOO confusing. Believe me, it would work. And it woldn't be as expensive as it sounds.