Weatherific! Brainstorming

Oh I see, well I really don't have a preference to either of the 2 layouts, the 4 or the five scene one, and there really does not seem to be much input floating around here, would a chat help? Maybe we could organize one....

Assuming we stick with the 5 scene version here are some modified transition ideas:

1/2 do these really need to be separate scenes? How about combine them into one..I 'll get to the added scene in a bit

1-2Rainy -wind

Real heavy rain to block visibility

2-3wind -storm

Stick with flying debris


Black with lightning effects but the transition box would be opaque

4-5 finale -aftermath

Explosion-flash light-smoke cloud

5(added scene)
A conclusion showing all the final damage of the “suicide mix” and some final witty closures


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Just got back from CRUISIN'!

And I am glad that some topics are being talked about here...

Lemme just poke my head in really quick, simply because I'm too tired right now to type up any of my ideas..(don't worry, they're coming..)

This was supposed to be a kids show..FigmentDream, you're sorta laying it on kinda thick, We didn't want to scare these kids...Perhaps widing our scene choices would help a bit.

First, lets jump out of the box of just 'weather experiences' and look at it from a different angle. EPCOT is supposed to be about education, and our pavillion has definetly been filled with attractions that let you experience different weather patterns, but have we educated them on it? NOPE!
Make the scenes something like this:

1. Cleaning/Intro/Seating
2. Explanation of Evaporation with demonstration of precipitation (rain/snow)
3. Explanation of Wind Currents and how they move around the world Coupled with a cloud explanation (you know, the different types of clouds, what the different ones indicate) then. demonstrate the two..Make a cloud, then blow it away with some strong winds after it gets big and dark...The cloud would be light and fluffy, but build up till it gets dark, and the music gets a bit scarier, then, fans would blow it away...Demonstrating how wind currents can manipulate storms..
4. Bad Storms-I'm Still not sure how we could do this one...I was thinking about some video clips that could be shown, then, one of the charecters would bring out a tornado they 'caught'..I'm sure one of you has seen them at Spencers..just make a reallly big one.
They're tornado things that are in a large tube. We'd just make a HUGE one..anyways, something would break, and it would escape..Wind would blow, and foam balls would be released so they can fly around through the audience. The balls wold be small, the size of a ping-pong ball, and the floors would all slant EVER so slightly, just enough so the balls would roll into slots, so they can be collected under the theater.
Also, you'll see that scene one provides for 'cleanup time' so any stray balls can be cleaned up as a couple cast members go thtrough the theater with a broom.
5. The end, well, I'd sorta like to make this interactive, I mentioned the projection techinque I wanted to use, so each family would be able to chose which weather anomily they wanted to experince, but the ending is still kinda up in the air...

I guess I did end up posting my Ideas, huh?
Originally posted by Chad
Just got back from CRUISIN'!

And I am glad that some topics are being talked about here...

Lemme just poke my head in really quick, simply because I'm too tired right now to type up any of my ideas..(don't worry, they're coming..)

This was supposed to be a kids show..FigmentDream, you're sorta laying it on kinda thick, We didn't want to scare these kids...Perhaps widing our scene choices would help a bit.

First, lets jump out of the box of just 'weather experiences' and look at it from a different angle. EPCOT is supposed to be about education, and our pavillion has definetly been filled with attractions that let you experience different weather patterns, but have we educated them on it? NOPE!

Well, personally I didn't think that this would be any more intense then It's Tough To Be Bug....but I do see where it could be a little to intense for some youngsters, anyways, I will still like to see the chairs to be able to tilt in the wind direction, this would not have to be a intense or harsh movement, but it could rather be done rather gentle and smoothly, but this would still add a sense of interaction.

Lack of education!?, have you read all I updated Weather Works with?


New Member
Well, figmentdream, Chad does have a good point. This needs to be cooky and educating and not so scary. Chad, as for thr eballs, that is a no-no. Have you ever trwon anything out a bus window and had it hit a car. I did and it was a small foam/plastic ball and it broke the dude's windshield causing him to crash into a tree. NO JOKE. People could get hurt.

What's the number one rule of Disney Chad? Safety Comes First :rolleyes: Yeah Right!

Well, I agree, this ride should be more good old fun, and not so much scary stuff. figmentdream, I say we keep those scenes (5) and make them more cooky.

Like, Ray trips down the stairs and bumps the machine into wind mode. The scene goes dark, the wind goes around the theater and when lights go up, the whole place is a mess. Good old fun.

- The WeirdOne :D
Don't get me wrong, I am agreeing with you guys, I see where what i had proposed could be scary for some, personally for me I woudl have found that fun... I agree there should be more cookiness added in, the extra intensity was almost a side effect of the transitions I had thought of, I agree the show whould be towned down quite a bit from what I had proposed.


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I just looked at your scene ideas, and all of them looked focused on extreme and dangerous weather conditions. I just responded to what I saw.

And yes, I did see Weather Works, And it's VERY good, but this one needs more education in it, too.

I wanted this to be even MORE tame then Bugs Life, with only one scary scene, which would be the tornado being released, but even that wouldn't be too scary, because many of the lights would still be on.

((Well, I agree, this ride should be more good old fun, and not so much scary stuff. figmentdream, I say we keep those scenes (5) and make them more cooky. ))

Which 5 scenes are you reffering too? Mine? Yours? Or FigmentDreams?

And the foam balls...MOSI (museum of science and industry) Here in Tampa has a 'hurricane box' with foam balls in it. They fly around at 75 Miles per hour, and haven't hurt anyone yet.

I wasn't planning on making the tornado winds higher then 30 or 40 mph, so it would be almost HALF as intense as the MOSI attraction, so safety was on my mind.

I am happy to see us moving ahead with this :)


New Member
I was refering to figmentdreams. I think his work the best essentially. Ok, maybe foam could work, but think about it, after a while they will all be gone and/or torn up/abused. But, glad you did think of safety.

Chad, I don't agree with this being too tame. I think ITTBAB isn't that tame, nor HISTA either. I totally disagree there. This can't be too tame because there it goes to budget cuts and many closures. Add some fun and EXCITEMENT into this.

That's IMHO though. - The WeirdOne :D


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Since when does something have to be exciting to be fun?

I guess I'm just looking out for EPCOT..I figure, you add a thrill ride, you add a kids ride. Weatherific would have been a ride that little kids wouldn't have been bored in, yet wouldn't have been scared to death. And you'd be suprised how easily kids can get scared. Thunder could cause a kid to cry. Even something as simple as darkness and fog would send a kid into tears. If we're going to make a kids ride, you have to be gentle when designing a ride for families.

IASWA is not scary in the least and as not met the chopping block, same with All the other darkrides in FanatsyLand, The Jungle Cruise, and countless other rides. Disney isn't about just thrilling someone, this applies ecspecially to EPCOT, which is about information. Weatherific was something that I wanted to have as a filler to JII..Something perky, funny, colorful..When I imagine Proffesor Sirrus, he looks alot like DreamFinder. The lab itself, is bright and colorful. With odd tubes resevoirs with crazy colors bubbling in them, oversized-odd shaped gears..

Subjecting kids to extreme weather (as figmentdream suggested) would be kind of weird in this whimsical enviroment. Rain so thick it blocks visibility? Explosions? Darkness with lightining? Geez! The kids are already wettin' their pants!

I know there are some kids who LIKE thrills..Thats why StormChaser is right next door..This is for kids looking for fun, and for adults looking for humor (as the script will <hopefully> be loaded with jokes)
You do bring up some very good points Chad, I could definitely work with this being a much more kid friendly attraction...but the only problem I run into is what transitions to use to block visibility of the stage, but not to scare kids :confused:, darkness could be used but even that would scare some kids as you pointed out. I am almost wondering if we should just build like 4 separate theaters instead, or just one really big one, and use more complex animatronics and scenes and not really so heavily on being able to change scenes....

The only solution to this that I could think of would for Dr. Sirrus to explain that the guests are sitting in a large vehicle that will take them on a tour of the facilities, where him and his colleges have created the worlds first weather making device, and you lucky people are here to be the first to witness it during it's test run, the device is rather large and thus it is at the center of several rooms. Thereby the transitions you being transported to another part of the lab, in the back of each scene then would be the weather machine and perhaps each room could be by a different outlet of the machine, one room may be built around the rain maker and have instruments and sensors built around that, another room may be built around the snow maker and so on...
Just some thoughts, I could easily design this to be as intense I had originally planned or as kid friendly as Chad is proposing, personally I am thinking perhaps a middle ground might be best...

Again I am wondering if a Chat would help work out some of the kinks in this project, do we have regular ones around here and I am just not aware of them?


New Member
Ok, Chad, I never said this had to be really really exciting. I just said, "Let's add some EXCITEMENT and fun into this." I never driectly implied anything about some has to be exciting to be fun. But, whatever, let it pass, I merely said that we should add some EXCITEMENT.

As for your idea to make this "...bright and colorful. With odd tubes resevoirs with crazy colors bubbling in them, oversized-odd shaped gears..." I like that, that's what i've been saying most of the time, but there should be at least one kind-of sortof "serious" weather in there, like maybe a thunderstorm, or a blizzard. But seriously, I agree totally with making this whimsical and funny.

Hey, figmentdream, I like your idea about a "tour" of the facilities. It would be a perfect way to tie in together the ideas that we have about WeatherIfic!

Ok, well, here are my ideas for a new revised scene sequence:

#1 - Intro
#2 - Heat/Cold
#3 - Rain/Snow
#4 - Wind (I LOVE THIS ONE)
#5 - A More "serious" weather

Ok, tell me what you think. - The WeirdOne :D
Originally posted by WeirdOne

#1 - Intro
#2 - Heat/Cold
#3 - Rain/Snow
#4 - Wind (I LOVE THIS ONE)
#5 - A More "serious" weather

Ok, tell me what you think. - The WeirdOne :D

Sounds good to me, I think that the "serrious weathers" should be a thunder storm though, or at the very least not a tornadoe, since they are already encountering a tornadoe in StromChaser.


New Member
Ya, see, I think that these are fanciful and cooky right. Yes, I aree it should be a thunderstorm. That would be cool. With cool strobe light and thunder effects. I'm getting wet just thinking about this ride. J/K. LOL! - The WeirdOne :D
Too add to the cookiness perhaps the storm would take place mostly on stage, which would go black, the audience would dim considerably, but it would not be pitch black dark, maybe fiber optics could light lightening on the walls, and there could be mediocre thunder booms, to prevent the storm from being to intense for small children, on the stage however we could maybe use some actual conductors to create lighting effects

Well I have nothing to do this afternoon, so I guess I will draft a premliniary script......
Here is the my draft of the script for the first scene:

Intro: Scene 1- Lobby of Coriolis Laboratories

Professor Sirrus: Welcome I am professor Sirrus and I will be conducting your tour today of Coriolis Laboratories, here we have recently developed the first working prototype weather machine. So rather than take you on our usual boring tour of the facilities, we decided to instead let you be the first to see our device during it’s tests run. This will give you a once in a lifetime opportunity to see our machine before we get the kinks out of it and release it to the general public.(Large screen behind the professor lights up showing a diagram of the facility) The weather machine is a rather large device and actually takes up several rooms, accordingly then we positioned the machine at the center of our new wing and built testing stations up around it’s output devices. Today you will be visiting our Temperature station, our Precipitation station, our Wind station and finally our storm station. You will be traveling in from station to station in the tour vehicle which you are seated.

Ray enters the room

Ah, yes here is my assistant Ray who will be helping me operate, the machine today; Ray why don’t you set the transportation coordinates for the four testing stations

Ray: Why not all five?

PS: because we have no idea what will happen if we cross the multipressuarllift beams yet, so we are not going to take this nice people into test room X, just do what you are told, okay people sorry for that interruption, but Ray is not exactly the brightest person you’ll ever meet

Ray: hey, I can hear, you know

PS: just do what I told you, don’t worry people you aren’t missing anything by not seeing test room X, it is just the outlet we devised to see what happens when you attempt to create several types of weather at once, nothing exciting at all, I am sure you will find the rest of the mild normal test rooms much more exciting.

(Meanwhile on the large screen, Ray imputes all 5 rooms into the transportation program, this is displayed behind PS while he is giving the above speech)

PS: alright then I’ll pull this lever, and off you’ll go to the Temperature station I’ll meet you people there(pulls lever cars move)

Depending on my time this evening, I may post more ideas for the rest of the scirpt but most likley I'll just outline it.


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I still don't like the ideas for the scenes...
Heat and cold? There is very little substance there for a scene that would be equal in length to, say rain and snow...

I still like:

1: Intro
2: Explanation of Evaporation with demonstrations of Precipitation
3: Wind Currents and Cloud Formations/Types (with the pivoting seats)
4: Tornado in a Bottle (you gotta rub me the right way! Sorry, blatant pop reference.) Coupled with documentry footage of REAL storms
5: Interactive 'You pick the weather phenomenon"

*SIDE NOTE: Scene 3 would include a they build the cloud, it would become too dark and ominous, thunder and lightinging would start..
PS: But, as you can see..I simple change in the wind can cause a new event to occur..
The wind would blow, and the cloud would be 'sucked up' into a vent, revealing instead, a nice, bright sun projected on the screen in back.

This gives each scene enough substance to last about 5 minutes, keeps the intensity to a minimum, and makes it much more informative then just repetitive weather experiences, which can be found in Weather Works and Storm Chasers. This would be more of the flagship attraction for this pavillion, becuase it would give the real -MEAT- of the information to the people.

WeirdOne-You always mistake my criticism for upsetness..I don't need to let anything go because I'm not upset...Tough Love is the name of the game..I'm mean cause I get the best ideas that way. :)
Well, Chad beat to posting the rest so I'll hold off before, I post anything further....

Here are the Scenes as I would like to see them:

I-III from Chad, but added a temperature section to scene III with the wind/cloud formations

Sperater out thunderstorm and insert as scence IV as WierdOne and I had proposed, while the tornadoe in a bottle is a cool idea, guests already expereince a tornadoe up close on StormChasers

As far as V I personally think a huge mix of weathers woudl be cool, but that is partially, because I do not understand how this could become "interactive" Chad could you please explain this? Also we could make the mix one of the choices....

Scene VI woudl be a conclusion needed to provide an exit for the guests, similar to the intro in content.


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Ok, I like that :)
I would, however, add the temperature to the precipitation scene, because it would be easier to right into the story...When it's hot, it rains, when it's cold, it snows.

I still like the idea of " ______ in a bottle" and having ray open it. Do you think we could arrange to have a thunderstorm ina bottle? I'm sure it feasible..The story would flow better if guests where 'accidently' subjected to the bad storm, instead of Proffesor Sirrus (who seem like a nice guy) subjecting them intentionally to it..Plus, a storm in a bottle would just look cool.

So..Scene outline would now look like this:

1 Intro
2 Precipitation, Evaporation, Temperature changes
3 Wind currents, Meaning and types of Cloud Formations
4 Storm In a bottle (Thunderstorm)
5 Interactive (Explained below)
6 Unload

Ok, The interactive part..
If you've been to Innoventions, and played the Racing game, this is alot easier to explain.

Basically, it's going to work off this priniple:
A pane of glass (any size) placed in front of a canvas will cause any image projected on it to appear as large as the canvas.

This principle would be applied at the end. Seats would be 'Grouped' into sections of four seats. At the end, a glass pane would lower down from the ceiling, infront of the theater would be a HUGE white canvas, IMAX size. At the end of Scene 4, guests would be directed to a 'selection panel' on one of the seats, where guest will push buttons to choose 3 weather conditions to experience. This would occur as the cars move from scene 4 to 5. once they reach 5, the glass panels would be lowered, and the projections would start. The ceiling would also be lower here, and each seat would have fans, misters, heat lamps, cool-air jets, and vibrating seats for each group. This would allow the 'teens' to choose more thirlling experiences, the kids to choose the safe ones, and the confused people to choose a mixture of dangerous and fun ones. Then, the screens would go up, and a general IMAX ending would be presented to everyone..Perhaps a large view of earth from space, showing all the storm patterns from a sattelite view, with an inspirational catch phrase (similar to "If we can dream it, we can do it!" Only this one would pertain to weather)

I hope that was TOO confusing. Believe me, it would work. And it woldn't be as expensive as it sounds.

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