Weather Pavilion Rumor Question

WDW John

Original Poster
For quite some time now we've heard the rumor about a Weather Pavilion going into Epcot between The Land and The Living Seas.

I was extremely bored at work today and began to wonder, what the heck would they PUT into a weather pavilion?

I mean, The Land is about what man does with the land and what the land does for man and basically it's the same at The Living Seas. Other than vague-at-best weather predictions and experiencing storms (or beautiful days), like we ALL do, what could this pavilion present to us that we don't already know? What would we see or experience there?

To me, it SOUNDS like a neat pavilion, at first, but when I think about it I can't come up with anything solid and worthwhile.

Just curious as to what everyone's thoughts are on this.


New Member
According to Jim Hill Media articles, Norway original was going to have a spectacular ending for Malstrome. But, budgets got in the way, and they were never able to create the real-looking storm at the end... supposivly, you'd get a poncho, and at the end of the ride, you'd get soaked in a completely realistic storm...

Possiable this is what they have in mind, as they seem to be going the realistic way with M:S?


Well-Known Member
They could do something like Twister over at Universal....only better (and trust me there's alot of room for improvements) :rolleyes: . Or they could just put a coaster in that particular pavilion. I have to admit though its hard to imagine a pavilion between The Land and The Living Seas. In my opinion, it makes no sense to make a new pavilion when you have one--The Wonders of Life--that they are thinking of keeping vacant, thats not cost efficient. :veryconfu

Then again....putting more "newer" attractions on Future World East would cause FW to become even more lopsided.

WDW John

Original Poster
Originally posted by objr
They could do something like Twister over at Universal

I thought about that too, but I didn't think it would fit well with the rest of the Epcot-type of "learning" experience.

I thought they might try to go with a weather control experiment that our government is supposedly working on, but I don't really believe those stories. Those experiments are more of a "conspiracy theory" at this point and I can't see making an entire pavilion based on that.

Then again....putting more "newer" attractions on Future World East would cause FW to become even more lopsided.

I agree, they do need to balance out the crowed, especially after M:S opens. But I ALWAYS hit FW West. I realize that TLS could use a major revamp but I still really enjoy going there. I don't get why people are so down on it.


New Member
That's an easy one...

Walt Disney World would get a copy of Tokyo DisneySeas' StormRider. It's a fantasic ride into a massive typhoon to observe another storm rider plane shoot a storm neutralizing missle into the storm. Things go bad and it's the closest you want to ever get to a plane crash. But makes a very cool ride.

Couple that with some interactive kiosks on weather, storm chasers, solar heat cycles, weather balloons, and there ya go.

They get Tower or Terror, we get StormRider. Even trade.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Moustronaut

They get Tower or Terror, we get StormRider. Even trade.
This is what I was thinking the other day. StormRider is a fantastic attraction and one that wouldn't be too hard, or expensive to duplicate. It is basically Star Tours, but upgraded to make it impressive again using in theater effects and screens on the sides of the cabin as well as the front.


Originally posted by WDW John
I thought about that too, but I didn't think it would fit well with the rest of the Epcot-type of "learning" experience.

I thought they might try to go with a weather control experiment that our government is supposedly working on, but I don't really believe those stories. Those experiments are more of a "conspiracy theory" at this point and I can't see making an entire pavilion based on that.


Actually the chinese government is experimenting with weather control, and have actually shown some success lol


New Member
I was looking at shot of Epcot from above and, I guess never say never, but there doesn't look like there would be much room between the two pavillions for a whole new pavillion. I mean I know they did it with Wonders of Life on the East side of Future World, but this area b/w The Living Seas and The Land buts right up to the outside of the park near the resort bus stops. Does anyone know if they would make some infrastructure changes to accomodate this rumored pavillion in the future?

WDW John

Original Poster
Originally posted by AdLibSean
there doesn't look like there would be much room between the two pavillions for a whole new pavillion...but this area b/w The Living Seas and The Land buts right up to the outside of the park near the resort bus stops

Actually, of the two, TLS is closest to the front of the park and The Land is farther away, but neither is very close to the bus stops. Even TLS is inside the area where the turnstiles are.

My wife and I did a Keys to the Kingdom tour in 1998 and they took us on the road behind all of Epcot for part of it. We went into TLS from "backstage", where our bus was. I got to get a quick look and it seems like they could get the front of a pavilion in there. The back of a pavilion can go anywhere they want it to, be any shape to squeeze around The Land. There really wasn't much back there, the grass wasn't even that nicely groomed, and CMs for TLS had a parking area but it wasn't even paved, as I recall.

I think they could probably fit a pavilion in there if they needed to without upsetting too much of the surrounding area.


Well-Known Member
What about between The Land and Imagination? I know they were once planning to put the Great Movie Ride there...

Or else they could replace an entire existing pavillion, like sounds like they were planning to do that anyway.

I can see why...I hate to say it, but "health" and "bodily functioins" arent very attractive or reliable themes to a theme park exhibit.


New Member
Originally posted by WDW John
For quite some time now we've heard the rumor about a Weather Pavilion going into Epcot between The Land and The Living Seas.

I was extremely bored at work today and began to wonder, what the heck would they PUT into a weather pavilion?

I mean, The Land is about what man does with the land and what the land does for man and basically it's the same at The Living Seas. Other than vague-at-best weather predictions and experiencing storms (or beautiful days), like we ALL do, what could this pavilion present to us that we don't already know? What would we see or experience there?

To me, it SOUNDS like a neat pavilion, at first, but when I think about it I can't come up with anything solid and worthwhile.

Just curious as to what everyone's thoughts are on this.

i think im going to have to disagree- IMO there is SO MUCH they could do with this incredibly broad topic... i think it would be very interesting to learn HOW things like tornados or hurricanes start, learn about the cycles of prcipitation, etc. -they could get really creative with a pavillion like this, making it fun while being educational [exactly what epcot is meant to be if im not mistaken]

also about WOL- i agree in its current condition; IT SUCKS lol not to be blunt, however; with a major revamp this could be one of the best pavillions at epcot- humans are fascinating and again its such a broad topic, so much could be done...if only it were done right...


Soarin over America

I thought the above was the pavilion they were supposed to put between the LAND and LIVING SEAS? They wanted to make it Land, Air and Sea. Isn't that what they said. And someone said why would they take out Wonders of Life? Because it is by far the most boring pavilion they have ever built. I've hated it from day one and there is never anyone inside. It is AWFUL~!


New Member
Originally posted by Moustronaut
That's an easy one...

Walt Disney World would get a copy of Tokyo DisneySeas' StormRider. It's a fantasic ride into a massive typhoon to observe another storm rider plane shoot a storm neutralizing missle into the storm. Things go bad and it's the closest you want to ever get to a plane crash. But makes a very cool ride.

Couple that with some interactive kiosks on weather, storm chasers, solar heat cycles, weather balloons, and there ya go.

They get Tower or Terror, we get StormRider. Even trade.

That sounds good... what is it, though? An actual ride (like, say, Malstrome- using my example), or more like star tours? Or, maybe a bit more like M:S, with lots of Special Effects, yet still a simulation?

Sorcerer Mickey

Well-Known Member
I like the Stormrider idea, especially because I'll never be going to Disney Seas. I never really checked out the land between The Land and TLS, but if possible, a weather pavillion would fit in nicely. But, if plans go through for Project Gemini(whatever it was called), I would drop all beliefs of the pavillion as I think that land will be taken up with some sort of rainforest roller coaster. I remember seeing a "Gemini map" somewhere here on these boards.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Sorcerer Mickey
I like the Stormrider idea, especially because I'll never be going to Disney Seas. I never really checked out the land between The Land and TLS, but if possible, a weather pavillion would fit in nicely.

Maybe the Weather Pavilion will connect The Land and The Living Seas. Just a thought. :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Sorcerer Mickey
That's actually a pretty good idea. It would save the guest some walking time.

And it would make sense theme-wise because weather ties in with both the land and the sea. And at the same time maybe give the Weather Pavilion a little more land to build on. :)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by objr
Maybe the Weather Pavilion will connect The Land and The Living Seas. Just a thought. :lookaroun
If a weather pavilion would ever be built, common speculation has always pointed to the creation of a "Land, Sea, and Air" pavilion, composed of the three interconnected pavilions of The Land, The Living Seas, and "Weather"...

Sorcerer Mickey

Well-Known Member
And it would make sense theme-wise because weather ties in with both the land and the sea. And at the same time maybe give the Weather Pavilion a little more land to build on.

Do you think they would remove the names of the pavillion and make it to one name for the whole pavillion(s)? If they go with that, of course(that's if the pavillion is even created). Scary thought if it were called "Living with the Sea, Land, and Air". :hammer:

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