Weather Pavilion Rumor Question


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Sorcerer Mickey
Do you think they would remove the names of the pavillion and make it to one name for the whole pavillion(s)? If they go with that, of course(that's if the pavillion is even created). Scary thought if it were called "Living with the Sea, Land, and Air". :hammer:

Sounds good "Living with the Air, Land and Sea" as a name for a mega pavilion, but I think they should keep separate entrances and section names, along with a "main enterance" and name (if they do something like connecting them). :D :lookaroun

Sorcerer Mickey

Well-Known Member
Sounds good "Living with the Air, Land and Sea" as a name for a mega pavilion, but I think they should keep separate entrances and section names, along with a "main enterance" and name (if they do something like connecting them).

Amen to that! :lol:


New Member
Ha. THey should do that storm idea that was supposed to go at the end of the ride in Norway. THat would be awsome.

Imagine a ride called 'Storm Surge' or something where the ride sys it will take guests through the ocean during a hurricane.

Guests would then board large 4 person per row and start a dark climb up into the sky. That is where the guest would feel intense winds and effects like twister while still dry. And then a 150 foot plunge into the stormy sea where massive storms make sure it is impossible to not be soaked.

And then a massive drying chamber at the end!!!

See. Now if there was a better program the RCT2 out there.I could be making this awsome ride.

Too bad it is only from my imagination.

Sorcerer Mickey

Well-Known Member
Guests would then board large 4 person per row and start a dark climb up into the sky. That is where the guest would feel intense winds and effects like twister while still dry. And then a 150 foot plunge into the stormy sea where massive storms make sure it is impossible to not be soaked.

As great as that sounds, the pavillion would have to be 200 ft(maybe a little less) tall, which would defiantly make it peak above The Land and TLS, and it would look quite weird. Although if that was a major attraction on its own, it would be awesome.


New Member
Originally posted by Sorcerer Mickey
I would drop all beliefs of the pavillion as I think that land will be taken up with some sort of rainforest roller coaster. I remember seeing a "Gemini map" somewhere here on these boards.
Ohh! I forgot about that one! :hurl: I'm really hoping this rumor falls through the cracks


New Member
Couple of things

Sounds good "Living with the Air, Land and Sea" as a name for a mega pavilion, but I think they should keep separate entrances and section names, along with a "main enterance" and name (if they do something like connecting them).

Yeah... and they can get the Marines to sponsor it. I can just see it, "Brought to you by the U.S. Marine Corps, protectors of the Air, Land, and Sea!" And for the post-show there's a Marine recruiter telling the parents what a strapping young lad Johnny is and would he like to serve his country? :)

Also, re: the WOL pavillion. There IS SO MUCH that could be done with this pavillion if they had the capital. The public is intesely interested with health and how the body works. I could see a dark ride detailing the history of molecular biology starting with the discovery of the cell, the germ theory of disease, the genetic revolution, Watson & Crick, recombinant DNA, etc. etc. It would be very educational and interesting.

Of course if you want something more thrilling, you could always do a body wars makeover with a theme to how to fight cancer with minaturized vehicles, etc.

What they need is a good mega-drug company to sponsor the attraction, lord knows they have enough capital.

WDW John

Original Poster
Re: Couple of things

Originally posted by viget0514
The public is intesely interested with health and how the body works. I could see a dark ride detailing the history of molecular biology starting with the discovery of the cell, the germ theory of disease, the genetic revolution, Watson & Crick, recombinant DNA, etc. etc. It would be very educational and interesting.

Really, consider what they could do with just something about the human genome project. People are really into that.

Some of the ideas posted here are really getting me to think more positively about a Weather Pavilion. Although, I don't really think a "mega-pavilion" that tied all 3 together would necessarily be a good thing. That might get people thinking of all 3 as just "one" attraction and they may not give as much time as they would to 3 separate pavilions.

However, having the 3 near each other like that would still get the idea across and people would be able to make the mental connections themselves (I hope :)). Not to mention the fact that I love walking around FW West, I really think it's one of the more peaceful and pretty sides of Epcot, and if the 3 were physically connected it would take away from the outdoor experience.


Sorry, I have to disagree about a ride that takes you through cancer cells, that's the last thing I want to see on vacation........please there's enough of that in every day life, I go there to escape it!


New Member
Originally posted by kennyj29
Sorry, I have to disagree about a ride that takes you through cancer cells, that's the last thing I want to see on vacation........please there's enough of that in every day life, I go there to escape it!

Yeah, I understand, perhaps a bad choice. I guess I was just thinking that it would basically be the same as body wars, but now you're killing a tumor instead of a splinter. And you set it up with someone who's not really that sick, but has a small tumor, and then at the end they're completely cured and everyone's happy! There would be no suffering, no one who's really sick, nothing to scare the kids.

I'm just going for a WOW factor here... since so many WDW attractions have lofty goals/messages as a theme.

I'm also trying to think of some message/theme that a drug company would like to sponsor where they would have the ability to make the public feel good about them and buy some good will (much as ExxonMobil does with UoE), since drug companies are getting to be targets of some public scorn lately.

Really, I'm surprised no drug company has sponsored an attraction at WDW before. Now with the direct-to-consumer advertising, it makes even more sense, since many people know about advertised drugs like claritin, nexium, etc.


New Member
I think a weather pavillion between Land and Sea would be great. But I believe I've read here and elsewhere about a Soarin' type of attraction being placed in that area or attached to the Land. As for TLS, this ride has always been one of the biggest disappointments. The sad thing is I don't see how they could improve this ride without gutting the building and starting over which would be too costly.

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