Originally posted by marciahahn
I think I've got a plan forming...let me know what you think!
How about trying to get a block of rooms at Coronado? (I mention this because they handle conventions, and it's a moderate resort) I will be willing to let some people share my room gratis, since I have no travel expenses. Then we could arrange a private room for a reception on Friday evening (which I would be happy to underwite, at least partially) Then on to supper..own expense...and clubbing for the younger crowd.
Saturday, we could "round robin" groups of no more than 10 (could draw names the night before) to hit the parks. You would spend the morning and lunch with your group, then back to the hotel for swimming, naps, etc. Late afternoon, everyone forms into another set of 10 or less, then off to a different park than the AM, with everyone meeting for dinner (depends upon the total number) After watching fireworks, or whatever, back to the hotel or on to clubbing. Sunday, again split up with a third grouping and return to hotel at lunch. Some folks might be leaving that afternoon/evening, some might stay until Monday AM, or some might be moving to different places to continue their trip. People could then form their own groups according to personal preference. Also, some folks might opt to stay elsewhere, and just come for the reception and/or Saturday dinner. This is just a rough outline...I'd like it set up so people could spend as much or little time as they want, but would give everyone some time to meet everyone else, with no one being left out.