WDWishes first trip report. 8/12/06 to 8/21/06

This is my first trip report, but around my 23rd trip to WDW. We leave tommorrow at 8AM, and we sill stay at PoR Riverside. Right now my head throbs and I feel horrible... I felt this way all day. I am going tommorrow no matter how I feel in the morning, but I hope it goes away overnight. Expect lots of pictures and updates.


New Member
Uhm, wouldn't your TV be messing up because of the giant magnets for the monorail, not because it's using alot of electricity? Liking your posts, get the rest up soon!!!


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Part 2 b

Then I decided to grab some lunch, and I decided to try these figaro fries everyone talks about. I was on free dining so I got the fries and a meal ( big mistake)


I walked around for a while after that, I forget if I did anything important or not. I decided to head over to MGM for the rest of the day, and I walked by aloha isle.. Well, anyone who knows me knows that whenver i pass aloha isle a pineapple substance must enter my digestive system. I only got a soft server cup today, and shockingly, it helped my sore throat alot. I actually felt alot better after eating it, and the sore throat whent away a few days later.

Being the ToT freak I am, I headed on over to:

they still had the two hand readers during my stay.
After I got in, I think you all know where I went.

Crowds were off and on that day, but large enough that I didn't want to hit RnRC.
some assorted ToT pics taken immediately after the last one



After I 'Dropped in' and said Hi to the bellhops I knew, I walked out and realized it looked like it would storm. it ended up not storming to my disappointment. So I got back in line using the fastpass that one of my bellhop friends gave me.

I took some cool pictures of the lobby

And then my friend the 12 eyed monster appeared in one of my shots.

And since I can only have ten pics a post, there ends this post.

tink rules

New Member
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Greatttttttttttttttttttttt........

Now I'm HUNGRY!!!!! :slurp: :slurp: :slurp:

Keep going please....


BTW... that foggy picture is king of cool... kind of sureal....


Well-Known Member
I don't know why your TV would be effected by monorail. Besides the fact it runs on lots of electricity. The Monorail doesn't use huge magnets, so it wouldn't be that. Maybe the radios onboard? Who knows.


New Member
It doesn't use huge magnets? I thought it did... lol, I'll look it up. Okay, on Wikipedia it says the Disneyland one is powered by electric motors, not with magnets. But It didn't say on the WDW one how it was powered, at least not that I saw.


Well-Known Member
It doesn't use huge magnets? I thought it did... lol, I'll look it up. Okay, on Wikipedia it says the Disneyland one is powered by electric motors, not with magnets. But It didn't say on the WDW one how it was powered, at least not that I saw.
The Monorail is powered by DC electricity. Those rails on the side of the rails carry the current to the trains with positive on one side, and negitive on the other. It is extrememly high voltage, trust me, you don't want to touch them.:lol: It's the same at Disneyland, except that the 2 lines are on one side of the tracks, instead of one on each. The motors are onboard the monorails, that power mounted to the side of the train, and push on the beam to propel the train foward or backwards. You can sometimes see tire marks on the side of the beams.

The TTA at the magic kingdom is powerd by Magnets, but not huge ones. The Rock and Roller Coaster also uses magnets for the 0-60 launch.

Hope that explains it a bit better. And no offence, but when it comes to Disney, Wikipedia is not always 100% correct. :wave: There are much better sources, like this site!


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It was probably between 10 and 12. I will probably add an update tonight, I have been pretty busy this week.

Thank you ciciwoowoo.


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Evil Tower u R doomed was still gone. :(


65 year old coffee anyone? want some cream with that?

After two or three runs on tower i was getting pretty thirsty. The bellhops wouldn't let me drink the maintance guy's coffee, so I wondered on over to the booth outside RnRC and got s strawberry smoothie.

After that, I decided to walk to EPCOT from the swan and dolphin.
I took the boat to SaD, and then walked from there.

Remember how I said it didn't storm? well, It didn't, until I got off the boat and started walking to EPCOT. there was some cloud to ground lighting and rain, but nothing got too close. I think MK got some rain though.


I managed to make it to EPCOT without being thoroughly soaked, or struck by lightning.

OT, odd. It seems as though my little green light indicative of me being logged in is off, however, i am typing at this very moment.
After a few tries i got one of my best SSE shots.

then i rode SSE. I forgot how cool it was, I ended up riding it 10+ more times throughout the trip.

Then I went to the monorail and made it back to the poly for my PS at Ohana's, which was an incredible meal.

That night EMH was at MK, so i ran back to the room, threw what i didn't need onto the counter (wallet( I have a clip thing that holds all my disney stuff, so i just carry that around), pins, ect.) However, I made a tragic mistake. I accidently put my room key into my wallet.
So, after furiously snapping pictures of the castle and the partners statue,

I decided to get my wristband. i reached inside my pass holder thing and found nothing but my AP. Then I realized that i couldn't get back in my room without a room key, and had to wait for them to print out a new one at the front desk, which actually only took about 3 minutes, and wasnt a hassle at all.


New Member
Okay, I'll make sure to not use Wikipedia for Disney stuff. I've noticed while some articles are really great, some just aren't very good.


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day 1, continued

After getting back to the park, I realized I had little time left. So i ran over to SM, and waited about half the time on the sign.

Well, I better end it there for the night, I'll finish Day 1 tommorrow.


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( no pics for now, I will upload them ASAP, but someone else is uploading a whole memory card of pics at the moment)
After SM, I ran over to the other SM. I didn't get too wet. After that it was about midnight, so I meandered on over to the castle and got a bunch of shots.

(insert pics here)

And so ends day one
food eaten- Figaro fries, a coke, a cannoli, chips and a sandwich for lunch, a dole whip for medication, a smoothie, and dinner at ohanas.
Money spent- probably about 10$
Things bought- None.
WDWmagic members found-none
Disboards members found-none.
Rides on ToT- No idea, alot though
1 Sm
1 splash
cough drops used- 2-3
items bought- none I remember
And so ends day one.

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