WDWishes first trip report. 8/12/06 to 8/21/06

This is my first trip report, but around my 23rd trip to WDW. We leave tommorrow at 8AM, and we sill stay at PoR Riverside. Right now my head throbs and I feel horrible... I felt this way all day. I am going tommorrow no matter how I feel in the morning, but I hope it goes away overnight. Expect lots of pictures and updates.
I cant wait for your report Im staying at P.O: Riverside from Sept. 2-5.

Cant wait to see the pics.:sohappy::sohappy::sohappy::sohappy::sohappy::sohappy::sohappy::sohappy::hammer::dazzle:


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I use photobucket too, but I have just under 400 pictures, so I was hoping to find one that would upload a whole album at once.


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Part 1, Getting to MCO.
We left home about 4 or 5 in the morning saturday, and between the cold I had and the fact that I slept maybe 2 hours made me feel GREAT that day.....


I hate mornings.
We got into Cinncinnati about an hour later. I was delighted that I didn't have to fly through atlanta.

Little did I know that after eating a nice meal at the mcdonalds in CVG,
I would be scrambling to a gate on the other side of the airport. I had just finished eating my mcmuffin when I saw every traveller's least favorite color, red, on the flight board, and of course, it was a CANCELLED sign, right next to my MCO flight.... I fly standby because one of my relatives works for Delta, and a cancellations do not bode well, because every other flight to where i am going gets full. luckily, the agent for the next mco flight reccommended we flt through birmingham, which left in 15 minutes and was another gate away. I made it, but just barely. an hour and 15 minutes later we landed in birmingham.
I had about 4 hours to wait in birmingham, and I decided to venture outside.

Then, of all things, the flightboard has RED on it AGAIN. and of course, its the next MCO flight. I was thinking horirble, bad things, but then i saw it said DELAYED instead of CANCELLED. So, I waited. and waited, and waited some more. finally, a plane landed and parked at our gate. I thought maybe I had just had a stroke of good luck.


Then I heard " now boarding flight xxxx service to Cincinatti.

So, about 45 minutes later, I see a delta RJ landing on the runway.


That was our plane.
After an uneventful flight, I landed in MCO and caught a magical express bus about 25 minutes later.
Time in planes- About 2.5 hours.
Time travelling- About 12 hours.
Meals comsumed- 2 ( egg mcmuffin, steak sandwich in birmingham.)
Snacks consumed-2 ( biscoffs and peanuts)
Cough drops used- 5-6 ( halls defense)
Songs listened to- 2.
Movies watched- None.
money spent- not much
And so concludes part one.

tink rules

New Member

You've got me stuck on a bus between MCO and Disney!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Waiting for more!!!

Did you get any pics of MCO??? It IS my favorite airport!!! Maybe because it takes me to the magic!!!


New Member
Having spent time in many different airports for various amounts of time (longest ATL 10 hours between flights) I can say that Birmingham is no thrilling spot. Little airport, not a lot of food choice, and only so much people watching you can do.

Looking forward to the next segment!


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You've got me stuck on a bus between MCO and Disney!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Waiting for more!!!

Did you get any pics of MCO??? It IS my favorite airport!!! Maybe because it takes me to the magic!!!
I never thought my trip report would be interesting enough for people to want more. Oh well, here we go.

Part 2, Check in and night 1

After nearly nailing a van on the ME, and waiting for the lady to find the contemporary, I made it to Poly.
The renovated rooms are nice, especially the new tvs. Unfortunately, when a monorail went by the tv would be messed up. I think it had something to do with the monorails using power.

I decided to hop on the mono and go to MK for a bit that night. The first thing I noticed was that the screens in caseys had been changed to one large screen.

I decided to hit pirates via adventureland that night to see what the rehab had done.


I like the new signage.

However, this was not cool. Not cool at all. Please put the parrot back......

After Pirates ( which was awesome) I hit another classic, HM.
Then I decided to go to cosmic ray's. I had the double cheeseburger combo with a coke.

And so ends Night one
Rides ridden- Two ( pirates and HM)
Meals eaten- 1 ( double cheesburger combo with a coke)
items bought-0
Cough Drops used- 2
Money spent- appx 10$


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Part 3, Day two.
After waking up about 11, I stepped outside to get a pic of the monorail. It was then when I realized the full intensity of the floridian summer. My lens fogged up before I took more than one step onto the balcony.

After I got to MK I stopped in VMK central to drop off some quests. I stepped outside and found myself soaked with rain. I thought about taking cover then I saw how few people were on main street and how that makes for better pictures.


Unfortunately, after taking a picture of the partners statue, I realized I had water on the lens.


I then decided to meander on over to TL.

I did what any respectable WDWMagic would do when they pass a construction wall, put their camera up to the crack in the door.

Actually, someone left the door open once, but all It is is a concrete floor, white walls, and flourescent lighting.

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