WDW Vs Universal

General Grizz

New Member
After all, this whole project - Walt Disney's Greatest Dream - is incredible. Who would spend all those bucks on a great big ball on steel legs stuck in Florida sand? Who would even think of fabricating lifesize dinosaurs to thrash around in a solar-powered jungle? Who would bring France's three premier chefs over to run an exquisite restaurant by a hole dug out of a marsh?

Good gosh! Papayas growing lushly in a greenhouse. Pools for farming shrimp. A horseless carriage colliding with a peddler's cart. An Oriental pagoda. The rocky peaks of the Canadian west. A German beer garden. An erupting volcano, so close you can smell the sulphurous fumes.

If you came upon all this, cold, you'd think the world had gone bonkers. Only Disney could fit it all into some kind of logical pattern.
- Edward L. Prizer

DisneyFan 2000

Well-Known Member
And we begin yet again....

Does anyone else find the "magic" excuse a little bit off? I mean, sure, Disney has nostalgia that Universal doesn't but are they really all that different? I know when I walked around IoA I felt much better than walking around AK... It's all in your head IMO. If IoA was named Disney's Islands of Adventure the 'feel' would return immediatley... Just my opinion.. Try not to flame me. :lookaroun :lol:

General Grizz

New Member
DisneyFan 2000 said:
And we begin yet again....

Does anyone else find the "magic" excuse a little bit off? I mean, sure, Disney has nostalgia that Universal doesn't but are they really all that different? I know when I walked around IoA I felt much better than walking around AK... It's all in your head IMO. If IoA was named Disney's Islands of Adventure the 'feel' would return immediatley... Just my opinion.. Try not to flame me. :lookaroun :lol:
Eww. Sorry. :D A Disney park with a generic unicorn kid ride or Popeye or a dark-space filled thrill flume ride that nearly killed my back??

Eek! I think Animal Kingdom surpasses this one by leaps and bounds.


Well-Known Member
Universal likes to take what Disney does publically and tries to do it better. But they fail at the critical level of service, detail, and tounge-in-cheek story. Walk down all the lands in IoA, and tell me which ones has a back story? Mabey Jurrasic Park? MABEY. Same with Universal. As pieces, it's a good as Disney. Together as a whole, it's like a mish-mash of experences.

DisneyFan 2000

Well-Known Member
General Grizz said:
Eww. Sorry. :D A Disney park with a generic unicorn kid ride or Popeye or a dark-space filled thrill flume ride that nearly killed my back??

Eek! I think Animal Kingdom surpasses this one by leaps and bounds.

While I found Dudley to be inferior to Splash Mnt. I really had a blast. I'm sorry your back almost died. Seems like you had a bad experience.

Grizz, you seem to have purposely left out some of the worlds advanced coasters and rides and also quite a handfull of themed rides I'd expect to see at Disney World. :animwink:

General Grizz

New Member
DisneyFan 2000 said:
While I found Dudley to be inferior to Splash Mnt. I really had a blast. I'm sorry your back almost died. Seems like you had a bad experience.

Grizz, you seem to have purposely left out some of the worlds advanced coasters and rides and also quite a handfull of themed rides I'd expect to see at Disney World. :animwink:

I can't remember any great experiences at IOA. . . I've been twice. I rode everything I wanted last summer and left two hours after arriving. I proceeded to the sister park, and stayed at Universal from 11 to about 3 or 4, then proceeded to a BLISSFUL experience at Downtown Disney. :p

Universal? Now that's something I can start comparing. . . but I can't really think of such an awesome ride at IOA next to Spiderman. The theming of Suess Landing ROCKS, however. I don't care for coasters. . . so I can't judge Dueling Dragons. I rode the Hulk several years ago, but I don't value a park because of a fast ride.


Active Member
What is the point to say Universal is better than Disney because they build better coasters?

Hulk or Dueling Dragons are fun, but Disney could easily do that, yet they don't want to. They keep an eye on being accessible for everyone, and remain fun over exhausting. That doesn't mean they couldn't do it.

In general, Universal has more extreme rides than WDW or other Disney parks, but it is not a matter of technology, it is a matter of not limiting yourself (and in some ways that's good, Disney could learn from that sometimes). But think about it, I see only ONE truly innovative ride at Universal: Spiderman (and it is still pretty much based on IJA at DL). The rest is so "been there, done that" rides although themed well.

Disney has always been innovative (first 3D movie in park, first 360° film, EMV, "Test Track" system, first centrifuge ride, first Omnimover, AA, "Soarin" system, first enclosed roller coaster, first catapult launched coaster, first synchronized audio on coaster, first drop-dark-ride etc). They don't have to be the most extreme though, it is not their business.

And keep in mind that IOA is a 5 years old park. Disney parks seem dated somtimes but their rides are here since almost 50 years for some.


New Member
While Universal dose have decent, thrilling and yes, cutting edge rides, it will never be anything like Disney. Disney has a much more enjoyable atomosphere, and the pure joy of the parks and rides is something Universal can never duplicate. Disney rides may not go as fast or flip you upside-down as much as say the Hulk, but they bring you something grater than speed, they give you pure Disney magic and happiness.Universal knows this and this is probably why they take cheap shots at Disney (like commercials saying "Pixie dust and fairy tales not your thing?).

P.S. I'll take a delicious Disney churro over Unviersal's disguisting corn-dogs anyday.


New Member
I love both parks but I think I have to go with the Universal complex. Islands of Adventure is my absolute favorite park. That place is my addiction LOL. I haven't been to Universal Studios in a few years but I'm looking forward to it very much. Disney is always special but it's "magic" has kind of rubbed off the past couple of years. Maybe traveling with a spoiled 7 year old is what dampers the mood. :animwink:


New Member
i know maybe this is a bit naive of me with current chairmans etc cougheisenercough but.... to me its about general ethics, i love universal but to me disney is about family, o hana, whatever you may call it. its an escape into a different world, at universal i still feel a part of this one. in my head, when im at wdw im experiencing the dream of one man who believed in beauty, fun and learning TOGETHER. After all, with disney, "it all started with a mouse".... not an executive.


Well-Known Member
As I said in the M:S vs Spidy thread, I won't touch Univ or IoA with a mile long pole. You won't ever see me leaving WDW property for anything besides the best. And of course, THE best is all at WDW. Sorry for those of you who like the other parks, I just don't like them at all.


Well-Known Member
my two cents

If you want a dirty park with the rudist people but great thrill rides go to Universal. Some of there rides are awesome and I dont mind going to ride them every once in a wild.

You want a park with friendly people that will usually help any way they can and a park that pays attention to details, Disney your place to be.

But do both!!!
Dont forget Buach Gardens. If they were closer they would give Universal a run for there money.

DisneyFan 2000

Well-Known Member
scottnj1966 said:
If you want a dirty park with the rudist people but great thrill rides go to Universal. Some of there rides are awesome and I dont mind going to ride them every once in a wild.

You want a park with friendly people that will usually help any way they can and a park that pays attention to details, Disney your place to be.

That statement is quite unfair. I've encountered some of the best employees at Universal! Also the park was shining without a spot of dirt on them. You can't judge based on one experience. Both parks have their good days and their bad days. . . It's unfair to make it sound like Universal is your local Six Flags and Disney is dirtless heaven. When criticising atleast be fair.


Well-Known Member
Universal is not my thing. I have tried the Studios and IOA and other than 1 or 2 things, It had nothing for me. When I go to WDW I like to stay on property. We spend 65 % of our time in the Magic Kingdom and split the rest of the time everywhere else.

We did go to City Walk once for dinner at NBA City and enjoyed that and there are some other places there I would not mind trying to eat at. Other than that we will leave property and go and catch an Orlando Magic game (hoping for a better season this coming year) now and again. But other than that, we stay put usually.

That is not to say Universal is not a fun place for some. I know several people who really enjoy it (especially IOA) but it is not our thing is all.

It just does not do it for us the way WDW does.


New Member
Hi im new here and I think both parks are great but disney is THE BEST BABE!.I just dont like when universal says stupid things about disney on there TV ads! I mean these two companys can be in partnership! and make a big theme park!dont you guys think that would be cool!.....:p


Well-Known Member
WhoFramedRoger? said:
Hi im new here and I think both parks are great but disney is THE BEST BABE!.I just dont like when universal says stupid things about disney on there TV ads! I mean these two companys can be in partnership! and make a big theme park!dont you guys think that would be cool!.....:p

WELCOME TO THE BOARDS!!! I also hate when Universal slams Disney on their commercials, at least Disney doesn't stoop down to their level. As far as making the two one, NEVER! I can't see two of the world's largest rivals ever becoming one.

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