WDW Vs Universal

That's Ok but, for me the "thrill" is the Disney magic. Universal just appears so generic to me when I visit. I think, however, Universal FL is good for one thing IMO: they, to an extent, probably keep Disney "on their feet" to make better attractions than their competiton (universal). As I see it, this is good for me and all Disney fans. It means we get to take advantage of more Disney magic as more attractions will be produced. They will upkeep the parks better in general, I believe. I guess it all boils down to consumerism. Disney will keep the people (like me and other fans) without even trying. They do, however, have to make an effort to convince others to buy into the Disney magic rather than Universal thrills. In any event, I will always me a diehard Disney fanatic until the end--no substitutions please :D.


Active Member
In the end, while havong a great time at Universal, there is no sense of sadness to leave the place. It's like "it was cool, we'll come back in a few years", whereas when you leave Disney, now that is a horrible feeling! :(

I think that's where the difference is to me. I never "enter" the world of Universal. I'm not attached to it, there is nothing that makes it feel like a second home to me. No characters, no "spirit", no "magical holidays" feeling. Its is pretty much all about the rides. Maybe because it is such a small resort compared to WDW.


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Original Poster
Legacy said:
They are trying to be the best thing next to Disney, so they can pull guests from Disney.
If you think about it people coming from allround the world are coming to Orlando to see Disney, but the other big parks aswell, so surely most people visit both during their stay?


Well-Known Member
dommy said:
If you think about it people coming from allround the world are coming to Orlando to see Disney, but the other big parks aswell, so surely most people visit both during their stay?
You would be surprised. I would venture to say about 60% of Disney guests stay only at Disney. That number was a lot bigger a few years ago. Universal gets a little bit of help from the Mouse, but for the most part they are left to thier own devices. Disney gets the people to Florida, Universal is trying to get them from Disney.

Miss Bell

New Member
Theme Park Peer Pressure

My friends once made me go to IOA, I didn't want to, but they just keep pushing it. They even paid for me, even though I keep saying, "No, no, only Disney."

I will say was more impressed than I expected to be with the overall look of the park and some of the rides, but there was no magic. I don't need to ever go back there, but am for some reason compelled to go back to WDW every year (is it something they put in the water by the POC?)

I go to other theme parks here in Texas to make it between my WDW trips, but nothing compares to anything I've ever felt at Disney World.

I do wish that Universal would quit ragging on Disney World in their ads, my daughter gets mad every time she sees that pixie dust comment.


New Member
Who ever says that WDW has better rides then Universal is sadly mistaken. So for the fact that WDW has everything over Universal is not true, Universal has better rides, better atmosphere inside and outside the parks, and how bout Halloween Universal blows Disney out of the water.


Well-Known Member
Adding to what Miss Bell said about the commercials, I quickly turn the channel when I see the "pixie dust is for kids" commercial. Even those Six Flags commercials with the "old" guy dancing around, get real. I can't stand to watch those either. I'll stick with watching my WDW commercials and that's it! And for the Universal Holloween party, it's probably not meant for kids and meant to be scary, Disney...is...well not meant to be. Hence the name, "Mickey's NOT-SO-SCARY Holloween Party." You can enjoy Universal all you want, but WDW is the only place for me! No one, and I mean NO ONE can get me to leave my WDW vacation to go the other place. That's absurb. :lol:


Well-Known Member
RICK8868 said:
When I leave next week for Disney I am going to spend at least one day at Universal. I wanna check out the Mummy :animwink: Competition is good for us, as it gives new things to look forward too when we go to Florida. Comparing Universal to Disney makes think of where I live. Maybe I should start a thread comparing Six Flags New England with Lake Compounce,:hammer:

I agree with you that competition is good. It keeps you from being complacent(sp).
Have a great trip and I pick Lake Compounce over 6 Flags.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
The one thing that Universal will never do correctly and compete with Disney with is Animatronics. The AA dinos at Jurassic Park are PATHETIC. Dudly Do Right? PATHETIC!Cat in the Hat? PATHETIC! Universal will never do AAs better than Disney EVER. The AA in the mummy is good, but still not as good as Disney. While I do agree that BTTF is better than Star Tours ( update star tours for heaven's sake! ) and MIB makes buzz look like a small merry-go-round, I hate it when Universal makes personal attacks against Disney. Their commercials are very odd too. I will always go to Disney during my trips to Florida! :sohappy:


New Member
grandmath said:
In the end, while havong a great time at Universal, there is no sense of sadness to leave the place. It's like "it was cool, we'll come back in a few years", whereas when you leave Disney, now that is a horrible feeling! :(

I think that's where the difference is to me. I never "enter" the world of Universal. I'm not attached to it, there is nothing that makes it feel like a second home to me. No characters, no "spirit", no "magical holidays" feeling. Its is pretty much all about the rides. Maybe because it is such a small resort compared to WDW.
VERY well put!!! I feel the same way. But I do have to add, US has "characters" of sorts. We played football with the Ghostbusters. My daughter was 8 and just loved it! and we met "Lucy" The person looked JUST like her too. But like grandmath said, .....well, you can read it above.....


New Member
WDWScottieBoy said:
Adding to what Miss Bell said about the commercials, I quickly turn the channel when I see the "pixie dust is for kids" commercial. Even those Six Flags commercials with the "old" guy dancing around, get real. I can't stand to watch those either. ...
I, too, hate those commercials that put Disney down. But I LOVE those with the old man! They are hillarious! When I saw it for the first time, I turned to my husband and said, "I want to go to 6 Flags!" He looked back and me and said, "No you don't! You HATE 6 Flags. You want to go to Disney World!" And he was very right! Even commercials for other theme parks make me want to go to Disney World.

And sorry for the 2 posts in a row, but I don't know how to put 2 quotes in one post.:dazzle:


New Member
Disney will always be Number 1 because they are simply the best. Universal will always be Number 2 because they are the cheap copy cats. In addition to Universal having no magic, it also has no repeat value the way WDW has. The other thing that bothers me is that Universal and Dreamworks will always bash Disney because they themselves are Number 2. Disney would never stoop to their level. Also Universal has slim to none room to expand while Disney will expand forever.

"Since the begining of mankind, the fable-tellers have not only given us entertainment but a kind of wisdom, humor, and understanding that, like all true art, remains imperishible through the ages."
"Disneyland is like Alice stepping through the Looking Glass; to step through the portals of Disneyland will be like entering another world."
"I just want to leave you with this thought, that it's just been sort of a dress rehearsal and we're just getting started." (On the 10th anniversary of Disneyland)
"The more I go to other amusement parks in all parts of the world, the more I am convinced of the wisdom of the original concepts of Disneyland."
"I don't want the public to see the world they live in while they're in Disneyland. I want them to feel they're in another world."
"Disneyland is not just another amusement park."
"In the end quality will outlast quantity."

- Walt Disney


New Member
You know, just because there isnt too much room on there actual site doesnt mean they cant go in search of property somewhere else and do what they were going to do with the Lockheed site. Oh yea Universal is NUMBER 1 and always will be one step ahead of Disney in theme park technology, except for Mission: Space which is awesome, but other then that there is no comparison, Disney is #2


i agree that universals rides are alot better but i can go to six flags for thrrilll rides......i love IOA but i just think its one step above six flags and disney is completly different so its very difficult to compare


New Member
the thrills at Six Flags and Universal can not be compared, they arent even close. Yea Six Flags has extreme rides, but Universal's rides are great because they are thrilling and exciting and are well themed which I know you all are obsessed with.


Well-Known Member
To call Universal cheap copy cats is not giving them enough credit. Considering they spent 60 million dollars on the production of Revenge of the Mummy at two theme parks and the same amount on Spiderman, you can't call them cheap. Universal may not go as "all out" theme wise as Disney used to, but they still invest a great deal of assets into their attractions. Universal opened up three new attractions in the span of 18 months; that isn't cheap.


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I love Disney and think that you miss the atmosphere at Universal. Universal really lacks intricate theming in my opinion. Islands of Adventure in my opinion was boring after half a day.

however, I will try to not be bias and say that Spiderman is the best attraction I've ever see, even over Mission Space.

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