WDW Vs Universal


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I love both this parks. My opinion is that Universal has the betta rides and WDW has the just about everything else!


Well-Known Member
WDW has EVERYTHING and it's all so much better. Universal has nothing on Disney, and that's that. Disney has the best rides, I've never been on anything better than theirs. But that's just IMHO and I'm sure most everyone will agree with me.

Captain Hank

Well-Known Member
I went to Universal once. It was back when it was just the studios. In my opinion, Universal does have a few decent, innovative rides. However, the overall experience is nowhere near the Disney magic. I am intrigued by some of the newer rides, such as Spiderman and MIB, but I am perfectly happy to stay on Disney property and have the full, superior, Disney experience.

Also, Universal doesn't have dole whip. :slurp:


Active Member
I have been to Orlando over 20 times. I cannot bring myself to go to Universal even for one day because I love WDW so much and I cannot bear losing one day of my trip to do something non-Disney. From what I have heard from my friends who give me a hard time about not going to Universal, it is a great park. I am just not interested. It is the same for people who say are you going to WDW again. You cannot beat what WDW offers you because to me there is nothing missing.


New Member
If your main focus is thrill rides, you would probably get your money's worth at IOA before you would at Disney. But that's pretty much where their superiority stops, in my opinion. The theming of rides at Disney seems to surpass that at Universal in almost all aspects, and the overall "show" that WDW puts on makes Universal's look subpar. But, if you're only really concerned about thrill rides, then IOA is probably your best choice.

Frees Fan

It just depends on what you are looking for. I agree with Nicholas about IOA in the regards to thrill rides and the overall "show". I go to parks to ride thrill rides and especially coasters. WDW can't hold a candle to most other parks, not just USO/IOA but Paramount, Busch and Six Flags parks, for thrill rides and especially coasters. Disney is a expert in the "world" of theming and no one can touch them but, theming isn't always the most important thing to some park goers. I think many people get so caught up in the "magic" that sometimes they fail to venture outside with an open mind. I think there's enough for everyone one to do what they want/like to do at all of the parks. USO/IOA is a great place to spend a day...just don't expect the same types of "perks" that you'll find at the Disney parks, although the theming at IOA is very cool...if I do say so myself. The overall experience may not be as "magical" as WDW but, it's still a great day of fun....IMHO. :wave:


Well-Known Member
Go on ROTM. The theming for that ride is on par with Disney's stuff.

Go on MIB. The theming for that is on par with Disney's stuff. And it's better than Buzz on excitement and re-ride-ability.

Go on Spiderman. It is more thrilling and unique than anything Disney has produced.

Theming as a whole, Disney still has the lead. However, the last three big rides (those mentioned) are equal to a lot of what Disney has created. Disney's quality slipped a few years ago, and Universal has capitalized on it. As an "escape," Disney is the best in the world. But never count out Uni (at least until NBC sells them). Universal is doing their best to stay nipping at Disney's heels, and has been doing a fairly good job of it.


Active Member
I agree that on same-kind-of-rides, Universal beats Disney (Earthquake vs Catastrophe Canyon, MIB vs Buzz Lightyear, Twister vs Armageddon, Popeye vs Kali River Rapids, Spiderman vs... nothing etc)

BUt WDW still offers so much more than you can't really compare the two resorts. Universal is a great place to spend 2 fun-filled days. Just don't expect the magic of the Disney "experience".


New Member
Original Poster
I do agree that you get more from WDW but pls try Universal i promises it wont be regreted!


New Member
My family and i love, thrill rides and we love universal (and sea world for that matter), however we aways leave saying the same thing...its just not disney!!!!!


New Member
I've been to both. I prefer Disney. I love everything about Disney! But Universal and IOA do make for a fun day. I absolutely LOVE Spiderman! It is my favorite ride of all parks! I also like ET. Very cute!!! But, still, Disney is so much better overall. Disney has great rides, too. I can not wait to ride Soarin'! So, my opinion is..... Forget about comparing the parks and just go have fun!!!


Well-Known Member
Univerisal was nice but by about 5:00 we were through. We got on all the rides. Disney is themed so much better and a lot more to do.


New Member
In my opinion, nothing can top Disney. Disney has been, and still is the ultimate escape from everyday life. But on every trip that I make, I still go to Universal. No, it doesn't have that special magic and the employee's aren't as friendly, but the park still delievers a pretty cool fantasy world. I personally wouldn't make a vacation around Universal, but I enjoy citywalk and I am impressed on what they have achieved since they've first opened. They have brought in names like Jimmy Buffet and Emeril. When I leave next week for Disney I am going to spend at least one day at Universal. I wanna check out the Mummy :animwink: Competition is good for us, as it gives new things to look forward too when we go to Florida. Comparing Universal to Disney makes think of where I live. Maybe I should start a thread comparing Six Flags New England with Lake Compounce,:hammer:


New Member
Disney is more magical and I do agree that it is more of an "experience." It is also a much better place for families. But I think Universal has far more superior rides that are more thrilling. And everyone talks about themeing but I personally think Universal is themed just as well as Disney and many things are themed even better than Disney. There's also far more things for me to do at Universal because I am a fan of good thrilling E-Rides. Disney only has a couple per park and Universal is full of them. When I go to MK I do the 3 mountains. When I go to Epcot I do Test Track and Mission:Space. At MGM there's of course TOT and RNRC. And at AK there's pretty much only Dinosaur. Also I love the fact that I can park hop so easily. At Disney I have to take a long monorail ride if I want to go to Epcot and I have to drive everywhere else. At Universal I simply take a 2 minute walk. I like that. I go to both weekly and love them both, but I always pick Universal over Disney.

General Grizz

New Member
I think the big difference comes with the purpose of the park. . . and where there is honest value there ("heart" to "courtesy" to INTEGRITY), there is success.

Take the number one tourist destination of the world - Magic Kingdom. A place designed for the parents and the children to have fun - together! This formula worked - there is something to do for everyone. But beyond the physical rides (whether thrills or not) - and even unique theming - themselves, there is a spirit there that cannot be compared.

The magic isn't fake. The magic isn't made fun of, The magic exists in what the park is about - truly magical gatherings. And the family or friends or bonding aspect is what makes the magic real. It's not about the rides, it's not about the Animatronics - not from the root. These exterior fine arts are merely reflections of the spirit - and you're dead in the water when there is no honesty! It's about messages the park gives us, the purpose of the park as a gift of magic. . . the "Feed the Birds" philosophy. The mother and the child, the grandpa and the grandson, the friend and the friend, the honeymooners. It's for everyone, but it's also about everyone and the importance of each human on this earth to dream and keep to their "Wishes." The heart put into it, and the heart put into the guests. And that's where the 'magic' comes from in the Magic Kingdom!

Similarly, Epcot simply can't be compared to Universal because I don't see Epcot as a "theme park to be judged against other theme parks." Epcot is its own world. . . a unique and more-perfect realm that suprasses most all reality, yet celebrates that very essence.

I'm not too big of a fan of Universal, but it is its own entity. . . something I cannot compare to Disney. Kinda like AM or FM. . . TVs and Movie Theatres. All offering entertainment, but something oh so spectacular which brings Disney parks to the top, where they have been from the conception.


Well-Known Member
One of the greatest things about Universal though, is how they know they are not Disney and then do all they can to milk it. I was there two weeks ago, and in the Monster Movie Make-Up Show the host even said, "This isn't Disney. We don't have to be nice to you."

It's that attitude (and the We Will Win campaign) that is helping Universal compete. They are no longer trying to be Disney. They are trying to be the best thing next to Disney, so they can pull guests from Disney.

Hey, if fairy tales and pixie dust aren't your thing...


New Member
Disney vs Universal...hmm....We did both in June. (during our last visit to FL in 2000, we only did Disney). I think if we had done Universal first, it would have been better, but we found ourselves comparing everything to Disney and came to the conclusion that it just wasn't Disney. Not bad, just no the same thing so its hard to compare. We did Universal Studios as a family, and then split up and I took my son back to MK and my hus took the older kids to USIoA. They said they enjoyed IoA much more than US, and even felt some of the similar type rides were better at IoA if you weren't considering the theming. (Buzz Lightyear vs. MIB, Dudley Dooright vs Splash Mtn etc).

If we are lucky enough to be able to make another trip to FL while the kids are still kids, we will probably make a point of doing Universal stuff first, and saving the best for last.


Having just returned from Disney and Universal Studios, if you are travelling with little kids avoid Universal Stuidos on hot crowded days. Ugh, what a mess. I posted about my miserable day there in the trip report forum.

Disney is just an amazing experience. I feel that I could stay there for weeks and weeks and never be sick of it. I've been about 20 times and I still get butterflies whenever I'm there because the amount of detail put into every little thing is so unbelievable to me. And I feel so loved and welcomed when I'm there. The CM's just make you feel happy! And when you're surrounded by thousands of people who are basking in the Disney glow it just makes for a pleasant experience. It's a perfect, well rounded vacation that everyone can enjoy.

Universal Studios reminds me of six flags. You go there because you want to go on rides and that's it. There's nothing special about it except the rides. If you have 2 little kids and it's an overcrowded day, you won't even get to ride the rides so don't bother going (learned that lesson on Tuesday!). I think the admission should be $30, not $55. The overall feeling I got was that they wanted my money and they didn't care if I got anything in return.

Islands of Adventure is AWESOME! Again, on a crowded day I don't think it's ideal for families with small children, but if you're going with a group of teens/adults it makes for a great day. Even though there isn't any Disney magic the intensity of the thrill rides is just incredible! If it was just my husband and I going on a day trip to a park, I would definitely choose Islands of Adventure over Disney because I love the thrills!

If you want a magical, happy, friendly, experience suited for everyone, then Disney is the best. If all you want is thrills and don't care about all that magical stuff then Islands of Adventure is the best If you want to pay Disney prices for a mediocre six flags experience, head to Universal Studios.

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