WDW vs DLR...my take

Grizzly Hall 71

New Member
DL and DCA really only appeal to me. I live in Florida so USF is superior in almost every way to it's Cali counterpart and I strongly disliked the Six Flags I've been to in Georgia.

If I were to travel that far, I'd almost rather do DLP. :shrug:

Except to it's Studio Tour.

Come to Six Flags Great Adventure in Jersey it's one of the best in the nation.

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
I can't speak for other Fantasmic! fans, but for me it's because I'm into the characters, the story, the music, the EMOTIONAL journey it takes me on. To me the show is a celebration of the wonderful legacy of Disney animation - its characters, its stories, its songs - all of which I'm a HUGE fan of. And then you have the theme of good overcoming evil, and the inspiring ending with all the characters coming out on the boat.

As far as "it doesn't take a genious to project water...", well, there's a lot more to the show than that. An even if one considers the technology behing the projections not "genious", this does not lower my opinion of the show one bit.

I agree with you, I love Fantasmic. It just blew me away on my first viewing, and I still love it every time I see it. To me, it's second only to Mickey's Philharmagic at reminding people what Disney is all about. Magical and exciting and nostalgic. Who could ask for more?


Think for yourselfer
Original Poster
One other thing.

From everything I saw, DLR is not all that much better cared for. There seems to be an attitude on these boards that TDA does a much better job then TDO. I don't know that that's true. WDW seems like it measures up very well when it comes to maintence and overall appearance.

I also have to agree that the CM's at WDW are better. They seem like they want to be there, at DLR it seems like it is just another job to them.


Active Member
I have heard that not as many CM's pin trade at DL. Is that true?

You know, now that you mention it, I can't remember ever seeing a CM pin-trade at DL. I don't pin trade, so it's not as though I was actively looking for it, but I don't remember seeing cast members with pins walking around or ever seeing one trading with a guest. There is definitely a rather large pin store in Tomorrowland (near Buzz Lightyear) ... and there are pins for sale in most of the other shops, but it must be more of an afterthought in California.


Active Member
One other thing.

From everything I saw, DLR is not all that much better cared for. There seems to be an attitude on these boards that TDA does a much better job then TDO. I don't know that that's true. WDW seems like it measures up very well when it comes to maintence and overall appearance.

I also have to agree that the CM's at WDW are better. They seem like they want to be there, at DLR it seems like it is just another job to them.
That's ironic, I've been to Disneyland 5 times and have found the exact opposite. Although there are many at WDW who are passionate about their job, Disneyland has been known for years for its amazing cast.


Well-Known Member
That's ironic, I've been to Disneyland 5 times and have found the exact opposite. Although there are many at WDW who are passionate about their job, Disneyland has been known for years for its amazing cast.

i agree with you. and while the DL parks get more crowded in the evenings, overall I would much rather be in a DL crowd than a WDW crowd. The people there just seem so much nicer and easy going. :D

By the way...what's with all the teens who dress in black and wear thousands of beads and baby toys as part of their outfits???


Active Member
i agree with you. and while the DL parks get more crowded in the evenings, overall I would much rather be in a DL crowd than a WDW crowd. The people there just seem so much nicer and easy going. :D

By the way...what's with all the teens who dress in black and wear thousands of beads and baby toys as part of their outfits???
Yes the guests at DLR are very laid back as well, I'm so excited to back there in December.


Well-Known Member
How so exactly?? :veryconfu I have to say, I've never heard this logic before. How is "first" automatically "better"? I can think of plenty of attractions where I preferred the second version I experienced much more than the first, and vice-versa. The order in you ride something has nothing to do with which one ends up being perceived as better.

It's psychological. Your familiarity with one version will supercede your enjoyment of another version. People aren't "wired" to accept change easily. If you've been on Splash Mountain 20 times at WDW and only once or twice at WDW, you are going to favor the WDW version. Unless you can be truly objective, which most people on this board are not, the logic in my original statement stands.

Number of attractions is not an indicator of a park's quality. If that were true, then most Six Flags parks would be considered superior to most Disney parks. It's based on the quality of the individual offerings as well as the overall experience.

I didn't say it was. And you have to define "quality." Just because a ride isn't themed doesn't mean it's not a quality ride. As such, Disney's coasters were manufactured by Vekoma, a name synonymous with poor quality in the theme park industry (and also synonymous with "cheap.") Six Flags, Cedar Fair and Universal have their coasters and rides designed by top design firms. Disney offers one type of experience. Six Flags offers another. Six Flags' is more "bang for your buck" whereas Disney's isn't.

DCA may have more rides now than it did when it first opened, but a great many of those are still unoriginal "carnival"-type rides. Some are an out and out embarassment (such as Mullholland Madness, as well as the Maliboomer).

I don't much care for wild mouses, but Mailiboomer is fun, and not an "embarassment" just because you don't like it. Have you even seen pictures of what Disneyland looked like when it opened? The Fantasyland dark rides are the definition of carnival rides, yet no one complains when one of them is added.


Well-Known Member
That's ironic, I've been to Disneyland 5 times and have found the exact opposite. Although there are many at WDW who are passionate about their job, Disneyland has been known for years for its amazing cast.

I found to the DL cast to be much more friendly and outgoing compared to the passive CMs at WDW. My only complaint, as I said previously, with DL CMs is they don't seem to concerned about capacity. Ride vehicles were almost always dispatched half-empty, even when lines were long. I remember On Alice in Wonderland, a kid and a parent were loaded into the front of the caterpillar, but I, a single rider, was told to wait for the next one. There is no logical reason that I shouldn't have been allowed to ride in the back. I think that's half the reason the lines at DL are as long as they are!


Think for yourselfer
Original Poster
i agree with you. and while the DL parks get more crowded in the evenings, overall I would much rather be in a DL crowd than a WDW crowd. The people there just seem so much nicer and easy going. :D?

This sentiment I agree with, the patrons at DLR are way better to be around for the most part. There is a sense of ownership of the parks that causes them to treat things better. Clean up after themselves, not pick at the paint, draw on things. That's all very good.

One negative thing I really noticed was the line cutters though. I swear I did not wait on one line in 4 days in which someone didn't cut. I don't notice that at WDW nearly as often.


Well-Known Member
My 2 cents (too)

I've read how DL regulars who visit WDW prefer our space mountain because of how they don't have to hear the same soundtrack over and over and over againt etc...that would be annoying. Personally I found it just as enjoyable as MK's.

Aesthetically I think MK is more beautiful. The theming, to me, is more consistent and flows better from land to land. At DL you can tell was was built in the 50's and what came much later. That's a major weak point in my book. DL has some very strong theming (Indy, Toontown, Fantasyland) but to me it all stands out next to the older stuff. Also those horrid cable lines above/behind the castle show up in all your castle photos and gets to me.

Big thunder Mountain is just as fun but I enjoy the underground loading area at MK better.

David S.

The Fantasyland dark rides are the definition of carnival rides, yet no one complains when one of them is added.

So there are carnival dark rides where I can soar over London with Peter Pan while "You Can Fly" plays in the background, then visit NeverLand and defeat Captain Hook?

Or watch the Seven Dwarfs heroically chase the wicked witch until she falls to her doom, and than see Snow White live Hapilly Ever After, to the tune of "Some Day My Prince Will Come"?

Or see Pinocchio prove himself brave, truthful, and unselfish and then see the Blue Fairy bring him back to life as a Real Boy, to the sublime melody of "When You Wish Upon A Star", and then cheer with happiness as Pinocchio, Gepetto, Figaro, Cleo, and Jiminy Cricket all live Hapilly Ever After?

Or have fun with Winnie the Pooh as he meets Tigger, has a fun psychadelic dream about "Heffalumps and Woozles", and eventually gets to celebrate with all the other animals after the rain goes away?

Please tell me where the carnival is located in which their dark rides take me on such wonderful adventures like this! If it comes anywhere near me when I'm not in Florida, it sure would be a swell way to get a dose of Disney Magic to tide me over!

The Fantasyland dark rides are my favorite rides in the park, along with Splash Mountain and Small World. I don't care how short or "lesser" in technology they are, for me it's all about STORY STORY STORY! And how the attraction touches my EMOTIONS! And MUSIC! And CHARM!

PS. Every carny dark ride I can remember ever riding had a cheap, garish feel with nothing but macabre horror gags. The Fantasyland dark rides blow those COMPLETELY OUT OF THE WATER!

PPS. As far as the thread topic goes, the biggest thing I am envious of DL over is that they have 6 extra attractions in their Fantasyland that are missing in the MK, and THREE of those are dark rides based on Animated Classics (Pinocchio, Toad, and Alice)


New Member
Just returned from 4 nights at Disneyland resort, it was my first trip to the original and I have a couple quick thoughts.

- Comparing the overall experience I would say WDW wins out. The size of WDW just can not be overcome.

- DL is a much prettier park then MK. Fantasyland out there is a million times nicer then the one at MK. Orlando's ToonTown can not even be mentioned in the same breath as the one out west. They actually have a town, the character meets are way better, and overall it is just way nicer looking. New Orleans Square is awesome. TSI west is about a million times better then TSI east. IASW west is literally not even the same ride as IASW east, west is just so so much better. Main Street west is so much more charming then east coast. They have individual stores, with unique items, its not just one giant disney store. West SM wrecks the east coast counterpart. I could go on for a while like this.

- There are somethings the MK wins out on though. Our Splash is better, I actually prefer the design of east coast HM. Um, maybe there is less then I thought.

- California Adventure as it stands is a very weak park. Not on par with any of WDW secondary parks.

- The food situation out west is appalling. WDW is such a better dining experience. Even with the DDP conspiring to destroy WDW dining. I had one decent meal out west and that was at Napa Rose.

- Park Upkeep, I actually did not notice a major difference in this area. I know people complain a lot about WDW having a problem with maintenance, but rest assured they have the same issues out west.

- World Of Color is without a doubt the best show Disney has ever put on. It is simply stunning. I don't even know what else to say about it.

- Fantasmic east coast is way better set up. However fantasmic west coast is a better story/show.

- Magic Mornings are so dumb. WDW really does a better job with extra magic hours. MM means barely half of one park is open. All it does is wake you up at 6 am to go stand in line because there are so few rides to get on. EMH the whole park is open and you can actually beat the lines.

- Overall I loved my trip out west. But I will not be permanently altering my vacation plans to head out there every year.

Yeah, I can't say I like one or the other better. They are both unique in their own ways. DL is like walking on sacred ground to me. I kept thinking to myself "This is where Walt started it all". But the experience was kind of crazier and less relaxed than WDW.

Overall, the rides at DL kick the cr*p out of WDW (ummm, PTC - no comparison), but DL was missing some of that Disney "vacation" feeling. Even when I am at WDW for 2 days, I feel liek I am on vacation. Didn't get that at DL, even though, ironically enough, I was on vacation. Have to say though, DL had some of those magical touches that don't exist (anymore) at WDW.


Well-Known Member
To me both parks are great, deciding between the two to me is like saying which one of your kids do you like more?

Each park has things that make them unique which is great, WDW has size and space and 4 parks, Disneyland is the original where it all started.

I don't find one to be better than the other. They are both unique.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I can't say I like one or the other better. They are both unique in their own ways. DL is like walking on sacred ground to me. I kept thinking to myself "This is where Walt started it all". But the experience was kind of crazier and less relaxed than WDW.

Overall, the rides at DL kick the cr*p out of WDW (ummm, PTC - no comparison), but DL was missing some of that Disney "vacation" feeling. Even when I am at WDW for 2 days, I feel liek I am on vacation. Didn't get that at DL, even though, ironically enough, I was on vacation. Have to say though, DL had some of those magical touches that don't exist (anymore) at WDW.

I felt the opposite at DL. To me, it is definatly a more laid back feel then WDW. At WDW, I always feel the need to walk as fast as I can from point A to B. I never really felt like that at DL. It was nice and refreshing to stroll down main st. something I can't easily do at the MK. I think because DL's main st is so small and that you can barely see the castle at the end, it feels more like a real main st.

Also DL, for the most part, have better versions of the classic rides, with the exception of Space mt. and probably splash mt. But pirates, and IASW are in their own league over there.

Walt Disney1955

Well-Known Member
I'm a guy, and this topic is brought up once a week or more. So....

I guess it's redundant to remind you that this is a Disney board. Talking and comparing about the two greatest parks in the world will continue to be a common thing. Post something worthwhile if you choose. Welcome to the boards!

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