WDW vs DL petty or not?


New Member
Original Poster
Ok, a friend of mine, and a Cast Member, went to DL , and at the DL hotel met with rather a rude and high and mighty cast member out there and made a complaint. A week later there boss called them into the office and asked about DL and said "so you had a problem with a cast member?" Apprently the DL cast member complained and had someone call the WDW's supervisor and complain about them. The WDW person was told "not to complain, we dont do that" Now is it me or does this seem petty, or does this happpen not than not? wondering in wonderland?

The Mom

Premium Member
If I understand correctly, your friend from WDW complained to the superiors of a DL castmember about his behavior, at same time the DL castmember made a complaint about your friend's behavior to his WDW superiors. (or he made a complaint in retaliation )

Sounds like there may be two sides to the story, perhaps with bad behavior on both sides, and the supervisors on BOTH coasts would prefer to just let it drop. Sounds like something I would do when my kids start bickering. :lol:


Active Member
I don't quite understand what you're trying to say. But I have found that WDW castmembers are much more rude on average than in Disneyland.


Active Member
I feel an east coast west coast rumble coming on!!!

The lines are being drawn, hide your children!

It does sound like there may be more to the story that what we know so far.
Sounds pretty petty to have to call each others supervisors. I want to know what was said exactly.


New Member
I'm confused, if your friend was a guest at DL how could the DL CM complain to his supervisor about anything?


Active Member
MMP said:
I'm confused, if your friend was a guest at DL how could the DL CM complain to his supervisor about anything?
His friend is a WDW castmemer, that's how. The OP just doesn't know how to form a proper sentence, that's all. :zipit:


New Member
I knew he was a CM, but I'm wondering how he could have a complaint filed against him when he wasn't working as CM at the time, just being a regular guest in another park?


Well-Known Member
Was the WDW cast member working the event? OR was he just being a jerk saying WDW cast don't act like this, be more like me. If he was just a guest, sure complain away, that's how things get fixed. But if he was toting his WDW is superior badge, that doesn't do anything to make any parties better. He has no right to tell this supervisor about this. What a punk! If he really has a beef, take it home, remember the name and the situation... and if your supervisor wants to take it further -- let him/her. BTW, the OP does only have 2 posts. Fake thread? Especially since there is already a DL vs WDW thread already started today???


New Member
As a CM, I will complain in a heartbeat if I'm on my free time in the park and I'm treated rudely by a CM who doesn't realize that I'm not just any guest. Because that shows that that's the way they treat guests all the time. But sometimes I'm working and I see CM's on their time off being very rude to me about things like their discounts and priveliges. But I can't do anything about that because they aren't at work, they're on their own time and if they want to act like jerks they can. It sucks and you'd think CM's would know better. The only thing I think a CM can get in trouble for when they're off work and in the park is for things like using backstage entrances they aren't supposed to use and for breaking any kind of rule that applies to most guests.


New Member
eamthree said:
Ok, a friend of mine, and a Cast Member, wnet to DL to the Pirates event, and at the DL hotel met with rather a rude and high and mighty cast member out there and made a complaint. A week later there boss called them into the office and asked about DL and said "so you had a problem with a cast member?" Apprently the DL cast member complained and had someone call the WDW's supervisor and complain about them. The WDW person was told "not to complain, we dont do that" Now is it me or does this seem petty, or does this happpen not than not? wondering in wonderland?
you created an account just for this BS?

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