I find this topic extremely interesting and have spent a lot of time reading most of it. Every time I get close to catching up the next day a lot more pages pop up and I never catch up. I had already decided to cut the amount of stays to Disney. When we did go, we stayed off Disney because of the pricing. Stayed twice previously at value resorts and to pay that much for a motel 6 was not worth it. The main perk they advertised was EMH and free parking in the parks. Staying off Disney and paying the parking fees saved a lot of money and yes, we ate many meals off Disney and after our last stay where we ate at two Quick Service meals, we will probably eat more off property. It was horrible and even threw one of them away. I find it interesting that those that say this is ok because others do it are usually (I am not saying everyone) the same ones that say free parking in the parks saves all this money. Though their ad someone showed had free parking in the parks, it no longer saves me the money it did. I actually now save more money staying off parks, cause we are all paying for parking now. Thanks Disney for making that an easier choice to stay off property.