WDW Picture of the Day (Continued)


New Member
Does anybody know... are their different lighting schemes for Everest. I've seen pics of it lit up in white (which I love) but the night I was there it was red and purple the whole night, which I just hated. It looked very wierd.


Well-Known Member
May I use this as a desktop background? Thanks.
Yes... go right ahead, Thank you for asking! :)

Amazing pic!!

Awww, I like this one!

I love this picture! I just bought a new digital camera and I only hope I get shots as good as this:)
I am really happy with mine. :)

I look forward to them! :)

Thank you guys, I am working on my trip report and have a few of the castle show pics posted there, I took so many (1400) I will post more this evening here for tomorrows pic of the day


Well-Known Member
This is a random request, but do any of you fine photographers have a photo of the fountain in front of the tip board at MGM? [It's going to take me forever to get used to saying DHS! :) ] It's one of my favorite spots in the park. Thanks!!!
Actually I do...but I'm in it. :lol: So...that probably ruins the effect. :ROFLOL:

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