Not to perpetuate a prior discussion, but I see a clear difference between "cost" and "value."
Cost is quantifiable, discrete, and tangible. $90 per person to enter is clearly a cost. Cost is the same to whoever pays it.
Value, on the other hand, is completely subjective. Paying $90 per person for an experience like MVMCP, if you don't want to go, clearly holds no value to you. On the other hand, someone who wants to go and who likes the idea of "limited" attendance, "free" cookies and hot chocolate, early access to the holiday parade and characters dressed out in unique holiday costumes (and available in otherwise unseen groupings) will clearly attach great value to the experience. That person might, as you alluded to, find just as much value at twice the cost.
To use another comparison -- the widow's mites, when she gave them as an offering, only cost her a lepton, but as a percentage of her total holdings, clearly had much more value to her than to the rich man who gave ten times that much and barely noticed.