Why would anyone want to buy a picture of digitally inserted ghosts? That's the only way they could really do it, and I don't think there would be enough of a demand for them. I managed to take a picture of my "ghost" once, but the ride had stopped, and I did it without my flash - It's a MIRROR, so a flash would not work, and the camera would have to be either ON the Doombuggy or behind it...Also, like others have mentioned, there are significantly more Doombuggies than there are vehicles on Rn'R, or ToT, etc. Even if they could get cameras to take the pictures that quickly, letting people see them would mean many, many vid screens, or something else - I think it would screw up a lot of the themeing..I just don't think the work that would be involved in this idea would be worth the money (and that is Disney's bottom line)