WDW Bowling Alleys

Epcot is my fav

Active Member
I was thinking WDW has Golf Courses, but why no Bowling Alleys. I mean for those night or afternoons when you dont want to go into the park and dont feel like swimming, why not go bowling. I think it would be cool. Disney character balls and Villian pins. Hey its just a thought.


New Member
:D Sounds like a good idea to me!!! Especially with the Pop Century Resort-- Hummm??? It would fit right in!

Maybe over in that area?? Perfect!! Should be a little room for it? Maybe Roller skating and Ice Skating too??? :D
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Epcot is my fav

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Originally posted by barnum42
Toons and bolwling = Fred Flintstone. It would be weird with anyone else :animwink:

Yeah not so much...i dont think we all make that connection plus it would be better with Disney Characters :wave:
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New Member
Originally posted by Epcot is my fav
Yeah not so much...i dont think we all make that connection plus it would be better with Disney Characters :wave:
But would they still have to wear a caveman outfit? :animwink:
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Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Epcot is my fav
I was thinking WDW has Golf Courses, but why no Bowling Alleys. I mean for those night or afternoons when you dont want to go into the park and dont feel like swimming, why not go bowling. I think it would be cool. Disney character balls and Villian pins. Hey its just a thought.

Hey!...Are you my conscience? :lol: ok that's that for my Dory reference :) but anyway wow I thought of that same exact thing not too long ago I kept telling my friends and sister that Disney has everything, but not a bowling alley and if they did have that it'd bring in money. I'm pretty sure they'd come up with something cute relating to the Disney characters, particularly Mickey, Donald, and Goofy.
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Active Member
The only drawback I see with bowling are the bowlers. I am a bowler as is my husband, son, neices, etc. Being bowlers. we like to use our own equipment, ball and shoes. Packing that stuff for a plane ride from Chicago would be a pain. Small complaint I realize but a valid one none the less. I'm not saying I wouldn't bowl at WDW, I'd love it. There would just be a lot of, "If I only had my own ball, I could have really done well." type of comments.
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Well-Known Member
I had recently done a survey from Disney regarding new ideas for Pleasure Island. One of the ideas proposed was for a 50's style bowl-a rama/ hamburger place. I had really liked that one and said so. Here is to hoping!!! Belle
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Well-Known Member
Could you share with us what else they mentioned on the Survey?
They are usually a very good source of what's in store.
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Epcot is my fav

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Originally posted by Nansafan
The only drawback I see with bowling are the bowlers. I am a bowler as is my husband, son, neices, etc. Being bowlers. we like to use our own equipment, ball and shoes. Packing that stuff for a plane ride from Chicago would be a pain. Small complaint I realize but a valid one none the less. I'm not saying I wouldn't bowl at WDW, I'd love it. There would just be a lot of, "If I only had my own ball, I could have really done well." type of comments.

I really don't think that people will bring their own balls its not a competition its just for fun. Also having a bowling alley and visiting the alley will not be the #1 on peoples vaca but an added plus so i dont think there will be an emphasis on bringing a ball from home.
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Well-Known Member
I dont recall the entire survey but they were basically asking about my night time activities at Disney, what clubs do I go which are my favorites and why, which are my least favorites and why. Then the proposed a bunch of new "club" type of ideas everything from a Vegas style bar to a Martini & Wine bar to a tre chic type of skybar to a sports bar to an Irish Pub type of atmosphere. The bowling thing and the Irish pub thing were my favorites. Nice relaxed and laid back. I am not into super chic type clubs. Hope this helps!! Belle
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Well-Known Member
Originally posted by 77johnson77
Yeah , I would like to know too, That would be greaat at pleasure Island, Or maybe virtual bowling at DISNEYQUEST
Did you know that you can find "virtual bowling" in at least the Pop Century arcade. Its the Hyperbowling that many arcade/entertainment places have. Hehe.. definitely not a substitute for real bowling.
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Active Member
Originally posted by Epcot is my fav
I really don't think that people will bring their own balls its not a competition its just for fun. Also having a bowling alley and visiting the alley will not be the #1 on peoples vaca but an added plus so i dont think there will be an emphasis on bringing a ball from home.

I guess I didn't explain myself well enough. There is no way I would bring my ball and shoes from Chicago to possibly bowl once at WDW. It would never be on our packing list. I wouldn't expect anyone to pack their ball or shoes just to bowl at WDW. My husband's bowling bag is bigger than the suitcase I use for a week at WDW.
Regardless of how well I did, the thought in the back of my mind (and my son and nieces) would be, "imagine how much better I could have done with my own ball." A WDW bowling alley would be awesome and would definitely be something we would try to schedule time for.
Of course it is a competition. Why do you think there are automatic scorers and score tables at bowling alleys? Somebody has to buy the ice cream when you're done bowling and with us, it's usually the losing team.
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