Thanks! It looks more purple on my work computer than the blue I get at home. Hopefully just the un-calibrated monitor I'm on.
It was taken with a Fuji X-T1 and 10-24 @ 10mm. I was shooting at f/4 and ISO 6400 in Aperture Priority and the shutter fired at 1/4s. Was shooting burst doing the "lock my arms against me and stabilize as much as possible" thing Just so happened this was the steadiest shot. As for edits, just LR5 with the Fuji Provia/Standard camera profile and WB set to Tungsten. Sharpening and NR are some standard defaults I have for processing raws from the X-T1. Rest of the exposure settings are untouched.
This one was f/4.5, ISO 6400, 1/45s. Bumped the aperture ring which is easy to do on the XF lenses. They really need to add an option to lock aperture!