WDW Attraction Action Trivia


Original Poster
Nobody seemed to be responding to trivia threads Lately, and I was getting kinda bored.:( :) So I've created a new thread that will maybe get the ball rolling again.:veryconfu I'm wondering If half of the people here even know about the Trivia section :confused:

Basic Rules(with a little twist):cool: :just questions about Disney World attractions. All levels of difficulty are accepted. Whoever answers correctly, asks the next question. I'm hoping that rule will keep this thread alive:D :wave:

Here It goes:

What is the name of the farm where the Barnstormer is located?

Just Have Fun!


New Member
sorry about that guys!!!! I know this is weird... but I changed my email address on my profile, before I had even set it up yet... so wdwmagic.com tried to send me an email to make sure it was real... they need a confirmation before I can login again... so I cant login on fridgepoliceman for only a while hopefully. pridgefoliceman is a dumb name. I know.

The answer was 6!

disney4648: make a new question... If you arent here, then ceo can do it

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