Walt Disney's Passport on Ebay...


I too, believe that this should have been given to some family museum or on display somewhere that pertains to the Disney family. Maybe at Disneyland or the Magic Kingdom, somewhere it would be truely appreciated by Disney fans.


New Member
I really don't want to seem stupid here--I have been buying and selling on ebay for years and never heard of a "buyer's premium". Besides giving an extra 22.5% to the seller what is the rationale for the premium?



Park nostalgist
Premium Member
I concur with several others here - it should belong to the family. That being said, I can't imagine owning many other pieces of Disney-abilia that would be as cool as his passport. If only I had an extra $10k sitting around....

The 'buyer's premium' on the item is something auction houses place on items that they sell. The 22.5% seems a bit high, but the premium itself doesn't seem out of place to me.


New Member
Ok, flame me if you like, But this auction is just so wrong to me. This is an item that should have been donated to the Archives, or returned to the family.:(

I don't believe its Disney doing the auction, otherwise they'd make that much more clear. Theres nothing wrong with someone selling something they own.


Wow how tempting!

I would love to know the history, how did the person selling this, get it? How did it leave the family in the first place?


Well-Known Member
Well, if anyone were to complain to the State Department about the auction and reference Title 22 CFR Vol1, Section 51.9, you'd find that no one but the US government OWNS a passport. They're just letting you use it for a specified amount of time. Consular Affairs has the right, at any time, to ask for a passport to be surrendered. Regardless of how old it is, it's still a valid document proving US citizenship and could be used, after alteration, to obtain a current passport. Just a thought . . .


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
Well, if anyone were to complain to the State Department about the auction and reference Title 22 CFR Vol1, Section 51.9, you'd find that no one but the US government OWNS a passport. They're just letting you use it for a specified amount of time. Consular Affairs has the right, at any time, to ask for a passport to be surrendered. Regardless of how old it is, it's still a valid document proving US citizenship and could be used, after alteration, to obtain a current passport. Just a thought . . .
Ebay okays it :)


Expired United States passports that were issued more than 20 years prior to the date of sale will be permitted.


New Member
Ok, flame me if you like, But this auction is just so wrong to me. This is an item that should have been donated to the Archives, or returned to the family.:(

ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto!

Why on Earth would this be selling on eBay?! This was actually Walt's, with his actual signature. Let's just hope it goes to the right place. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
I guarantee that someone at Disney is going to be placing the highest bid on the passport just to get it back into disney hands. It would be a perfect exhibition piece for One man's dream


Active Member
I guarantee that someone at Disney is going to be placing the highest bid on the passport just to get it back into disney hands. It would be a perfect exhibition piece for One man's dream

I hope you're right about this. I'm going to make another thread, but i think that everyone on WDWMagic.com should donate $5 to the owner of wdwmagic.com and then have him bid on the passport and win it, and then donate it to Disney and insist that it be displayed at Walt Disney World.


New Member
Wow... I'm going to have to check the validity and possibly make a few bids! Thanks!!!
Oh, I'm sorry, were you serious?:lookaroun

I wish I had that kind of money to bid on that

Ask ImaYoyo if you can borrow some!:lol:

Sorry, I couldn't resist.

Ok, flame me if you like, But this auction is just so wrong to me. This is an item that should have been donated to the Archives, or returned to the family.:(

I don't think you'll get flamed too much for saying that, I think you will find that most of us agree with you 100%. But technically I don't think it's wrong though, assuming the seller aquired it honestly.

I guarantee that someone at Disney is going to be placing the highest bid on the passport just to get it back into disney hands. It would be a perfect exhibition piece for One man's dream

After I read the first post I thought the exact same thing. It would make a great addition.

tink rules

New Member
Original Poster
as the OP, I too wish that this would be either in the family's hands or in the archives. I would love to know how come it is not. It was probably obtained by someone who bought storage lots or something - I hope it would not be anyone who would have known Walt themselves.

I wonder if Disney knows of this themselves - it's originally shown on TMZ.com, which is in itself a gossip site... They don't have anything to do with the auction...but they found it.

I think it would be a good addition to One Man's Dream.


Well-Known Member
Wow how tempting!

I would love to know the history, how did the person selling this, get it? How did it leave the family in the first place?

This was my first thought, too. How did someone outside the family get hold of this? Are his bedroom slippers the next thing to hit the auction block??!!??


Active Member
The seller has many rare things for sale at premium. Anna Nicole journals and Texas ID, pants and jewelry worn by Evis, docoments signed by Lincoln, Washington, Jefferson, etc. Sheesh.

tink rules

New Member
Original Poster
The seller has many rare things for sale at premium. Anna Nicole journals and Texas ID, pants and jewelry worn by Evis, docoments signed by Lincoln, Washington, Jefferson, etc. Sheesh.

I'm guessing it's a professional auction house that is selling it for someone... I wonder who...

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