Premium Member!!!I got on more rides in 10-hour days at WDW than I used to in 16-hour days. I was literally getting off FoP and the CM said, “want to ride again?” and sent us through the DAS queue.
We had a blast and it was the most-relaxing WDW vacation in years without the albatross of FP+. Going to the pool at 9 am before Epcot was lovely. Hopping on E-tickets during the traditional lunch and dinner times (we ate at off-times) with minimal wait was amazing. And, honestly, we didn’t mind the earlier closing times. We actually slept on vacation!
Were there things we missed? Sure. Those things will return. But the character cavalcades were cool and, for better or for worse, this pandemic will be a defining moment in our lives. I take any chance I can get to create happy memories with my kids. Our vacation provided 10 days of great memories. How wonderful to not have to just cancel the whole year.
For the record, I felt safer at WDW than I do at my local Walmart.
Which means money isn’t being made...which means cuts, closures and reductions.
Wdw is about numbers.
Numbers= profits.
This is just where we are. Not nearly enough are going...not even close