I think it was only Club runDisney platinum that got s2, but from the reports on the Facebook group, they all got s2 regardless of estimated time. I’m silver level and got placed in s4 for all four races despite putting estimates in line with sub-8:30/mile pace for the 5k and 10k (what I was doing in November), sub 5:00:00 full estimate and sub-2:30:00 halfs (which I would have gladly provided proof of times for).
I’ve always treated starting group estimates like I would golf, I’m not going to lie about my times any more than I would lie about my handicap or cheat to get into a better (or easier) flight in a golf tournament. Sure, some people may bib mule or get through the cracks with fake proofs in a race, like some people may build up an inaccurate handicap in golf over a period of months, but at least there’s a little bit of a hoop to jump through in each situation that deters people and makes it generally more difficult than casually putting in false info at registration to get ahead.
I gotta tell you though, runDisney is testing that theory, as it appears abundantly clear that they don’t care about what happens or how many bottlenecks occur or how many people have to run the first few miles in the grass beyond s1. I thought the 2:45:00 half marathon (12:35/mi pace) proof of time was about right, beyond that your probably walking most of it anyway and a little more walking in one spot probably means you can run a little more in another. But when folks that can run 13.1 at a 9:10/mi pace (just over 2 hours) are just outside of eligible to submit a PoT and have to zig zag past 3000-4000 walkers if they were honest in their submission, there’s something wrong with that.
It’s been an open secret for years that people encourage others to just lie on their PoT estimate in order to take more pictures or avoid the balloon ladies, but with PoT’s where they are now, runDisney seems to just be encouraging this behavior to the detriment of those that may be chasing their own PR or have a specific finish time goal in mind (a crazy thought for a race, so know).
Sorry for the rant, I still love the races, but what they’ve done with this isue bugs the hell out of me!