Agreed. That suit was such an utter failure, I hope they learned their lesson there and never bring it back out again. The even sadder thing is that i've seen infinitely superior dinosaur costumes built by just regular and likely not immensely wealthy (yet talented and creative) people-
Granted you can still see the person's legs underneath, but the level of detail on the skin, movement and other external features are orders of magnitude above Disney's quite frankly embarrassing pathetic dino suits.
And on a more professional level (though still from people infinitely less wealthy than Disney), there are some extremely impressive mechanical dino suits out there that fix the issues of seeing the wearer's legs entirely-
There are a lot of quite impressive dino costumes out there, examples are all over youtube of ones that were properly executed even by regular people. I've already got a pretty low opinion of Disney World lately, but I was still taken aback at how poor those dino costumes were.