Well-Known Member
I suppose that the CM's would be a captive audience, but, I don't think that Walt's intention was to make it a company store type of setup. For one thing, it would have been a costly venture and the CM's for the most part would not have had the income to support themselves within it. I think the idea that it was for CM's is just another in a long line of daydreams that Disney fans have conjured up.I don't see how it would be a "totalitarian state" any more than a large planned community with apartment style restrictions and homeowners associations (not saying they're GOOD, just saying we see the same kinds of restrictions today).
It would have been occupied by Disney cast members....much the same way that the CP and International Program CM's live on (or near) property right now anyway.
Think about it for yourself. You have a lot of cool "special" things supplied by industry to give you more time to enjoy life, yet, the hassle that is involved with just getting out of "town", kind of makes you captive unless you want to deal with many steps to get out. In the layout I didn't see many places for you to park your car. Maybe everything you need is in the "city". I can't speak for you, but, I know it wouldn't work for me.
Yes, I know that the idea of homeowner association are a bit over bearing as well, but, they are community based not city based. You have a choice of which one to buy into. Let's face it it was to be an elitist city. It would have been conform or get out. It had all kinds of good intentions, but, it had way to many questionable desires to keep the "riff raff" out and only the pure in and sheltered.
Who would have chosen the heads of government? I don't see anyplace where that is addressed in detail. Would it be an elective process and then what if the public decided to put a leader in place that was 180 degrees off the vision of Walt Disney as to how this would all work. Would Disney have veto power? I think that if they were supposed to control that environment to the degree that would be required, they would have total say in all of that stuff that we take for granted we control in our own communities.
Like I said, I do think that it was a noble idea with nothing but good intention, but, I am of a strong belief that it just wouldn't work. People are, for the most part, way to diverse to fit into a one size fits all, do as your told, type of living arrangement. A nice place to visit, but, I wouldn't want to live there.