You know I go in to work to get my vacation signed and guess what there not letting me take that mcuh time off! Those bastards!!! Thet only said I could take a week off! I uderstand thats all the vacation time I have left, but still I took some timer off unpaid this last trip! So whats the damn deal around here! I just feeling going back up there beating there f****** a**. you can cut my hours, beat the s*** out of me, but donr take away my trip! Me and the manger got into about it! And needless to say I wasnt very nice about it! Those sorry pieces of trash have something against me! But that all can kiss my white A** But Jayrod hasnt given up total hope yet! Its time for plan B!
Sorry about that! Had to let off some steam!
Sorry about that! Had to let off some steam!