This is what a wall is....
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What you said is totally true. What this thread is talking about is the idea that a family should not commit the massive crime of talking to each other and being a family together because someone wants to get someplace 40 seconds quicker. There are three options, go around them at the first open time, politely ask if you can get through if going around isn't possible (something that I find hard to believe) or have a little patience and realise that they didn't go to a theme park to just walk around and before long will either head for an attraction or find some other place they want to go that you are not going to at all.
In a high school, being 40seconds late to class is considered VERY late. Three times late= disciplinary action. A teacher being 40 seconds late is even worse, because the teacher is responsible for anything that happens.
In WDW, children can run a long way from a parent/grandparent in 40 seconds.
The walls tend to extend across the whole path. They only move right just enough to allow for oncoming traffic, as soon as oncoming traffic passes, they spread right back out again across the entire width of pathway.
The second option doesn't tend to work in WDW either. The walking walls are usually engaged in nonstop conversation, and WDW is loud. That's part of why they form a wall - so they can hear each other.
Many tend to be in their own bubble, I suspect most don't realize they are blocking the pathway, so they don't welcome anyone telling them they are a blockade.
They also not only walk slowly, but also often stop especially at intersections while they discuss which way they want to go. How long is anybody's guess.
We do well to try to be kind and patient with each other. WDW is crowded, and people come from everywhere. Some folks know how to navigate crowds, and others are not used to crowds.
I think that includes making allowances for people that are both slower than us and those that need to go a little faster. There are a number of very valid reasons why someone might need to walk slowly or to pass.