Waiting/Preparing & Holding spots for Parades & Shows

Rude guests

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DH and I always arrive 1 hour before the parade with our sons. We lay out a small blanket for them (and us if its not too crazy) to sit on and put the double stroller behind us as a shield. Once, a family came when spectromagic already started and told their kids to climb in our stroller! I was not happy! My space felt violated. I asked them to move (I didnt want them to fall out of the stroller. Plus my son had just recently gotten over strep throat and I hadnt sanitized the stroller yet and I didnt want them to get sick). I was generous and let them squeeze next to us. I feel bad for kids when the parents dont preplan for the parade. I always preplan, get the kids a small treat ahead of time to enjoy, and make the experience calm and magical for them. I feel bad for the kids who are pushed and shoved by their parents, creating a hectic experience. Most of the time I try to be considerate (even when the parents are not) and make some room. Sometimes I dont if the kids are rude too.


Original Poster
I will no longer let anyone in front of me or move over an inch. Too many times my good deed of letting little ones in has been taken advantage of, so tough luck on everyone now, those idiots ruined it for you.

Well I hate it you have been taken advantage of so much, It is truely a sad thing that the adults go to Disney and have to act like that. They are not showing good examples to their children. its sad:(
While waiting for the MK parade one day a family with a severley handicapped child in a wheelchair joined me on the curb. His parents were so good to him telling him how Mickey and Minnie were coming and showing him so much love it was overpowering. When the parade started I watched character after character come over and say hello to this amazing young man. His mother asked me something but I couldn't speak for at least a minute as I was so choked up with emotion. It was one of the nicest things I've ever witnessed!

Half way through a 40 year old jerk stands in front of the child with a camcorder :eek: . A CM rushes over and instructs the jerk to step back and he 'pretends' not to understand! He is ushered back to his spot but looks really disgruntled at being moved.

I left my spot and went to the fast food place at the top of Main Street and ordered a coke. I was asked what size I wanted and said "Oh, I'm going to need a large one".

I returned to the spot and spotted the jerk who was now jumping in front of other people. The parade finished, I walked over and accidentally poured the coke over the guy, apologised, smiled and walked away. In hindsight it wasn't the best thing to do, I should also of purchased a hot dog and smeared it in his face but you live and learn.



Well-Known Member
We have been pushed and shoved when we have been caught at the wrong place at the wrong time. what I don't understand is this: if everyone can see a mob of people, what good will shoving the person directly in front of you do? We were all in the same boat, we had dining reservations as well, but once the ropes are up, you are pretty limited. Now, if we get 'caught' we hit the stores, do some shopping in peace and quiet, let the kids pin trade and make the best of it.


Original Poster
While waiting for the MK parade one day a family with a severley handicapped child in a wheelchair joined me on the curb. His parents were so good to him telling him how Mickey and Minnie were coming and showing him so much love it was overpowering. When the parade started I watched character after character come over and say hello to this amazing young man. His mother asked me something but I couldn't speak for at least a minute as I was so choked up with emotion. It was one of the nicest things I've ever witnessed!

Half way through a 40 year old jerk stands in front of the child with a camcorder :eek: . A CM rushes over and instructs the jerk to step back and he 'pretends' not to understand! He is ushered back to his spot but looks really disgruntled at being moved.

I left my spot and went to the fast food place at the top of Main Street and ordered a coke. I was asked what size I wanted and said "Oh, I'm going to need a large one".

I returned to the spot and spotted the jerk who was now jumping in front of other people. The parade finished, I walked over and accidentally poured the coke over the guy, apologised, smiled and walked away. In hindsight it wasn't the best thing to do, I should also of purchased a hot dog and smeared it in his face but you live and learn.


This is probably the coolest absolute funniest thing I have ever heard of PROPS to you ... I know it was a mean think to do but Awesome dude! ur funny! ......:ROFLOL::sohappy::lol::wave:

some guy said " Ohhh I have that sticky wet Coke cr**ch! :lol::lol:


Well-Known Member
one night we staked out good spots where we could just stay there for a few hours, and see the parade, the castle show, and the fireworks all in one. So come parade time we've been sitting there for a while and my dad leaves to go get funnel cakes (for dinner!) and a family with a double stroller decides to try and fit into his one spot. My youngest sister is 15, so it was the "you don't have small kids and I do so we win" attitude. We told her that there was no room for them on the curb, but that if she parked the stroller right behind us, and had her two kids sit in it, they'd be able to see over our heads. She wasn't happy about this, but had no other choice, so she made sure to jam the stroller into our backs, and then of course, when the kids climbed in we got kicked numerous times. Well that was fine, because it's just part of watching parades at WDW......... but right as the first float was approaching, the mom tells her daughter to get out of the stroller and climb over and in front of us (quite loudly of course), so the daughter gets out, and the MOM PROCEEDS TO CLIMB INTO THE STROLLER!!!!! Obviously we're already packed like sardines and when a 5'5" woman tries to climb into a freakin stroller you can imagine the blows that we received to the back of our heads........ :mad: but I bit my tongue....

UNBELIEVABLE is all I can say! The nerve of some people. You sound like me though and would probably rather not cause a scene. I am way too easy going and usually just put up with it. Movie theaters can be just as bad when you go to a family movie with a theater full of kids. I always make sure not to sit in front of any kids or shorter people when I get into the theater, but usually like 2 minutes before the movie starts, you'll get this big family with like 3 or more kids show up and they sit directly behind us and stick the smallest kid right behind me. I'll try to slouch down in my seat as best I can and then end up having the kid kick the back of my seat for the whole movie. Same thing at concerts too. You wait all day to see your favourite band and two minutes before they come on stage, you get a bunch of drunk idiots push their way up through the crowd and they come stand right in front of you.:brick:


We had only great parade experiences at WDW but DLR was often horrible. The worst was sitting for an hour with our grandkids and young kids and a grown gay couple coming along and standing in front of them. When my husband asked them to move, one of them replied that they were AP's and it was their anniversary and that this was their favorite parade so NO. my husband responded that these kids had all the way from Canada and that it would be the first time they saw it so move anyway. luckily a CM asked them to sit to allow others to see but our whole video tape of the parade has their loud gushing in it to remind us of how rude some folks can be. And no, for all those that may take this wrong, if it had been a grown straight couple, we would have been just as ed. I only noted that they were gay to advise that they were both male and as such definitely larger than 4 small kids.


Too many times its a shoving match , Yet I have no problem making sure small children can have a spot in front of me providing there is space and the parents make simple effort to just ask us. Its being kind and courteous that makes the difference. :eek:


Active Member

Also pleeeeaaaaase do NOT run with your stroller to save a spot while your child is still on it!

Even though i did not feel it was my fault, I got ear-ful from the woman who was running with the stroller.

I was heading towards Main Street at the MK to make it in time to a dinner reservation. We were just walking and all of a sudden a woman runs me over with her stroller. And of course with physics....an action equals an reaction....I fell onto the kid! I'm close to 200 lbs and the kid looked like he was around 40 lbs. The woman proceed to scream at me that I fell on her son. I replied that she ran me over but no, she wouldn't have it. I quickly pointed out her spot that if she won't get to it, she'll miss the fireworks. Then me and my GF walked off.

Kid was crying. I felt bad for him but I swear it wasn't my fault! :veryconfu


Original Poster
clearly a lot of you have had some of the same issues I have had, keep them coming this is interesting to read...and a little fun :lookaroun


New Member
Have small kids

I have young kids. Don't want to wait with them for hours for the parade but I don't push other people. Our last trip we had no problems standing behind people or finding a spot within 20 min of the parade. (no of course we were not trying to sit right in front of the castle!

SO my story is the opposite. We wanted to watch the MK daytime parade. It was not THAT crowded. We found a spot along the curb. Next thing we knew it some group was yelling at us. They were sitting in the shade (understanable it was hot). There was the curb, then space, then the sidewalk then them! (BTW They did not plan on moving to the curb when the parade started.) They actually thought they could reserve this LARGE space between them and the curb. Sorry that is ridiculous! I can't sit on something like hard cement for very long so I didn't sit until the parade started but guess what hubby and I did sit behind our kids when the parade started and we were not blocking their view! Others walking on the sidewalk blocked their view but not my fault!
We don't usually do long waits for the parades or fireworks unless we need a rest. We usually find a good spot 20-15 min before.
I just hate when people invade my personal space or stand in front of me when they are way taller. I am only 5' and I had a guy come stand in front of me that was a foot taller and then proceeded to put his kid on his shoulders. I just can not stand people like that.


New Member
My family and I always try to be courteous parade watchers. We get our spot 45 minutes ahead (less in off season when crowds are low, more when higher) and plan for the kids to wait (snacks, games, etc). The kids stay in the strollers--I feel they are safer from pushy last minute crowders and we don't take up double space for kids and an empty stroller. (though I like the idea of using it like a barricade that some of you suggested :animwink:.) My DH and I sit next to the strollers on the curb. Once I did have to stand behind them bc some guy kept banging into my 2 yr olds stroller and I won't have that. (I'm pretty short, doubt I blocked anyone's view but I generally try to sit so as not to block).

My weirdest parade watching was once when we were watching the MVMCP parade from Frontierland, some older gentleman (and I use that word loosely) used me as a human tripod for his camera. The strollers with kids were at the ropes and we stood behind (on the riverboat side, no benches for that area). It was the 2nd parade and crowds were thin...LOTS of room around us. This guy, a good foot taller than me, was behind us...came up as the parade was starting. As the first float passed I felt something brush the top of my head. I turned around and realized it was his camera, I just shrugged it off as an accident. He continued to put his camera more firmly on my head and snapped away. And I'm not talking a little Powershot camera, I mean one of those big ones with the long lenses. Finally I had to turn around and ask him to stop...he just looked at me like "I can't believe you mind!" and huffed away. Weird! He was actually annoyed with me for not letting him rest his camera on my head.


New Member
On our last visit, it was our first full day on vacation. We had decided to go swimming for most of the day, we had dinner at Planet Hollywood, it had started to rain right before we entered to eat and was still raining lightly when we left. We decided to head over to the Magic Kingdom to see the nightly parade and to enjoy the EMH afterwards. When we arrived 1 hour before the parade we sat on the curb and put our ponchos underneath us and our two children to sit on. They announced that the parade would be delayed about 30 min. b/c of weather. After about 20 min. of waiting past the time of the parade to start, my husband got up and was taking a picture of myself and our two children sitting on the curb. As he is taking the picture a women comes up and tries to move his poncho next to my son and proceed to sit down. Because of the light drizzle of rain there were not many people waiting, she clearly saw my husband taking a picture of us. My husband nicely told her that the seat was his and she did not seem happy that she had to find another curb a few feet away.


Well-Known Member
We don't often stake out places to watch parades/fireworks, we usually just show up 10 - 15 minutes before and look for a spot to stand. We usually travel in low season so it's usually not an issue. Also when we went in 2006, we had staked out a spot on Main Street for MVMCP an hour before hand and the spotlights did quite the number on my head, giving me the world's worst migraine the next day. But we usually just find a spot to stand when watching parades. We've had our fair share of people trying to push us out of the way etc but we're pretty good at getting in their way etc.

The time that stands out the most though would be a few years ago when we had staked out a good spot for Illuminations, where WS meets FW. I had left my mom standing guarding the spots by the railing while I went back to the locker to close it out and pick up our stuff seeing as she had a few broken toes and with it being the end of the night, they were bothering her. When I got back she was standing practically spread eagle over our spots and there was a couple standing about five feet behind her with a stroller and two kids were trying to feed the ducks next to her on one side and another family had moved in on her other side. I walked beside the couple standing beside her and without a word I tossed our bag so that it landed up against her ankle, letting her know I was back without actually saying so. The couple turned to me and commented how the kids were just playing with the ducks. I turned to the couple and told them that I didn't care because they were in my spot and they could move the kids. Not two seconds later, one of the kids promptly stomped on my mother's broken toes. I retook my spot next to my mother and proceeded to ignore both the couple and their kids. They were lucky that the ducks didn't bite their kids.


Original Poster
But I bet you are not rude and just move in front of someone who has been obviously waiting toward the front for a while....I'm sure you are polite like most normal people are. I have no problem with people who o not want to wait, and show up at the last minute, just know when and if you do this you probably wont get a spot near the front, or perhaps your spot you find will not be the best....but to each his own. I just hate the attitude that some people have that they are going to be inconsiderate and just push their way around.

ok anybody else have any stories? been a while :)


Active Member
It seems like every time something like this happens. I also no longer move or let anyone in front of me. Give them an inch, they take over the whole place. Besides, most of the kids that I have let in front in the past lose interest in the parade after a little while and I love parades.

PeoplemoverTTA - My daughter and I have had the exact same experience on a bench in MGM for a Streetmosphere show. I could not believe I had a lady's butt in my face sitting on my armrest. We were eating a giant rice krispy treat which was a little unappetizing with her booty in it. We also had kids on our feet. It's hard to get mad at the kids when they are just doing what their rude parents told them to do.

I have had a sticky drink dumped on me while waiting on the curb at MK with no apology whatsoever, I really think they just wanted us to get up to take our spots.

The first and only time we've been to MNSSHP we made sure to stake out good curbside spots, only to have a tall man with a video camera stand wAY out in the middle of the street from the direction the parade was coming. He knew he was blocking our view, he kept looking back at us to see that we were straining and attempting to see but still stood there. Too bad that horse didn't take him out.

DH and I once staked out a spot for Spectro in front of the fenced in seating area at Pecos Bill's. It was just enough room to stand up against the fence with the rope right at our waists. When the parade started, the CM's brought the rope out a little further which allowed more people to come in behind us. This lady pushes her stroller through the crowd, hits me in the ankle, and pushes in front. I am short so I was TICKED! DH was even angrier with her so he said a bunch of things directly to her about we've been waiting, this is our spot, I can't believe how rude people can be. She rattled off something in Spanish and didn't budge. SO, I was standing between the two of them, and DH pushed me and pushed me into her until she couldnt' take it anymore and left, screaming kid in tow. I felt like the monkey in the middle but it worked. :lol:

Also for Wishes I was in a wheelchair for a while due to a kidney disease and we staked out a spot where we thought I could see the best with no one in front of me only to have people step right in front of me at the start of the show. Honestly, how disrespectful can you be?!


Well-Known Member
The only problem I have had was a rude lady beside us at MGM one day. She kept holding her hands up waving and screaming at the characters as they went by, to the point that others were looking at her. I was videoing the parade and it was like she was doing it on purpose. You can see her hands and hear her loud voice on the tape. Watching the video at home reminds me how much I wanted to punch her. :brick:

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