Waiting Lines

I was in WDW Jan 05, Disneyland Aug 06 found the crowds in DL to be way heavier.....but it all boils down to common sense starting from the line to get in the park to the line for every attraction. I don't think I have ever waited longer than 20 - max 30 minutes in a lineup, and that was because THunder Mount Broke down and i was stuck in the middle somewhere. Again, i can't stress common sense enough, people stress about seeing huge lines and then stand there and wait in them. With the multitude of activities that are available simple management solves TONS of stress.

Enjoy your vacation, stress over nothing......well maybe the people that feel they have to stand under 1" away from you, but thats another post.

Side note....has anybody else noticed that people always seem to go around the park counter clockwise???? IE, Start going to other way

:wave: See you again in Sept 06 :wave: WDW sept 19-oct 3 :wave:


CoffeeJedi said:
To Suzie, you said you've never been there, so it sounds like you're falling into the trap that so many people do. I have friends who always say things like "oh, your whole vacation is just waiting in lines! its such a waste!", they then go to Six Flags or the beach (where the lines are often worse).

For one thing, Disney has the best crowd control of any venue i've ever seen.

I agree, although there are some bottlenecks (noteably the walkway between Small World and Peter Pan at peak times). As other people have said use fastpass for long wait lines then go on other rides with short wait times. BTW, Pirates has a long line, but it moves quick. We were there last week and the line for Pirates was out to the Tiki Birds but it still only took 30 minutes to get through.


Active Member
jozzmenia said:
I've never waited in line at the beach :confused:
ever been to the Jersey shore?

and yeah, by "beach" i meant the boardwalk and all surrounding activities, sorry

but Six Flags? yeah horrible lines and unthemed queues


New Member
Waiting in line for rides can be fun when there is great theming as there is on every ride.

Dukeblue: Awesome signature!:wave:


Well-Known Member
CoffeeJedi said:
but Six Flags? yeah horrible lines and unthemed queues
The Sad thing is they could fix some of the line problems really easily. If they would just add 1 employee to the end of the line to seperate different parties and keep one party together, they would easily fill each and every seat. The problem is they don't and won't.


New Member
buy the hidden mickey book- so when in line you are looking for hidden mickeys NOT waiting- You u can say you were hunting for hidden mickeys instead of waiting. :kiss:


Well-Known Member
suzie said:
Right now I'm kind of worried about everything because I only have 16 days left to go.

And I'm a nervous wreck, just wanted to know what everyone thought about it.

Guess I'll see for myself once I'm at Disney.

Thanks gang.

You're really a nervous wreck??? Over waiting in lines??? :eek:

Suzie, you need to settle down and relax! It's not healthy! :lol: Just leave the line-handling worries to the good folks at WDW!

After all, You are going on vacation to the Happiest Place on Earth, and you are definitley not going alone! There will be thousands of other families there enjoying their vacations right along with you! Are they worried about lines? No. They are there to enjoy all things Disney right along with you! :sohappy:

To tell you the truth, the lines are everywhere, but they are constantly moving! Nobody would go back if the whole Disney experience consisted of waiting around and not having any fun! :lol:

SO.....In the spirit of re-directing your thoughts to a happier place, here is a list of things you would be better off worrying about. Everyone else, please feel free to add on!!!

- Will you be in the middle of your flight and realize you left one of your kids at home?
- Is celery from the salad bar a good replacement for a forgotten toothbrush?
- What if it rains all week? Better have a back-up plan...and some ponchos!
- Does anyone other than YOU think last year's bathing suit still fits you?
- What if I you can only finish HALF of the Kitchen Sink at Beaches and Cream?
- How will you react if the Dole Whip machine breaks down?
- How many photographs with the characters is really "too many"?
- What if you are having too good a time becasue there are no lines for anything???





Well-Known Member
^ Ditto!

I don't even think about the lines. I'm too excited that we are going to WDW! I guess that I expect lines with the number of visitors and you learn to manage them. We usually don't get in a line that is over a 45 minute wait. If it's a fastpass attraction, we grab them and go an attraction with a shorter wait.

Actually the worst line that we wait in is the line for security at Orlando International Airport for our return flight home.


Well-Known Member
To avoid lines, you just have to hit the rides at the right time. You should go to more popular rides (like the mountains) in the morning. Right now, I wouldn't go to Potc in the morning because that is where a bunch of people go when it opens. You should get one of the little schedule sheets that tells you when Jack Sparrow comes out and does his show beside Potc you should go during that time (unless you HAVE to watch him) because most people will stop and watch him before going on the ride. I did this during my trip and the line was not long at all during that time!

Also, I suggest using fastpass!
have a nice trip!


Active Member
I remember waiting literally hours to get on Space Mountain when I visited the first year or two after it opened. Now I rarely wait more than 20 minutes unless I want to. Between proper timing and FastPass there's no need to wait any longer than that.


New Member
Original Poster

Rule no. 1 - Do not worry about waiting in lines
Rule no. 2 - If worried refer to Rule no. 1

I learned alot with this thread, like fastpass, going counter clockwise in the crowd, interesting things to look at while waiting etc.

Thanks alot you guys,

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