On the other hand, I hate people who are rude to other people because they think they are going to steal their precious spot. They don't own the street!
When I was in Disney for Easter (Good Friday was our first night) and my cousin and aunt left early due to a bad flight that evening and they weren't feeling well. I was taking my little cousin around because she was so exited to be there that it wasn't fair to get in the park and then have to leave. We rode a few rides and my lil cousin was ready to go back to the resort. So we are trying to get out and since the parade was ready to start I ushered her towards the side walk to get her out of the street. I pointed to a small space between two people to get through but I guess the lady thought I was thinking of sitting there. She places her hand right on the spot and yells "NO!" It wasn't even a yell...it was like a yell/growl/roar.
I mean seriously!? I was so annoyed I just said 'We need to get through' and pushed passed the witch.
I know people don't think outside the box, but I have been going to Disney every year, I have seen the darn light parade 4-5 times per trip. I was probably going to see it another 3-4 times THAT trip. I probably could stand in front of that psycho and perform the entire thing by memory. And if I wanted to see it, I wouldn't come 5 minutes before and try and squeeze next to someone. I would wait till the 11pm parade and sit over in Frontier Land and get a whole street side to myself!
Which I did on Easter Sunday and got acknowledged by almost every character in the parade. OMG I can't stand people.
When I am eagerly sitting waiting for something like that, I will always move a little and let others see. But that's just me. I know I am fortunate enough to see something or go to Disney more than once. I have let a family with 3 little girls sit next to me at a crowded night parade. Wasn't much room, but we all fit and had a blast. This trip, I went to watch the Jedi Academy (what a cute show) and one of the parents got there late and was forced to try and struggle to get pictures. That wasn't happening, so I moved her in front of me so she could see everything. I'm awesome like that.
Every time I think of how people act, it reminds me of a song from an old movie.....
Sorry, had to vent cause the moment I ready this, lady on Friday popped into my head.