

New Member
Originally posted by venooch333
Exactly, it isn't even the most technically advanced ride ever!! I have never even really seen another ride break down for more than 30 minutes and I have seen Test Track closed for a week!!!:brick:

First, Test Track's technology is completley new. Thus, the imagineers had to start with a blank canvus. In turn, there is bound to be bugs in the system.

The cars themselves are extremely sensitive machines. Since they are so advanced (the computer systems are more advanced than those in the space shuttle) any tiny problem sets them off.

Secondly, think of the wear and tear that these cars are put through. I can't think of one automobile that can handle the rigors that these cars go through on a daily basis. Each car easily logs hundreds of thousands of miles each year.

Third, the safety features on the ride are immense. If any thing tiny goes wrong, the ride automatically stop the ride.

Also, the ride has an incredibly low capacity (only six per vehicle). Thus wait times are increased even more with the addition of any hiccups.

Respect the technology...


Well-Known Member
My longest wait has to go to Splash (like many other here.) We always used to hit WDW during Easter when I was in grade school/high school and pre-FP, Splash was always the biggest offender when it came to long waits for me. I'm sure I've waited about 1-2hrs for it on a few occasions. But I can't *not* go on Splash, cos that's just *insane*. Haha! Needless to say FP has helped immensely with that problem.

I've also waited in long lines for rides that aren't of the same "category" as Splash, such as stuff like 45+ min waits for PotC, Peter Pan, HM and the like. Never again. While all those rides are cherished by me, I'm extremely grateful that I haven't had to endure those lines anymore (a combination of FP, better planning on my part, and NOT going during Easter week anymore.) :)


Originally posted by imagineer99
First, Test Track's technology is completley new. Thus, the imagineers had to start with a blank canvus. In turn, there is bound to be bugs in the system.

The cars themselves are extremely sensitive machines. Since they are so advanced (the computer systems are more advanced than those in the space shuttle) any tiny problem sets them off.

Secondly, think of the wear and tear that these cars are put through. I can't think of one automobile that can handle the rigors that these cars go through on a daily basis. Each car easily logs hundreds of thousands of miles each year.

Third, the safety features on the ride are immense. If any thing tiny goes wrong, the ride automatically stop the ride.

Also, the ride has an incredibly low capacity (only six per vehicle). Thus wait times are increased even more with the addition of any hiccups.

Respect the technology...

Oh hey - I respect the technology and LOVE the ride.

But at the same time, maybe the Imagineers should respect the fact that people have spent alot of money and travelled a long distance, and come up with something that doesn't break down on such a consistent basis.


New Member
Originally posted by joviacdan
Oh hey - I respect the technology and LOVE the ride.

But at the same time, maybe the Imagineers should respect the fact that people have spent alot of money and travelled a long distance, and come up with something that doesn't break down on such a consistent basis.

I'm not denying the fact that the ride breaks down too consistently and that it has such a low capacity.

However, I don't like when people make comments that the ride's technology is basic and that it should be "easy" to keep running all the time. I'm sure the average automobile wouldn't last a week as a test track vehicle.



I would never say the ride's technology is basic. I have no idea. It surely doesn't seem basic, and I think it's an awesome ride.

But honestly, no exagerration here - Since Test Track opened, I've been in line for the ride while it was running, and been turned away because it broke down, at least 5 times that I can think of. It's also been down on about 5 other times I wanted to go on it, but never got in line due to it being down.

Now, that's 10 times in about a 7 day occurance.

Who knows how many more times it's broken down.

It's too much.


New Member
I never have waited more than a half hour for an attraction....that would just be crazy to me! The pre FP years, my family would rent a wheel chair from the front of the park, put one of us kids in it, and get us to the front of all the lines. I'm not gonna wait in line and waste time! :)


New Member
Original Poster
I don't mean to be rude but that really does take advantage of the whole giving people with disabilites benefits!! And just think a disabled person could have needed that chair and you have it!!:king:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by josh_e_washie
I never have waited more than a half hour for an attraction....that would just be crazy to me! The pre FP years, my family would rent a wheel chair from the front of the park, put one of us kids in it, and get us to the front of all the lines. I'm not gonna wait in line and waste time! :)
What a great example. :rolleyes: Families like yours should be banned from the park. It's not only wrong, but a mockery to those who really are disabled and need a wheelchair. :mad: :fork:


Originally posted by josh_e_washie
I never have waited more than a half hour for an attraction....that would just be crazy to me! The pre FP years, my family would rent a wheel chair from the front of the park, put one of us kids in it, and get us to the front of all the lines. I'm not gonna wait in line and waste time! :)

I'm sorry, but that's just wrong. That's not what wheelchairs are for. Think of the people who truly need them and are less fortunate than you are.

Nothing personal, but if I saw anyone do that, I'd report them immediately to security.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by JBSLJames
* peeks into thread *

Beagles, Beagles, Beagles

*lightly tip-toes out of thread *
Eleanor Rigsby, Hey Jude, Let it Be.

Oh, you said beaGles.....

*whistles Fab Four music back to the main screen*

DisneyFan 2000

Well-Known Member
Am I the only one who actually enjoys waiting in lines? Queues such as ToT are so inviting that I skip FP just to see the view! :)

josh_e_washie, I wouldn't be so proud of that. Not being rude, but that action is just unneccissary and has no excuse!:(


New Member
Originally posted by venooch333
Beagles:confused: :hammer: :confused: :veryconfu :king:

I have learned, in my short time on this site, that when something confrontational leaps out of the text, it is always best to think 'happy thoughts'. Some people post pics of puppies, some mention cookies and ice-cream, I just jump in with a line or two of Beagles.

As for using the wheelchair wrongly (?) or wrongly using the wheelchair - that is just wrong, wrong, WRONG. . . right?

*edit* nice pics of the lambs Scott :)


New Member
Originally posted by SpongeScott
Eleanor Rigsby, Hey Jude, Let it Be.

Oh, you said beaGles.....

*whistles Fab Four music back to the main screen*

OH I thought it was the Buggles...Video Killed the Radio Star...

SpongeScott...You are the Radio Star


New Member
Originally posted by Katherine
I remember when I was littleI waited with my dad for 2 hours to ride Dumbo:hammer:

i feel so bad 4 u..... if it were nowadays u could ride the 2 others that r exactly like it but have slightly different theming


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by JBSLJames
*edit* nice pics of the lambs Scott :)
You saw that? My IMG function won't work--it only puts the link. I'll try it again and if it links, everyone can look at the cute, wittle, lambs.



Originally posted by josh_e_washie
I never have waited more than a half hour for an attraction....that would just be crazy to me! The pre FP years, my family would rent a wheel chair from the front of the park, put one of us kids in it, and get us to the front of all the lines. I'm not gonna wait in line and waste time! :)
Please tell me you are kidding. No way would a parent put one of their kids in a wheel chair and make them pretend to be disabled all day. That's a joke, right? Right?

Anyhoo...as for the original post, I have certainly seen some pretty tremendous posted wait times. I think I saw one for Splash Mountain for 2 and a half hours right around the time it opened. I think the line actually started in Georgia. I, myself, have never waited in a line longer than an hour. That's just too long to stand still.

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