

New Member
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Sorry if this has been posted before, but i'm new here! Whats the longest you have ever had to wait for one attraction:confused: :confused:

Mine was in 1996 when me and my family had to wait over 2 hours for Splash Mountain1:brick:

Thank God fot the FastPass:sohappy: :sohappy:


Active Member
WDW attraction was 2 hours for Splash, at DL 90 minutes for Space and when Marriott's owned Great America in Gurnee, Illinois, 2 hrs. 15 min for log ride. We bailed from the Splash line when after waiting 2 hours, an announcement was made that the ride was down and it would be at least another 1/2 hour before it started moving again. This was pre-FP.


Well-Known Member
The longest I have ever waited was for Splash on opening day (that Rainy, RAINY day). I don't remember how long, but it was awhile.


Well-Known Member
Don't know how long...but for sure its Test Track, the year it opened....(which wasn't worth the long wait)....good ride...just not worth waiting so long for...


New Member
Three hours for The BEAST at PKI over 20 years ago. Recently, 1 hour for Flight of Fear 2 years ago at PKI. With the kids, we try to avoid anything over 30 minutes. Pki this Sunday :sohappy: :sohappy: My youngest is now tall enough to ride most everything but the big coasters.


Active Member
I waited in line for Test Track for 3 hours the year it opened... it broke down 2 or maybe even 3 times while I was waiting in line for it... needless to say, after waiting 3 hours, I was disappointed with the ride... but after that long I would expect nothing less than perfection


New Member
Original Poster
Test Track is a good ride but in my opion it hasn't lived up to its hype and the problem of it braking down has been evident since the day it opened!:king: :wave:


I would have to agree.

I do like riding it alot, but the problems with it breaking down are just silly.

I mean, things like that are bound to happen, but for the amount of money Disney claims to out into their rides and attractions, I just don't understand why it breaks down so much.

I've been in line for Test Track about 5 times when it broke down.:hammer:


New Member
Original Poster
Exactly, it isn't even the most technically advanced ride ever!! I have never even really seen another ride break down for more than 30 minutes and I have seen Test Track closed for a week!!!:brick:


New Member
I dont' remember how long it was---at least 2 hours---but I was a kid and it was right after Splash Mountain had just opened. Pre-fast pass. The line was looping every which way possible. Back then, it was worth it to me---when I was a kid. Now my husband and I scoff at long wait times, use fast pass and do the best we can. The only one we'll wait over 30 minutes for is Space Mountain b/c of the indoor line...but we still have limits.


New Member
We waited 1 hour and 45 minutes for Peter Pan. Never again! We oocupied ourselves by singing though. My dad and sister waited 3 hours for Tower of Terror on its opening year. Go FastPass!


the longest ive ever waited was definatly Test Track i think it was 2 weeks after it opened after ALLLLL that hype and im almost positive it was about 3 and a half hours and i thought the first time i rode it was definatly worth it because it was amzing for the 1st ride but i wouldnt even wait an hour now for that ride b/c its not worth it

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