I started to go to WDW long before FP ever existed. I have to agree, it was all part of the theme park experience back then. Sort of a right of passage. It was also tedious and exciting all at the same time. No one likes to just stand in a line, but, the queue's were designed to help you anticipate the ride and since there were no frequent stops because a herd of FP's were "cutting" in front of you. The wait was much more tolerable. You pretty much kept moving and when you got to the front of the line, you were next.
I met and spoke with many people. Found out where they were from, how many times they had been to WDW. What they thought of the experience and also joked about standing in line. You know what though, it was never in anger. We all knew what to expect and made the best of it. That and absorbing the ambiance of most of the queue's made it all worthwhile. That is why so many of us went there again and again. So many think that FP enhanced their visit. I think it may have made more rides accessible in a day, but, in my opinion, did nothing to really enhance it. Back then you didn't go with a stop watch and a list of how many things you were going to see in a day. You went for the overall experience. The race track mentality of touring now I think takes more away from the experience then it adds.