Visit every day for a year?? Could you do it??


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I thought this was pretty cool!

Do you think you could do it? I think at some point before I reached the full 366 I'd have other things come up that prevented me from completing the challenge. The idea of it is pretty cool. I wonder if they make it to 366 will they keep going? And, I hope the one who hasn't yet found employment finds something good. It'd be cool to see that person land a spot at Disneyland. ;)

Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
Oh you should see the regulars at Disneyland. They're there pretty much everyday. There is this couple, the Andersons. Mrs. Anderson has an outdated hairstyle. Anyways, the Anderson's make it a point to be the last ones to ride Peter Pan EVERY NIGHT THEY'RE THERE. It's so annoying! I was working Pan one night and they got into a fight with another couple standing behind them, because they wanted to be the last ones. They were making me so mad. The regulars at Disneyland are hilarious. I know some characters. Disneyland even has homeless people, with annual passes. No joke.


Well-Known Member
I don't think I would want to visit any park every single day. There is so much out there in the wrmorld to see, do and explore.


Well-Known Member
It didn't mention whether or not the couple was keeping a daily diary or filming their trips. If that were the case, at least they might have something to show for themselves at the end of the year. Without that, this is a pointless exercise. I can't imagine the park visits will continue to be fun and enjoyable for 366 days straight.


Premium Member
I wouldn't want to do it, simply because I find it to be such a hassle getting from the parking lot to the park and I don't like to do it all that often. Even 1-2 times a month like we do now tests my patience.

We always park in Toy Story, and I know it's a super short walk to the bus, and then a super short walk from the bus to the's just the bus ride itself that I can't stand. I don't even know why, but probably because the buses are always freezing, and at the end of the night when I just want to relax in the dark, they keep the lights blaring in the bus (I have this pet peeve about bright lights when I'm tired). I also get carsick very easily and the "bus smell" aggravates that. We don't ever park in the garage because it never fails that we end up parked in the very far back corner which is a 10 minute walk to the tram.

I swear, parking and transportation is the only thing I don't like about trips to Disneyland. Once that hassle is out of the way, I like being there. If someone would drop me off right at the gate and I lived a little bit closer, sure I'd go every single day!


Well-Known Member
Oh you should see the regulars at Disneyland. They're there pretty much everyday. There is this couple, the Andersons. Mrs. Anderson has an outdated hairstyle. Anyways, the Anderson's make it a point to be the last ones to ride Peter Pan EVERY NIGHT THEY'RE THERE. It's so annoying!

Oh. My. Gosh. I know who you are talking about! It has to be the same couple.

I didn't know about their Peter Pan habit, but I have seen them regularly around the Resort for years now. He's tall and thin and balding and always holding her purse or sweater, and she is average height but has an extra foot of height from her giant bouffant hairdo!

They kind of look like this, except she's a brunette and he has thinning hair...


That's them, right?!? The Andersons? I never knew their name, but I just called them in my head "The Big Bouffant Lady And Her Date".

How hilarious. Please tell me we're talking about the same couple!

And yeah... Disneyland has its "regulars" that even regulars like me can recognize as more regular regulars. o_O

Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
Oh. My. Gosh. I know who you are talking about! It has to be the same couple.

I didn't know about their Peter Pan habit, but I have seen them regularly around the Resort for years now. He's tall and thin and balding and always holding her purse or sweater, and she is average height but has an extra foot of height from her giant bouffant hairdo!

They kind of look like this, except she's a brunette and he has thinning hair...


That's them, right?!? The Andersons? I never knew their name, but I just called them in my head "The Big Bouffant Lady And Her Date".

How hilarious. Please tell me we're talking about the same couple!

And yeah... Disneyland has its "regulars" that even regulars like me can recognize as more regular regulars. o_O

YES!!!!!!! We're talking about the same couple!!!! Oh gosh, they get on my nerves. LMAO at "The Big Bouffant Lady And Her Date"! That's a good one.:) Apparently Mr. Anderson proposed to her on Peter Pan years ago so they made it a tradition to be the last ones to ride Pan each night. That's the story I heard but there were multiple reasons/rumors as to why they did that. I also heard she's a little nuts so if they AREN'T the last ones on Pan she freaks out. I believe it, I've witnessed it myself.

Even you know them. That goes to show just how many times they're at the parks a week. Pretty much everyday, a long with other people too. I remember looking at Tom Bricker's photos and I spotted them in one of them. Have you seen the Captain Jack Sparrow regular? Everytime he's there (maybe 5 days out of the week), he's dressed normally, except he wears a Captain Jack Sparrow wig each time. He never comes without it and he's always with a group. They're in Fantasyland all the time.


Premium Member
I saw the Peter Pan people once somewhere near the castle. I had read about them before and recognized them when they appeared.

I have also heard that they aren't very nice if anyone else tries to get in line for Peter Pan after them. I don't spend much time in Fantasyland so I don't ever have to worry about running into them.

Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
I saw the Peter Pan people once somewhere near the castle. I had read about them before and recognized them when they appeared.

I have also heard that they aren't very nice if anyone else tries to get in line for Peter Pan after them. I don't spend much time in Fantasyland so I don't ever have to worry about running into them.

It's true, they're not very nice. Well they're nice to the CMs but they can be very rude to the other guests. It's ridiculous. Avoid them if you're ever in line for Pan and see them, as they're scarily serious about that attraction.


Active Member
I have been out of work since November 11 with a back injury. If I lived close to a Disney park I would go every day. I haven't been out of work in 18 years!Going to the park would give me a daily routine again.

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
Dang it, now I want to go to DL and be the last to ride PP. I'm really good at that sort of stuff, I can be fantastically sneaky. They'll never know some invisible shadow jumped in the boat behind them until a loud laugh bursts out from behind while flying over London.

DL could sell it as a novel interactive queue game, the West coast's answer to NextGen. 'Beat the Andersons'!

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
I could visit DL 366 days in a row. Not all day long, just after work, for like an hour or two, three. Grab a little bite, have a coffee somewhere, a quick stroll.

But I wouldn't do it - all those no-lifers show why you shouldn't mistake the diversion for real life.


Active Member
The regulars at Disneyland are hilarious. I know some characters. Disneyland even has homeless people, with annual passes. No joke.
Oh, I believe it. Being in/near a major metroplois lends itself more to local, every day visitors. I would give this a try if I had to the time. I'm sure there are worse ways to spend a day.


Active Member
Without a regular job, this would be feasible. And I would try to do it anyways! Going to a Disney park (WDW is where I visit every few months when I can -- I live in AL) is an escape from everything reality brings. If I had the chance to go every day, no I wouldn't even go on rides every time, I would find my quiet spots, relax, people watch, explore, find new things, Hidden Mickey hunts, etc. There is SO MUCH to do at Disney Parks, something new every time!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Dang it, now I want to go to DL and be the last to ride PP. I'm really good at that sort of stuff, I can be fantastically sneaky. They'll never know some invisible shadow jumped in the boat behind them until a loud laugh bursts out from behind while flying over London.

DL could sell it as a novel interactive queue game, the West coast's answer to NextGen. 'Beat the Andersons'!

This is hilarious! What if we put together a team of covert figures who plotted this?! What if there were 2 boats flying thru London behind them with jolly passengers singing their little hearts out?! I'd love for them to fuss at me. Seriously. I'd laugh because I'd expect it.

Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
Dang it, now I want to go to DL and be the last to ride PP. I'm really good at that sort of stuff, I can be fantastically sneaky. They'll never know some invisible shadow jumped in the boat behind them until a loud laugh bursts out from behind while flying over London.

DL could sell it as a novel interactive queue game, the West coast's answer to NextGen. 'Beat the Andersons'!

Please do it! I wish I had a photo of them. They're successful every night at this, except that one time I saw. It drives me nuts. I don't know why but it does.

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
Alas! I'm one entire ocean and then the whole of the American continent away from LA! It will be a while before I can play 'Beat the Andersons'. Would be awesome if we could organise it at a WDW-Magic-Anaheim-get-together.

I can totally see why they would drive you nuts. I don't even have to put up with it as a CM or regular guest, and I'm already annoyed by them.
An autistic boy doing Snow White 3500 times is fun, it's great Disney means something to them. But a couple with entitlement issues, 'this place is ours', doing Peter Pan 3500 times - that is just annoying.


Premium Member
I originally read about the Andersons on Micechat. People from over there have regularly gotten into confrontations with the Andersons trying to get behind them in line "just to see what happens", to the point where sometimes it's become borderline harassment.

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